The Lizard: Don't You Just Love The Scientific Method? - The Lizard

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Don't you just love the scientific method?

- The Lizard

PL: 11 (198 pts) - OPL: 11 ; DPL: 11 



SKILLS: Acrobatics 6 (+12), Athletics 3 (+13), Insight (+2), Intimidation 10 (+10/+11), Perception 6 (+8) [Tracking],
Stealth 7 (+13/+11)

ADVANTAGES: All-Out Attack, Chokehold, Diehard, Fast Grab, Power Attack, Startle, Trance 

Lizard Size: Growth 2 (+2 Str, +2 Sta, -1 Dodge/Parry, -2 Stealth, +1 Intimidation, Speed +0, +2 Mass; Extra:
Innate, Permanent); 5 pts
Scaly Hide: Protection 4, Impervious 4; 12 pts
Regeneration: Regeneration 3 (1/every 3 rounds, Extra: Persistent); 6 pts
Lizard Physiology: Leaping 1 (15 ft), Speed 3 (16 mph/250 fpr), Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2 [normal speed]); 8 pts
Lizard Senses: Senses 4 (Low Light Vision, Scent [Accurate, Acute, Tracking]); 5 pts
Teeth and Claws: Slashing Strength-based Damage 3 (Extra: Split); 4 pts
Tail: Extra Limbs 1 (Prehensile Tail), Elongation 1 (15 ft; +1 Grab, Flaw: Limited to tail); 2 pts
Reptilian Control Array: 54 pt Array; 55 pts
Controlling the Amygdala:  Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 6 (Resisted/Overcome by Will; 1st: Dazed, 2nd:
Compelled, Extras: Area Burst x7 [1/2 mile], Flaw: Limited to two degrees); 54 pts 
Reptile Control:  Comprehend 2 (Speak, Understand Animals, Flaw: Limited [Reptiles]), Communication 2 (1 mile,
Flaw: Limited [Reptiles only]), Cumulative Burst Area Affliction 6 (Resisted by Will, 1st: Dazed, 2nd: Compelled, 3rd:
Controlled, Extra: Area Burst x7 [1/2 mile], Flaw: Limited [Reptiles]); 1 pt


Initiative +6
Close Attack +9 [Unarmed/Tail +10; Claws/Teeth +13]
Ranged Attack +2

Dodge +8 [DC18] Parry +8 [DC18]
Toughness +14 (+4 Impervious), Fortitude +12, Will +6

Power Loss: When he reverts back to his Curt Connors form, he loses his powers, his stats change to STR 0, STA 1,
AGL 0, INT 5 and PRE 2 and he has the Expertise: Biology Skill 8 (+13) and Treatment 5 (+10). He also receives a
disability complication for his missing arm.
Rivalry: The Curt Connors side and The Lizard side are generally at odds and the inner squabbling can cause issues for
both personas.
Vulnerable: The Lizard is cold-blooded and vulnerable to cold effects, taking an extra degree of failure against cold
based attack in addition to suffering fatigued, exhausted, and asleep conditions from cold effects or in cold

Abilities 70 + Skills 16 (32 ranks) + Advantages 6 + Powers 97 + Defenses 9 = 198 / 198

Build Comments: Man, oh man, did The Lizard kick ass in his featured run in The Gauntlet. In Shed, The Lizard
persona “killed” his Curt Connors persona and unfettered by that, he started controlling people’s amygdalas, making
them lizard like in their actions where they were more aggressive, sexual and well, lizardlike, but still seemingly
knowing what they were doing as shown here:

It was wicked. Sadly, though, he killed Connors' son and the worst part was his son basically saying he knew it was
coming all along. The internal screaming of Curt Connors was really creepy. Connors has since returned, taking control
of The Lizard again, but we know that won’t last very long.

Anyway you can easily kill off his mind control and go with Reptile Control for a classic Lizard. Although I really toyed
with making him a PL11 to be even with my DCA Spidey, and I yet might.

Secret Origins: Having lost his arm in an explosion while helping G.I.s, Curt Connors decided to create a formula to
regrow his arm. He used the limb regrowth of reptiles as a model. However, the serum transformed him into the

The Story so Far: After being stopped from sending his army of reptiles to conquer the world by Spider-Man he was
tricked into drinking an antidote changing him back into Connors.

However, sometimes, when under stress Connors reverted back into the Lizard. When it was discovered Martha and
Billy were dying of radiation poisoning Billy was sent to live with Curt's sister and Martha died. The Lizard went
peacefully to jail after killing a scientist who won what could have been his research grant but was freed by Norman
Osborn to join the Sinister Twelve. After the disbanding of the twelve, the Lizard disappeared from the public.

More recently, the Lizard resurfaced to face Spider-Man with the aid of a pint-sized "twin" of himself, who was revealed
to be none other than his son, Billy. Curt had injected Billy with the Lizard formula while under the influence of a
mysterious meteorite that caused savage behavior in those within range of its radiation. Both the Lizard and "Lizard
Junior" were eventually captured and transformed back to humans, but the future effects of the Lizard formula on Billy
Connors remain to be seen.

A new version of the Sinister Six, including the Lizard, appeared during Civil War, but were stopped by Captain America
and his Secret Avengers. Since the Lizard was never a member of the original Sinister Six, the circumstances of his
involvement with this recent group of villains has yet to be revealed.

After Lizard's last appearance, he was able to kill Connors' son Billy. That killed Curt's consciousness and made a new
creature of Lizard, the Shed. It possessed Connors' intellect and new powers. Spider-Man tried to defeat him but he

After using Connor's serum, which made him immune to Shed's new psychic powers, Spider-Man showed Shed pictures
of Billy and "put pictures in his head". Shed started to feel ashamed, and he understood that there was much more to
learn and understand for him. He ran off to an unknown place where he continued to capture some humans to call
them his "pets".

After most of the Spider-Man villains were hired to capture Lily Hollister's and Norman Osborn's newborn son, the
Lizard was the second (after Chameleon) to get the child. Connors took the newborn to his "nest" where he did tests on
it to see if the infant was a special new species. Soon after, Spider-man showed up to the nest along with Doctor
Octopus whom the Lizard took control of to fight Spider-Man.

Doc Ock was subdued and Spidey went to get the child from the Lizard who informed Peter that the boy was a useless
new species and wasn't actually Norman Osborn's son. Doctor Octopus arrived again and battled the Lizard for taking
control of his mind. Spider-Man left the scene with the infant at hand.

After Morbius worked with Horizon Labs in a cure for the spider-virus during the massive infection in New York, he
started searching for a cure for himself and his friend, Curt Connors.
He finally developed a successful cure which Spider-Man injected in the Lizard, turning him back to human form, but
keeping his reptilian-mind, although he pretended he was totally cured to start creating a serum to turn back to the
Lizard physically.

After testing the serum in many Horizon employees, Curt injected himself with it, soon before being discovered by
Carlie Cooper, Curt escaped until Spider-Man managed to take him out of Horizon, when his transformation was fully
completed, into a new and stronger form of the Lizard.

Using a cure developed by Morbius, Spider-Man managed to defeat the Lizard, but not to revert him to his human state.
The Lizard was finally captured and put into custody in the Raft, where he realized his human consciousness took over
his reptilian body, stating that was the punishment he deserved.

Characterization: The Lizard is one of Spider-Man’s oldest and deadliest foes while ironically, his alter ego is a close
friend and former teacher of Spidey’s alter ego Peter Parker..

Friends and Foes: He retains his dislike of Spider-Man in his Lizard form most of the time and up until recently, he
refused to hurt his wife before her death and his son, Billy, but the changes into his Shed form changed that.

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