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4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold

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Acupressure Points For Runny Nose (Cold & Flu


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How to get rid of a runny or stu y nose using acupressure-based pressure


Are you sick with the u, a sinus infection, a common cold, or some other kind of
illness that has given you a stu or runny nose all day?

The good news is that acupressure points for a stu y or runny nose actually exist! 1/9
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Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold
Yes, acupressure-based pressure points can be used to treat your stu y or runny
nose as a result of illness including common colds, in uenza, and other types of

How can acupressure help with a runny or stu y nose from a cold?

Acupressure points work by stimulating the energy, traditionally called chi or qi,
which ows through your body. By stimulating this energy, healing is promoted
through the various parts of the body.

Most acupressure points lie along what's called an acupuncture meridian.

Acupuncture meridians are the pathways of energy that ow throughout the body.
Nearly every spot on your body is on top of or right next to one of the various
acupuncture/acupressure points. This is because there are literally hundreds of
di erent spots along the energy meridians that are known as acupuncture points.
These special locations are spots at which energy can be easily stimulated by an
outside force.

You may know of acupuncture by its use of needles to stimulate these special
locations. But what you may not have known is that before people used needles to
stimulate these points, they used to use their hands and ngers instead.

In fact, many people believe that using your ngers to stimulate these acupressure
points can be just as e ective at promoting healing energy as using needles to
stimulate the same points as acupuncture points.

Acupressure points for stu y or runny nose.

So, which points are e ective at treating a stu y or runny nose? Let's take a look.

The following list of acupressure points is recommended for cold and u symptoms,
including stu y and runny noses, by Michael Reed Gach in his book titled
Acupressure's Potent Points.

You do not have to use every point listed below in order to promote healing of your
runny or stu y nose along with other cold and u symptoms. However, if you want
to abolish your symptoms as fast as possible, I would recommend spending several
minutes per day on stimulating each and every one of the points listed below with
your ngertips in typical acupressure style.

These points from his book are recommended for cold symptoms: 2/9
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Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold

1. Bladder 36 (top point in image below), on the back of the shoulder.

This point is good for stimulating the body's immune system and therefore its
resistance to viruses that cause colds and the u. You should use this point daily if
you worry about getting sick during the winter season, or if seasonal sickness is
something that you regularly have to deal with.

According to the author, these muscles in this location tend to get sti before the
other symptoms of a cold show up in your body.

Since this point is on your back, you may want to ask a friend or loved one to press
into this acupressure point for you, in order to properly apply pressure to it.

2. Bladder 2, on the inside end of the eyebrow, on the face. 3/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold

This point right next to the eyebrow is used for relieving many eye problems. In this
case, however, it is useful for also relieving sinus congestion, headaches in the front
of your face, tired and weary eyes (from sickness), and other symptoms of the
common cold that typically appear in the face.

Interestingly, this point is also used in Gold Standard Emotional Freedom

Techniques. In the EFT tapping method, instead of applying pressure at this point,
the user simply taps on the point instead. Both methods can encourage energy
stimulation and promote healing.

3. Stomach 3, on the front of the cheek, on the face. 4/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold

This point is useful for relieving your runny and stu y nose. It also helps relieve
many other cold symptoms including pressure in the eyes, fatigue of the eyes,
burning sensation and irritation of the eyes, and general feeling of congestion
around the face and head.

4. Large Intestine 20, on the side of the nostrils, on the face. 5/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold

This point next to your stu ed up nose is, unsurprisingly, used to relieve nasal
symptoms of your common cold and in uenza. It helps relieve nasal congestion,
pain of the sinuses, and other problems such as swelling around the face.

5. Large Intestine 11, near the elbow, on the arm.

This acupressure point is used for relieving all of your cold symptoms, especially a
fever. It can also strengthen your immune system in general.

6. Large Intestine 4, somewhat between the thumb and pointer nger, on the 6/9
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Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold
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Point - Large
Intestine 4

The acupressure point located here is not to be used by pregnant women, because
it is said that it can cause complications such as contractions within the uterus.

For everyone else, this point helps relieve head congestion, constipation,
headaches, and other symptoms of colds and in uenza.

7. Gallbladder 20, on the bottom back of the skull, behind your head, a bit to
the side of the spine.

This acupressure location primarily helps relieve symptoms of colds located in the
head. It helps relieve headaches, head congestion, neck pain, and general irritability
during your sickness.

8. Governing Vessel 16, on the bottom back of the skull, behind your head, in
the middle of your spine. 7/9
4/15/2019 Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold

Another head point very close to the last point, this pressure point also relieves
head symptoms of your cold. It helps reduce and get rid of congestion in the head,
red and bloodshot eyes, mental stress especially as exacerbated by your illness,
headaches, and sti neck muscles.

9. Governing Vessel 24.5 (between GV24 and GV25), directly between the

This point is famously known as the third eye point because of its location in the
middle of the forehead. It helps relieve head problems caused by your cold

symptoms, such as head congestion, a stu y and runny nose, and all types of 8/9
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Acupressure Points For Runny Nose, Caused By A Cold

10. Kidney 27, below the collarbone, next to the breastbone.

Our nal acupressure pressure point is location on your chest. We wouldn't want to
leave out our chest point because colds can have a dramatic e ect on your lungs
and breathing capability. This acupressure point helps with the relief of chest
congestion, coughing problems, and di culty breathing especially as caused by
aforementioned congestion. It can also help relieve sore throats.

Is your runny nose gone yet? I hope so!

Well, there you have it. All ten of these acupressure locations should help relieve
your runny and stu y nose from a cold or typical in uenza infection. These
acupressure points should also help many other symptoms of your cold such as
headaches and congestion of the nasal passage and throat.

Click here to get the Acupressure Points Guide.

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