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This is to certify that Master Chirag Joshi Student of class 11 th of shree

cloth market Vaishnav Higher Secondary School, Indore has
completed his project file under my guidance. He has taken proper
care and shown and almost sincerity in completing this project.

I certify that his project is upto my expectation as per as guide lines

issued by C.B.S.E.

Principal Signature


I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher

Ms.Bharti Katariya as well as our principal Naveen Mudgal who gave
me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic
“To study the rate of evaporation of different liquids.” this project
help me a lot in gaining adequate knowledge about the topic. I have
Completed this project after proper analysis and research and I came
to know about many things.

I’m really thank to all my friends’ co-partners and guide, who have
devoted their precious time in completing my project.

Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents or guardians who

helped me a lot in finishing this project within the prescribe time.

I’m making this project not only for marks but also to increase my
knowledge and intellect development .

Thanks again to all who helped me.

1. Certificate
2. Acknowledgement
3. Theory Involved
4. Uses of solutions
5. Experiment
a. Materials required
b. Procedure
c. Observation table
d. Conclusions
e. Result
6. Bibliography

A liquid’s surface area and temperature affect its rate of evaporation.

Evaporation rate also depends upon the type of liquids, since liquids
are made up of different molecules and differ in the amount of
abstraction that exists between the molecules.



It is also affected by temperature. As the temperature of air is

increased, its capacity to hold moisture also increases. Any increase in
air temperature raises the temperature of liquid at the evaporation
source which means that more energy is available to the liquid
molecules for escaping from liquid to a gaseous state. Hence
evaporation is directly proportional to the temperature of evaporating
surface. Warmer the evaporating surface, higher the rate of


Evaporation is also affected by the atmospheric pressure

exerted on the evaporating surface. Lower pressure on open surface of
the liquid results in the higher rate of evaporation.
Relative humidity:

The rate of evaporation is closely related with the relative humidity of

air. Since the moisture holding capacity of air at a given temperature is
limited, drier air evaporates more liquid than moist air. In other words,
higher the vapour pressure, lower the rate of evaporation. It is a
common experience that evaporation is greater in summer and at mid-
day than in winter and at night.


Because molecules or atoms evaporates from a liquid’s

surface area allows more molecules or atoms to leave the liquid, and
evaporation occurs more quickly. For example same amount of water
will evaporate faster if spilled on a table than it is left in the cup.
Higher temperature also increases the rate of evaporation. At higher
temperature molecules or atoms have a higher average speed. And
more particles are able to break free on liquid’s surface.


Most liquids are made up of mutual attraction among different

molecules help explain why some liquids evaporates faster than
others. Attractions between molecules arise because molecules
typically have regions that carry a slight positive charge. These regions
of electric charges are created because some Ions in a molecule are
often more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms. Intermolecular
attractions affect the rate of evaporation of a liquid because strong
intermolecular attraction hold the molecules in a liquid more tightly.
As a result ,liquids with strong intermolecular attractions evaporate
more slowly than those with strong intermolecular forces this is the
reason why gasoline evaporates faster than water. The stronger the
forces keeping the molecules together in the liquid state the more
energy that must be input in order to evaporate them.


AIM: To analyze samples of different liquids.


 Keeping the temperature same

i.Take three beakers of equal volume and lable them as A,B ,C D

.Pour 10ml of each liquid in these beaker.
ii. Find their respective masses using (density=mass/volume).
iii. Keep the beakers at similar conditions for 30mins after
recording their masses.
iv. After half an hour note the masses of these beakers and
calculate the loss in mass of them.


Put 10ml of different liquids in beakers of different surface areas.


Density of water =1 g/cc

Density of acetone =0.791 g/cc
Density of acetaldehyde =0.78 g/cc
Density of ethanol =0.789 g/cc
Now as we have taken 10ml of all substances ,
their respective masses will be:
Mass of 10ml water =10gm
Mass of 10ml acetone =7.9gm
Mass of 10ml acetaldehyde =7.8gm
Mass of 10ml ethanol =7.79 gm
After keeping the beakers at room temperature for half
an hour we find the remaining masses to be:
Mass of remaining water = 9.9 gm
Mass of remaining acetone =7.5gm
Mass of remaining acetaldehyde =7.4gm
Mass of remaining ethanol =7.6 gm

From the observation we conclude that loss in

mass is directly proportional to the rate of
evaporation i.e. higher is the loss in mass higher
is the rate of evaporation.
From the observation it is clearly seen that,
rate of evaporation is directly proportional to the
surface area i.e. more the surface area more is
the rate of evaporation.
The rate of evaporation also depends upon the
temperature , more is the energy of the
molecules ,more is the rate of evaporation.
More is the density, less will be the rate of

This experiment clearly establishes the relation between the
rate of evaporation of different liquids and the factors on
which it depends .
Chemistry (Part-1)— class 12th NCERT Book
Website- WWW.SlideShare.Net


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