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MARKET LEADER, Upper Intermediate

Answer sheet


Follow each unit in the student’s book, find the exercises for each of the sections and write down your answers
(number them as in the book if necessary, but do not copy the entire sentences or texts if it’s a gap filling
exercise). You may sometimes need to go over the other exercises and recordings in the sections. Remember to
save your work. For the writing tasks, take notes or write a draft on a separate sheet of paper then type your final
answer. Please, try to be brief and do not make the responses to written tasks longer than half a page.



Exercise A: 1. Marketing 2.Market 3. Product 4. Customer 5.Brand

Exercise B: 1. Marketing strategy/plan 2.Market adaptation 3.Customer base 4. Product placement

Exercise C: 1.d 2.c 3.b. 4.c 5.d 6. d 7.d

Reading: Italian luxury

Please limit your answers in A question 3 to 2-3 short sentences.

Exercise A:

Exercise B:

Exercise D:

Listening: How to market internationally

Exercise A:

Exercise B:

Language review

Exercise A:

Exercise B:

Exercise C:

(Listen to the recording for Exercise D to check your answers)


(Read through Exercise A)

Exercise B:

Exercise C:

Exercise D:

WRITING: Read the article/blog post titled Bad influence? The insidious rise of social media marketing

Answer these questions. Remember to be brief and, wherever possible, keep your responses to a maximum of 4-5
1. What is influencer marketing?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of influencer marketing?

3. Why is influencer marketing problematic?

4. How is influencer marketing regulated? (according to the article)

5. What is your opinion of influencer marketing, both as a customer and a [potential or actual] business owner?

EXTRA CREDIT: Make a funny cat meme about international marketing and share it with the group over MS
Teams. You can do this task only after you have finished all the other tasks from the book unit.

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