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Marking Scheme for Phase II - Feasibilty Analysis

Group _____________________________________

Marking Sheet

Industry and Market Feasibility

Describe the market structure, size, trends, factors that influence market, 10
Determine number and location of potential buyers; 5
Describe the growth potential of the market? (CSO, industry groups) 5
Details of competition and your (forecasted) market share 5
Discussion of market/industry attractiveness 10
Total 35

Product or Service Feasibility

Describe the extent to which the product/service/business serves a presently
unserved need or describe whether the product/service/business serves
an existing market in which demand exceeds supply. Support with
a survey
Describe how the product/service/business can successfully compete
with existing competition because of an "advantageous situation", such as
better service, location, etc. Support with a survey.

Provide an estimate of the cost / size of inventory to start the business
Provide the name and locaton of potential major suppliers 2.5
Indicate price ranges and availability of key products from
major suppliers. 2.5
Identify important risks/ challenges associated with providing the product / service 5
e.g. possible shortages of any critical materials or merchandise.
Total 45

Financial Feasibility
1. What are the capital requriements to launch the business 10
2. What are the estimated earnings from the business, annual or monthly for 3 years. 10

Total 20

Total 100

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