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4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Eyes

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Acupressure Points For Eyes (Relieve Eye Pain & Dry Eyes, Heal
Glaucoma, & Improve Vision) 1/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Eyes

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4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Eyes

Learn how acupressure can help relieve eye conditions such as pain, strain,
and irritation.

Thankfully for all of us allergy su erers, the healing power of acupressure extends
to cover our eye irritation as well.

Acupressure heals the body by balancing our meridian energy system. This
balanced energy then ows through the body and relieves us of our physical ills.

The healing power of our meridian energy extends to our eyes as well. People who
su er from various eye conditions, such as pain or strain in the eyes, can nd relief
with the regular use of acupressure.

Acupressure can also help relieve bloodshot eyes, itchiness of the eyes, and many
other conditions. The healing power of a balanced meridian acupuncture system
may even help to improve your eyesight by remedying whatever negative health
condition caused it to deteriorate to begin with.

This is possible because our inner energy system a ects our entire body. Every cell
in our body will perform its function more fully when our energy system is brought
into balance and our energy ows freely and fully.

Let's take a look at the acupressure points you can use today to help relieve the
problems that are a ecting your eyes.

1. Bladder 2, found on the face, located on the inner tip of the eyebrow. 3/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Eyes

Use this acupressure point to treat just about anything related to your eyes. It will
help get rid of redness of the eyes, pain in the eyes, and hay fever symptoms.

It will also help x foggy or blurry vision, and will even help reduce headaches such
as those that involve pain in the muscles attached to the eyes.

2. Stomach 2, found on the face, on the cheek, just half an inch below the
bottom of the eyelid. 4/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Eyes

Use this pressure point to relieve burning and aching eyes.

It can also be used to reduce sinus pain, headaches, and help alleviate overly dry

3. Stomach 3, found on the face, on the cheek, about one inch below the
bottom of the eyelid, just below the Stomach 2 point mentioned above.

This acupressure point will do much the same that the earlier Stomach meridian 5/9
p p Acupressure Points For Eyes

point will do.

It will help relieve eye fatigue and pressure around the eyes such as sinus pressure
that pushes on the eyes.

It can also help relieve a stu y nose from allergies that might be a ecting your eyes
and the rest of your body. It also helps reduce head congestion in general.

4. Bladder 10, on the back of the head, half an inch below the base of the skull,
just to the side of the spine.

Use this acupressure point on your head to relieve stress and "burnout" feeling
often caused by the same sort of allergies and illness that might be a ecting your

This pressure point will reduce a heaviness feeling in the head. It will help relieve
eye strain and reduce swelling around the eyes.

This point is great for relieving exhaustion, especially exhaustion related to illness
and allergies.

5. Governing Vessel 16, on the back of the head, in the hollow below the base
of the skull, at the top of the spine. 6/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Eyes

This powerful acupressure point will improve the overall health of the entire face. It
will improve the health of the eyes, ears, nose, and throat, and help remedy
whatever is bothering them.

This point also relieves all sorts of mental problems in general. It also helps get rid
of headaches.

As a Governing Vessel meridian point, it is a powerful acupressure point in general.

6. Governing Vessel 24.5 (between GV 24 and GV 25), located in the middle of

the face, above the nose, right between the eyebrows. 7/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Eyes

This is not actually an acupuncture meridian point, as it is located between two

other points but not directly on an acupuncture point.

However, this point is famous in spirituality for being the location of the "third eye"
of the spiritual body or soul within us. Thus, many people believe it has healing
power even though it isn't traditionally prescribed in acupuncture treatments.

Applying pressure to this point will help bene t the endocrine system of the body. It
will strengthen the function of the pituitary gland, which will have bene cial health
e ects all over the body.

This point will also help with your eye problems. It will relieve allergies like hay
fever, and also help reduce headache pain and eye strain.

7. Liver 3, found on the top of the foot, located in the indentation between the
bones of the big toe and the second toe. 8/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Eyes

Use this Liver meridian point to relieve tired eyes. It will also help alleviate
headaches and hangovers.

Click here to get the Acupressure Points Guide.

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