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Created By   Joe Simon & Jack Kirb

First Appearance   Captain America Comics #1 (March 1941
Role   Symbol of America, Team Leader, THE Leader, The Boy Scout, The Fuddy-Duddy, The Legend, The War Her
Group Affiliations   The Avengers (60s-Modern), The U.S. Army, The Invaders, The All-Winners Squad, S.H.I.E.L.D
Avengers Grade   A-Leve
PL 12 (244

Acrobatics 8 (+15
Athletics 9 (+14
Close Combat (Unarmed) 3 (+16
Close Combat (Shield Smash) 3 (+16
Deception 1 (+7
Expertise (Soldier) 9 (+12
Expertise (History) 7 (+10
Expertise (Art) 3 (+6
Insight 7 (+12
Intimidation 4 (+10
Investigation 6 (+11
Perception 6 (+11
Persuasion 7 (+13
Ranged Combat (Shield Toss) 7 (+16
Stealth 3 (+10
Technology 2 (+5
Treatment 3 (+6
Vehicles 4 (+7

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Assessment, Benefit (Reputation- People Respect Cap), Defensive Attack, Defensive
Throw, Diehard, Equipment 3 (Gear, Scale Mail), Evasion, Extraordinary Effort, Fast Grab, Fearless, Great Endurance,
Improved Aim, Improved Critical (Unarmed) 2, Improved Critical (Shield Attacks) 3, Improved Defense, Improved
Disarm, Improved Initiative 2, Improved Smash, Improved Trip, Inspire 5, Instant Up, Interpose, Jack-of-All-Trades,
Languages (Various European), Last Stand (Ignores All Damage for 1 Round With HP), Leadership, Luck, Precise Attack
2 (Ranged/Cover & Concealment), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 5, Redirect, Seize Initiative, Skill Mastery (Persuasion),
Takedown 2, Teamwork, Tracking (Visual), Ultimate Effort 3 (Fortitude, Will, Athletics), Uncanny Dodg

"The Super-Soldier Serum- Absolute Peak Human
Speed 2 (8 mph) [2
Leaping 1 (15 feet) [1
Immunity 2 (Poison, Disease) (Flaws: Limited to Half-Effect) [1
Regeneration 2 [2
"Hard-Hitter" Strength-Damage +1 [1

"Captain America's Mighty Shield" (Feats: Restricted to Those Trained, Indestructible) (Flaws: Easily Removable) [17
Enhanced Advantages 2: Evasion (Total 2), Withstand Damage (Trade Off Defenses for Toughness) (2
"Shield Toss" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Dynamic, Ricochet 5, Split 2) (Extras: Ranged 8) (Diminished Range -1)
(17) -- (23

 Dynamic AE: "Shield Bash" Strength-Damage +3 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Penetrating 3) (7)
Dynamic AE: "Bouncing Shield" Strength-Damage +2 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Area- 30ft. Shapeable 7,
Selective 7) (17)
Dynamic AE: Enhanced Dodge 3 & Parry 2 (Feats: Dynamic) (Extras: Sustained +0) Linked to Enhanced
Strength 5 (Flaws: Limited to Resisting Movement) (10)

-- (25 points)

Assorted Gear (3)
"Scale Mail Costume" Protection 2 (2)

Unarmed +16 (+5 Damage, DC 20)
Shield Bash +16 (+8 Damage, DC 23)
Shield Toss +16 (+7 Ranged Damage, DC 22)
Area Toss +7 Area (+7 Damage, DC 22)
Initiative +15

"Without Shield" Dodge +14 (DC 24), Parry +14 (DC 24), Toughness +5 (+7 Costume), Fortitude +10, Will +14
"With Shield" Dodge +17 (DC 27), Parry +16 (DC 26), Toughness +5 (+7 Costume), Fortitude +10, Will +14

Responsibility (America/Democracy)- As the proud symbol of America, Cap is the one most-affected by attacks against
her, as well as the target of her enemies. He also feels it the most when America has lost its way.
Enemy (The Red Skull)- Pervasive and omni-present, the Skull will haunt Steve for the entirety of his days.
Guilt (Bucky)- Cap failed his first young partner in his own mind, and this guilt often drives him.
Relationship (Sharon Carter)- She was his easily-captured girlfriend for years, then she was thought-dead. They sort of
hooked back up after she returned, but it often gets complicated by duty.
Relationship (Bucky Barnes)- The two were old partners, and have an uneasy relationship as adults.
Relationship (The Falcon- Steve & Sam are old friends, and respected partners.
Relationship (Tony Stark)- They are sometimes great friends, and have an important history, but they argue as often as
not, and have had several tiffs. Sometimes, they act like old, spurned lovers.
Responsibility (Works Best on Teams, Values Human Life)- When on solo missions, or fighting less-powerful individuals,
Cap will often "Scale Back" his offense, dropping two points of accuracy & defense (thus hitting PL 11). He will not use
Power Attack against normal Humans without extremely good reason- even against recurring foes like Batroc &
Crossbones, he typically fights as an Accurate Attack-using PL 11 fighter.
Power Loss (Shield)- If Cap misses badly with his Shield (natural 1-5), he will be unable to use its attacks or defenses
until he runs up and grabs it. Similarly, if an enemy catches it (this almost never happens; it's probably super-difficult
and just the GM writing a Critical Fumble that way), the same applies.
Power Loss (Super-Soldier Serum)- If Cap has the Serum taken out of him (it's happened a few times), he loses a great
many of his Advantages, in addition to all his powers. Sometimes it's just a few (he works out enough to be strong
without them), other times he loses the full breadth of his abilities, becoming weedy ST 0, STA 0, AGI 0 Steve Rogers.

