CAE Report

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Creating a new touristic attraction

The following report presents a brief overview of the latest information on all forms of
entarteinment currently on offer in our town,in order to create a new travel guide for
The central park
It is widely accepted that this area is one of the sloppiest ones in our city,mainly because of
the lack of zones where pedestrians could throw their garbage.Moreover,what is often
stated is that the aestethic part of it is missing completely,having less eye-catching views
with dazzling trees than it used to in the past.To make matters worse,complaints have been
made that gypsies are coming here just to pick on other kids and make fun of them for no
reason.On the bright side,the space reserved for sports such as football or basketball is in
perfect condition,being the only thing that still attracts tourists.
The cinema
It has been noted that the employees working here are impolite and unhelpful with the
customers.Furthermore,concern was expressed over the immense price of tickets for movies
that do not have a blockbuster calibre.Due to the fact that some movies do not appeal to the
young generation and the cinema has only one room for movies,the audience is not as big as
I am of the opinion that the city hall needs to place special zones in order for the by-passers
to throw what they do not need anymore.Also,hiring policeman to mantain order and
protect the area so that conflicts do not appear may seem ideal for everyone.When it comes
to the cinema,creating an exact schdule with films for teens,but for adults as well should be
perfect for any citizen.

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