FINAL HC1031 Group Assignment Guideline 2020 V01

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Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

Trimester T1 2020
Unit Code HC1031
Unit Title Managing people and Organisations
Assessment Type Group Assignment (Group of 4)
Assessment Title Reflection on individual and organisational problems and challenges
Purpose of the This assignment aimed to draw on the concepts and models used in this unit to analyse
assessment (with ULO an organisation’s problem or challenge and make specific recommendations. This
Mapping) assignment will help you develop skills in applying the course content in an
organisational analysis.
Weight 35% of the total assessments (Group report 35 %)
Total Marks Group report (35 marks)
Word limit 2500 words
Due Date Group Report: Friday 5th June, 2020 by 11:59pm in week 10;
Submission  All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed
Guidelines Assignment Cover Page.
 The assignment must be in MS Word format, double spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2
cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and
page numbers.
 Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at
the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
 Students must also show adequate evidence of additional research with about 8- 10
academic reference sources provided; 5 must be peer-reviewed journal article.
 Each group must also include a statement of “who did what part” of the report as
an appendix.

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Assignment 1 Specifications
This assignment aims at providing students with an opportunity to reflect on organisational problems and
challenges and apply concepts and frameworks covered within the subject to solving such problems.

In groups of 4, students must:

Step 1: the organisation will be allocated to you to make sure that each group does choose a different
organisation for your analysis.

Step 2: Your task then is to identify and briefly describe a current organisational problem or challenge faced
by your chosen organisation. Relevant problems or challenges may include (but not limited to) high turnover
rate, low performance among workers, the need to implement a change within the organisation, poor
communication between managers and employees, etc. Note that these are only examples and you are free
to focus on other problems that have practical relevance to the specific organisation you have been allocated.
However it will be good to include examples mentioned in this briefing.

Step 3: Critically analyse the problem or challenge you have identified in step 2; drawing on relevant concepts
and theories taught in this unit.

Step 4: Based on your analysis, make specific recommendations on how to resolve the problem or challenge
and how to improve the organisation’s effectiveness in dealing with the issues. You might choose more than
one issue but not more than 2 issues, as you need to delve into the issue rather than being superficial.

Step 5: Based on your report, prepare PowerPoint slides of key findings and make a presentation and record
them and upload them on BB in the week for submission. PPTs must be submitted before you upload your
group presentation.

Assignment report structure should be as the following:

As a minimum, the report should contain the following:

1) Executive Summary
2) Brief Introduction and background information of the selected organisation
3) Overview of the current organisational problem or challenge
4) Detailed analysis of the current organisational problem supported with relevant concepts and theories
thought in class
5) Conclusion and Recommendations
6) Reference list (a minimum of 8 academic references with links back to in-text citations).

Marking criteria

Marking criteria Weighting

Group Report
Overall Structure, format and presentation of report 4 marks
Application of knowledge and course concepts 8 marks
Critical analysis and research demonstrated in organisational problem or challenge 10 marks
Conclusion, recommendation and strength of overall arguments 8 marks
Evidence of quality research and Referencing 5 marks

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TOTAL Weight 35%

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Marking Rubric Group Report
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Overall structure, Report is Report is very Report is Report is Report is poorly

format and exceptionally well-structured, somewhat structured, with structured. No
presentation (4) structured, with with sub-sections structured, with sub-sections sub-section
sub-sections and and correct use of sub-sections and and correct use and/or
correct use of paragraphs. correct use of of paragraphs. paragraphs.
paragraphs. Correct layout paragraphs. Some elements Some elements of
Correct layout including font, Correct layout of layout or layout or length
including font, font font size, spacing including font, length incorrect. incorrect.
size, spacing and and the right font size, spacing
the right length. length. and about the
right length.
Application of Gives a very Gives a detailed Gives some Gives a general Omits a general
knowledge and detailed background of general background of background
course concepts background of the the problem and background of the problem. of the topic
(8) problem and demonstrated the problem and Demonstrated and/or
demonstrated sound knowledge demonstrated fair knowledge demonstrated
sound knowledge of course good knowledge of course poor knowledge
of course concepts. concepts. There is of course concepts. There of course
There is excellent very good proof concepts. There is satisfactory concepts. There is
proof of research of research on is adequate proof proof of little or no proof
on the topic the topic of research on research on the of research on
. the topic topic the topic.
Critical analysis Exceptionally Very logical, Detailed, original Adequate Inadequate
and research logical, insightful, insightful, original discussion discussion discussion of
demonstrated in original discussion discussion develops logically. develops issues and/or
organisational develops. Evidence develops. Understanding of logically. lacking in
problem or of full engagement Evidence of full reading shown. Understanding logical flow.
challenge (10) with the literature engagement with Some relevant of reading Little/no
found, with the literature critical analysis of shown. Few demonstrated
relevant and very found, with organisational relevant understanding of
detailed critical relevant and problem or analysis reading.
analysis of detailed critical challenge. provided on Poor or no
organisational analysis of organisational critical analysis
problem or organisational problem or of organisational
challenge. problem or challenge problem or
challenge. challenge
Conclusion, An interesting, A very good Good summary of Satisfactory Poor/no summary
recommendation well written summary of the the main points. summary of the of the main
and strength of summary of the main points. A A final comment main points. points.
overall arguments main points. good final on the topic A final comment A poor final
(8) An excellent final comment on the based on the on the topic, comment on the
comment on the topic, based on information but introduced topic and/or new
topic, based on the the information provided. new material material
information provided. introduced

Evidence of Correct referencing Correct Mostly correct Somewhat Not all material
quality research style. All quoted referencing style. referencing correct correctly
and Referencing material in quotes All quoted (Harvard). All referencing acknowledged.
(5) and acknowledged. material in quoted material style. Some Some problems
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Correctly set out quotes and in quotes and problems with with the
reference list and acknowledged. acknowledged. quoted reference list or
bibliography Correctly set out Mostly correct set material. Some bibliography.
included. All reference list and out of reference problems with Most articles
articles cited are bibliography list and the reference cited were out-of-
current and peer- included. All bibliography list or date and not
reviewed. articles cited are included. A good bibliography. peer-reviewed.
current and number of Few of the
mostly peer- current and peer- articles cited
reviewed. reviewed articles were out-of-
cited. date and not
Total Marks (35)

Student Name Student Id

HC1031 Managing People & Organisations

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