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Current COVID-19 measures
Dear Residents, in VPR* ........................... 2

Amongst all uncertainty and chaos around the world, it’s a lifetime
opportunity for all of us to internally assess our lives with our family and Upcoming Plan of Action
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emerge as better individuals by doing things right.
We at VENEZIAN—PALM RIVIERA have ensured all necessary steps
Residents’ Suggestion .... 3
towards prevention of COVID—19 spread in our community and will
continue to support any actions taken in this regards for safety of our
family. Let’s not entertain anything or anyone without proper channel of
screening, thus don’t expose our community to unwarranted risks. During
this catastrophic pandemic situation, we need to gauge our decisions by
weighing its impact on our family. We may not like everything an
organization puts forward to us but we should always prioritize safety of our
Stay Home, Stay Safe and more importantly Stay Happy and Blessed that
we have a lot to be thankful for, while many in this world still lack a meal
and shelter.
- Mr. Aashish Surana

*VPR—Venezian Palm Riviera

During this time of crisis, CRM is undertaking effective measures to ensure safer wholesome
community. While conforming to the business continuity plan, additional caution is practiced in
maintaining sanitation of the environment.
Security Screening Measures: We continuously monitor the availability of sufficient security
in the community in two shifts on daily basis. All entrance gates are closed for outsiders and door
delivery inside the premise is restricted. Essential service delivery such as milk, vegetables and
drinking water is allowed after thorough sanitizing of the delivery men by the security team.
Housekeeping Measures: Along with daily housekeeping activities, regular sanitizing of
staircase rails, lifts cum lift lobbies and common doors are performed in all the blocks.

Vendor Management: We are working closely with all the essential vendors to procure
consistent water supply and fuel back up to assure the effective functioning of our community
owing to the current situation. We have also started to coordinate with vegetable vendors to
supply vegetables at a common point within the premise on a periodic basis.
Staff Management: Around 30 technicians/ labours/ staff are working inside the premise daily
and we are facilitating their welfare in collaboration with Health, Revenue and Labor
departments. The frequency of their visits is increased from monthly to weekly basis to enable
immediate containment during the pandemic condition. They enable the workers with health
check-ups, monitor lifestyle and monetary conditions and oversee the maintenance of shelter.
Symptoms of Coronavirus UPCOMING PLAN OF ACTION
1. It can take up to 14 days for
 Thermal scanners will be placed at security entrance gates to enable
symptoms to appear
temperature screening of the residents and outsiders when they
2. Look out for one, some of all of enter the community. A record of outliers will be captured at the gate
the main symptoms: for further analysis.

A cough—this can be any kind of  Precautionary measures are being developed to be executed during
cough (not just dry), shortness of staggered exit when COVID-19 starts to subside:
breath, breathing difficulties, fever  All COVID screening and safety measures will continue until
(high temperature—37oC or above) we completely exit the situation
or chills  Residents who have travelled from other cities are requested
to self-declare their family at the entrance gate when they
1. Other symptoms are fatigue,
return from hometowns. Self-declaration forms will be
headache, sore throat, aches
available for their perusal.
and pains
 The residents with recent travel history are requested to
3. If you develop symptoms you
self-quarantine themselves for 14 days. CRM team will assist
will need to self-isolate
these residents by delivering the essential groceries and
(Quarantine) and approach
vegetables at their doorstep during quarantine period.
hospital with special wards for
“Our primary objective is to ensure healthy and happy families in our
neighbourhood, and we are open to listen to all constructive
recommendations that will enable a sustainable community”


ESSENTIAL CONTACTS 1. It’s most commendable of the efforts taken by the housekeeping and
CRM staff during this lockdown. Society Cleaning and sanitization
Dr. Karthik: process was carried out twice in a day as the people moving in and
93193 89881
out of the society is going to increase. If not daily at least on
alternative days - Mr. Sunderamurthy (A701)
Annai Arul Hospital:
89395 99999  Advise to reduce group activities for kids/ parents inside the
community and also minimize both external visits cum visitors —
Medeplus Pharmacy: Mr. Victor Simon (M510)
98416 17121
 It’s better to stop the entry of external vendors inside the premise.
Would recommend resident’s cooperation to ensure everyone’s
CRM (Mr. Balaji):
safety— Mr. Ram Mohan (N602)
73583 57924

Call Driver:
81244 08287
If you have more suggestions, please feel free to send your
thoughts to our suggestion box @

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