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Aqeed Mohammed

Grupa 610

E-learning – Benefits and Disadvantages

everything in here is written by Aqeed Mohammed

E-learning is a system for teaching, but with the help of computers and other
electronic resources. It’s a way of teaching people from all across the world,
people that are connected usually through the WWW(World Wide Web). In order
to fully understand the meaning and the important part of the e-learning, we first
need to understand how and why the internet(specifically, the WWW) was
created in the first place.

Short history
WWW was created by Tim Burners Lee in 1989 as a way of sharing documents
between computers. The interesting part here is that it was built primarily to
share documents and knowledge between some universities, to share academic
papers. Knowing that, we can basically say that this was the first e-learning
method, where it all started.

Aqeed Mohammed
Grupa 610

Throughout the time, E-learning has proved to be necessary, indispensable and in

continuous growth. Today, as we face a pandemic, we’ve come to realize the “full
power” and the importance of e-learning as we can teach, learn new things just
using platforms like Udemy or going to classes with a simple press of a button
without putting our health in danger.

Picture from

But not only that, countries and people from Africa are now using e-learning.
People like them that didn’t receive the best education can now get taught by
some of the best teachers from all over the world. Everything is possible.

Aqeed Mohammed
Grupa 610

Picture from

Also, using e-learning we can teach ourselves anything. We can learn a new
language, we can even learn a new profession. We can become programmers just
downloading free courses from the internet, learning the basics and then working
hard with what we’ve learned.

- Almost everyone, using a computer or even a phone can learn new things
- People from poor countries can now become doctors, programmers,
- In a situation like a pandemic, we can still receive the best education using
platforms like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Discord
- Flexibility
- E-learning is cost effective

- You can become lonely and not getting in touch with people can actually
affect you and the way you’re thinking
- Without a smartphone, laptop, PC you don’t have access, of course

Aqeed Mohammed
Grupa 610

- The same goes for the internet, if you don’t have a good connection it’s not
going to work
- You get knowledge only on a theoretical basis and for students who aspire
to become doctors can be tough
- Some find it hard to motivate and organize themselves

To sum up, yes, e-learning can have its disadvantages, but, in my opinion, is such
a small compromise for something so powerful as e-learning. Not only that, but
it’s always evolving, so many teachers are moving their courses online, even on
YouTube. I think that in a couple of years e-learning is going to replace the
traditional way. This may be good, may be bad because we might lose the ability
to express ourselves, to make connections but this is another topic that I’m not
going to cover here. For now, e-learning is good and that’s what matters.

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