Total: Abilities: 94 / Skills: 92--46 / Advantages: 59 / Powers: 23 / Defenses: 22 (244)

-Like I said, Cap is a great Symbolic Character- he represents the America of Norman Rockwell, and the nostalgic
dreams of old people that were never really true, but are great ideals anyhow. Similarly, he ALSO represents a great
aspect of Wish-Fulfillment (a big part of superhero books, naturally)- he was a scrawny little weakling that gains
ultimate power, becoming a Batman-esque symbol of human perfection. I can't believe it took the Captain
America movie to finally point out WHY this was such a great idea- "Because only a WEAK man knows the value of

-There's some odd quirks about his history now- when he FIRST got thawed out of the ice, he'd only been missing since
the mid-'40s, and it was now 1964- not exactly an eternity of difference, and yet he was STILL all "oh wow, stuff is so
different"- it's like a dude getting frozen in 2000 and coming back to see a Post-9/11 world- quite a bit had changed,
but it's not like the world was completely alien to the one he'd left. But NOW? Now, Cap has likely been frozen for more
than FIFTY YEARS- friend who were "slightly older" in the new era of the Silver Age should now be near-death from
age. I think it's best just to not think about that kind of continuity stuff- either your head will break or you'll have to
write some dopey half-assed story about 900 people taking "Infinity Formula" or something. This has an odd tendency
to make fans think Cap is more experienced that he actually is- objectively, he's got at MOST five years' experience on
any of the modern Silver Age heroes like Iron Man & Spidey. Some people act like he's been fighting SINCE World War

-Guys like Cap are what PL 11 and 12 were made for. There's NO WAY this guy could be a "mere" Player Character
build and be remotely accurate to what the comics show. As a solo hero, he needs a reasonable amount of Skillmonkey
points. He's a Melee God, necessitating tons of attack Advantages as well. His physical attributes are already noted as
being the maximum a human could ever get, so there's that, PLUS the fact that he's no dummy (Intellect 3), is REALLY
hard to fool (Awareness 5), and has the charisma to lead the entire Marvel Universe into battle against even cosmic
beings (Presence 5, but I could go even higher if not for fears of stat-dumping). Like a lot of others, I build the Super-
Soldier Serum as having minor superhuman effects, making Cap slightly faster, stronger and able to recover better
than a normal human, but not to crazy levels. Think about a scary opponent: he's as fast as Usain Bolt, hits like the
World's Strongest Man, but strikes as fast as Bruce Lee.

-He spends more points of ADVANTAGES than most people do on POWERS, and rightly so: Nobody is considered a
better fighter than him until they go into the ranks of Shang-Chi and Iron Fist, both of whom are packing ridiculous
bonuses. Cap is +16 and able to modify nearly every single PL cap he has- making him hit at +21 accuracy if
necessary, or +13 maximum damage if Power Attacking. His points-cost is a little ridiculous, but given how
Skillmonkeys took a hit in this edition, it makes sense: My Spidey build is about 20 points cheaper, and DCA's own
major characters are just as costly, if not more.

-Cap's Shield is always a bit of a toughie to stat up, as CAP is the one who's good with it, despite it boosting so many of
his attributes, and he's concievably as good with any disc-like weapon. Taliesin for example has statted up a version
that uses the Shield Toss as a base Power requiring a Shield Device to work, but I wanted to go a little simpler with the
common Device, hand-waving any questions about it (it's not like Cap uses a trash can lid as easily, for example, or as
often). The Shield, at heart, has a "Bash" power (+8 Damage, for when he wants to smack some dude in the face with
it). Then a "Blocking" Power, giving him the Shield effect, plus two bonuses that specialize in avoiding Area Attacks and
attacks in-close (Cap has survived the Torch's NOVA FLAME just by hiding behind the thing- a literal impossibility, but

the Shield is just THAT DAMN GOOD, I guess- he made his Save and took no damage  ). It helps him become
Immovable at the same time.

-And then we get to the "Blast" effect. It's only a +7 weapon in the right hands (like Cap's), so someone like The Wasp
wouldn't be able to throw it as hard. Then it gets Ricochet 5 for when he bounces it off of things and hits guys he can't
see or the like, and Homing for when he "misses" on purpose, beaning the target in the back of the head on the run-
through on the following round. Another variant of the attack has the Shapeable Area Effect, as Cap is able to bounce it
off of several guys at once if necessary, no matter where they're standing in the room. At Touch Range, it's effectively
a Blast dependent on the strength of the wielder. It has a Complication that if you miss (or your opponent makes a
special attack to "grab" it), you lose it. It happens only rarely, but it does happen.

-Finally, we come to the Shield's own Power Feats. You get Indestructible for obvious reasons (I think that if the Living
Tribunal ever destroyed the entire universe, you'd get a white page with a little round shield at the centre of it), as well
as a Restricted Feat, because not ANYBODY can just pick up the thing and use all of the Powers- most guys can just use
the Bash & Defenses and that's it.

-All in all, Cap at PL 12 isn't entirely the most efficient use of that status, but I think that fits him. He's PL 10.5
unarmed, PL 12 with the Shield Bash, PL 11.5 with the Toss, and only fully makes up his Dodge-based defensive caps
for PL 12. And even THEN he's got to use a Dynamic Array, leaving him somewhat vulnerable if he's using more
powerful version of the Shield (this is explained via the fact that if he's using full Ricochet, his Shield spends enough
time away from him that he doesn't get to use the full defenses). This, plus the "Works Best on a Team" thing, can
explain why this PL 12 super-awesome fighter can be challenged by relatively minor-level characters in terms of power,
and wouldn't necessarily steamroll a "lesser" PL 10 Martial Artist like Shang-Chi or Danny Rand.

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