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I.LAND TRANSPORT............................................................ 2

1. ROAD TRANSPORT……………………………………..4

2. RAIL TRANSPORT………………………………………5

3. RIVER TRANSPORT……………………………………..5

II.MARITIME TRANSPORT ……………………………………..5

III. AIR TRANSPORT……………………………………………..6



The history of transport  is largely one of technological innovation. Advances

in technology have allowed people to travel farther, explore more territory, and
expand their influence over larger and larger areas. Even in ancient times, new
tools such as foot coverings, and snowshoes lengthened the distances that could
be traveled. As new inventions and discoveries were applied
to transport problems, travel time decreased while the ability to move more and
larger loads increased. innovation continues today, and working transport
researchers find new ways to reduce testing costs and increase the efficiency
tranports that today boil down into three major modes such as land transport,
maritime transport and air transport.


Transport is the travel of persons or properties from a place to

another one. The modern transport establishes a system. Every
sub-system (according to the mode of transport) is constituted
of an infrastructure (shelf space for the ground transport,
punctual for the sea and air transports), of vehicles (individual
Or grouped (included) in reams (trains)) or of continuous flows
(For transport by conducts: gas mains, oil pipelines), and of
particular techniques of exploitation (operation).
The various means of transportation :


Road transport brings together the following modes of transport: passenger cars,
commercial vehicles (light and heavy) and the two-roues. In the field of
industries, road transport is a regulated activity of land transport, which is
exerted on the road. It encompasses both road passenger transport, road freight
transport and removals. These commercial activities are carried by road hauliers.

The railway is a guided transport system for the transport of people and goods. It
consists of specialized infrastructure, rolling stock and operating procedures that
usually involve humans, although in the case of automatic metros that
intervention is limited to the normal time of monitoring. The railway is by
definition a public transportation, including the operation and schedules have
been from the beginning highly regulated by the state, for which has become
quickly the notion of public service. On the other hand the influence on urban
planning is important because it is a key factor in planning.

River transport is the transport on waterways, whether of navigable rivers,
eventually developed or artificial channels.In addition to the transport of goods
(freight), there are few passenger transport services, as well as boating and river


Maritime transport is to move goods or people mainly by sea, although
occasionally the ocean carrier can support pre-delivery or post-routing
(positioning of a container at the feeder and delivery the port, for example).
Such a shift will be covered by a bill of lading under the regular line or a
chartering contract within the framework of a tramp services (where tonnages
are important, for example).


Air transport is an activity of moving passengers or freight by air.Civil air

transport is carried by airlines using airliners. When the network of destinations
and schedules are fixed these companies are called "regular" transport "on
demand" is the domain of the companies 'charter' or aircraft taxi. Most airliners
are equipped to transport passengers and have a cargo for baggage and cargo
and most airlines jointly exercise these activities. However, there are airplanes
intended solely for freight and companies dedicated to this activity alone.The
military air transport aircraft requires specific due to the nature of cargoes above
all the operational constraints of loading and unloading fast and the ability to
jettison the cargo by parachute.The most important technical characteristics of a
transport aircraft is its ability (mass or volume), autonomy and speed.


Man in trouble facilitate its displacements and freight had recourse to

technological innovation; transport resulting in the creation such as machinery
vehicles, boats, airplanes, whose main components are ground transportation,
transportation maritime and air transport. Therefore transportation is revealed as
an important factor in the economic development of a country.

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