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A Dissertation report Title– Chocolate Industry

First Report

“Problem Identification, Title & Introduction to the Topic”

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

of Manipal University For the Award of the Degree
Master of Business Administration

Under the guidance of

Dr C.Anirvinna
Submitted By:
Vishal Nandwana
MBA 2end Year
Table of contents
S no Particulars
1 Acknowledgment
2 Problem identification
3 Introduction & Title of the Topic- Chocolate Industry


First of all I want to express my thanks & gratitude to the Dr C. Anirvinna who has given me the
opportunity to do the dissertation and conduct the research on the topic “Chocolate Industry under
whose supervision & guidance I am able to successfully complete my project. I also want to express
my thanks to my friends & family members who has supported me a lot in the successful completion
of the project supporting me at each stage and also motivated me to do the project & helped me
indirectly in the collection of the data & some relevant information related to the topic
Problem Identification
Chocolate confectionery manufacturers and retailers continue to face multiple challenges.
Along with the increases in the price of raw materials, they are also encountering
widespread government regulation and competitive pressure. These continue to cause
headaches and place burdens on their earnings.
Introduction and title of the research topic

Chocolates had its beginning in the times of the Mayas and the Aztecs when they beat cocoa into a
pulp and made bitter frothy chocolate out of them. They first became popular in Europe in a highly
222 unrefined form. Then the Hershey Food Company was the first to bring out chocolates in the
currently popular solid form. The main ingredients of chocolate are cocoa grown mainly on equatorial
zones and of the consumers looks for variety he goes in for some of that company’s own sugar milk
solids and permitted emulsifiers. Cocoa constitutes nearly 40% of the total raw material cost. The
following report studies the chocolate industry in India and in particular the position of the chocolate
brand - Cadbury. The brand name chosen is the umbrella brand as it was felt that the corporate name
is recognized as brand not so much its individual products. The study focuses on the marketing and
the advertising, employed by Cadbury in the context of the Indian macro environment and industry
structure. The advertising strategy is studied with respect to Cadburys business and marketing
objectives. The strategies adopted are then analyzed for each product offering. Considering the
strategies of Cadburys major competitor follows the analysis, nestle India ltd. to get an understanding
as to where Cadburys stands.

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