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Defect prevention is
a. Mistake proofing
b. Iterative testing
c. OA
d. Early testing
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Answer : Mistake proofing

______________ is the critical starting point of Lean thinking
a. Project Value
b. Customer Value
c. Value Addition
d. Program value
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Answer : Customer Value

To get First Hand Information, we need to do
a. Visual Control
b. Go See Yourself
c. Brainstorm
d. Continuous Monitoring
Show Answer

Answer : Go See Yourself

Value is always defined from the perspective of the
a. Customer
b. Project
c. Product
d. All of the above
Show Answer

Answer : Customer

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______________ is a Visual Control device in the work area indicating a process or quality
a. Andon Board
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Andon Board

______________ is the rate (time per unit of value) at which work should proceed through a Value
a. Cycle Time
b. Activity Time
c. Takt Time
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : Takt Time

This technique can be used to conduct root cause analysis
a. 5 Why
b. Fishbone diagram
c. Cause and Effect diagram
d. All the above
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Answer : All the above

Pull system helps in avoiding ______________
a. Over production
b. Slow production
c. Fast production
d. None of above
Show Answer

Answer : Over production

Placing everything in its place is part of _________________in 5S framework
a. Sort
b. Straighten
c. Shine
d. Sustain
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Answer : Straighten

Creation of a level schedule by sequencing orders in order to smoothen the demand is known as
a. Heijunka
b. Gemba
c. Kaizen
d. Hoshin Kanri
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Answer : Heijunka

Kaizen as implemented in Lean helps in the following
a. Ongoing improvement
b. significant onetime improvement
c. Ongoing small changes suggested by external process consultant
d. One time significant change suggested by external process consultant
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Answer : Ongoing improvement

Continuous organization learning and improvement is ensured through ______________
a. Standardization and Automation
b. Retrospection and Mistakeproofing
c. Pull and Flow
d. Retrospection and Kaizen
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Answer : Retrospection and Kaizen

Main purpose of Visual control is to
a. Create dashboards and metrics for measurement
b. Ensure problems are not hidden
c. Help in baselining and measuring the trends
d. Showcase to the management on the success stories of the team
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Answer : Ensure problems are not hidden

VSM helps in
a. Identifying areas where automation can be implemented
b. Identifying areas for putting mistake proofing process
c. Identifying value adding and non value adding activity in a process
d. Identifying areas where Visual control can be implemented
Show Answer

Answer : Identifying value adding and non value adding activity in a process

PDCA stands for
a. Plan-Do-Check-Act
b. Plan-Do-Control-Analyze
c. Plan-Do-Check-Analyze
d. Plan-Do-Control-Act
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Answer : Plan-Do-Check-Act

Which of the following is not a root cause analysis technique
a. Pareto diagram
b. 5 Why
c. Fish Bone Diagram
d. Mistake Proofing
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Answer : Mistake Proofing

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The culture of Lean gives a lot of importance to
a. Innovation
b. Capability building
c. Questioning status-quo
d. Showcasing best practices
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Answer : Questioning status-quo

Identifying the necessary and removing unwanted one in any workplace is called
a. Straighten
b. Automation
c. Mistake proofing
d. Sort
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Answer : Sort

What is the typical first step towards identifying the area of waste elimination in a project
a. Root Cause Analysis
b. 5S
c. Mistake proofing
d. Value Stream Mapping
Show Answer

Answer : Value Stream Mapping

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Kaizen applied with the right approach helps in achieving
a. Quantum improvement
b. Incremental improvement
c. Sustains the performance
d. Marginal improvement
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Answer : Incremental improvement

‘Value’ in Lean terms is a deliverable to the client which is usable. Identify which statements below
qualify for this Value definition
a. Value for a recruitment group is each human resource made available to the project teams
b. Value for a Maintenance project is the Bugs serviced per release
c. Value for a Conversion project is every web page converted
d. All of the above
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Answer : All of the above

Identify Type 2 “Waste” in these scenarios
a. Waiting and searching for resources in the lab during reproduction and testing
b. Capturing relevant information in defect tracker
c. Updating knowledge base
d. Frequent build cycles, frequent code reviews and early testing
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Answer : Waiting and searching for resources in the lab during reproduction and testing

Workload leveling is
a. Assiging important tasks to key resources only
b. Allocating the tasks as and when they queue up
c. Allocating the right tasks to team members based on effort,complexity estimates, skill level
d. Dividing and assigning the same tasks to multiple people
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Answer : Allocating the right tasks to team members based on effort,complexity estimates, skill level

What is Lean?
a. Creating value from the perspective of a customer
b. Improving processes and operation
c. A culture of continuous improvement
d. All of the above
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Answer : All of the above

When should I start implementing Lean principles in a project?
a. When the organization mandates
b. When there is a problem in the project
c. When the project gets kicked off
d. None of the above
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Answer : When the project gets kicked off

During which phase of the project can Lean be implemented?
a. Requirement phase
b. Design phase
c. CUT & ST phases
d. All of the above
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Answer : All of the above

The delivery team uses white boards to monitor the status of the tickets, automates routine jobs,
maintains checklist and implements learning from previous releases. The team does not have a
knowledge of Lean and has never attended any Lean training sessions. Is Lean being practiced in the
a. Yes
b. No
c. Can’t answer
d. None of the above
Show Answer

Answer : Yes

The management decisions in a company practicing Lean philosophy is based on
a. Waste elimination
b. Short term financial gains
c. Long term thinking even at short term financial expense
d. Medium term thinking but with high operating margins
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Answer : Long term thinking even at short term financial expense

Which of the following are two key pillars of the Toyota Production System?
a. Just-in-Time and Waste Elimination
b. Jidoka and Just in Time
c. Visual Management and Kaizen
d. Standardisation and Leveled Production
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Answer : Jidoka and Just in Time

The culture of stopping when there is a quality problem is called
a. Waste elimination
b. Standardisation
c. Jidoka
d. None of the above
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Answer : Jidoka
Which of the following is a technique involving simple inexpensive automatic mechanisms or manual
inspection in a station, that makes the quality issues obvious at a glance?
a. Visual Control
b. Value Steam Mapping
c. both 1 and 2
d. Poka Yoke
Show Answer

Answer : Poka Yoke

The roots of Lean thinking can be traced back to
a. Harvard
b. GE
c. Honda
d. Toyota
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Answer : Toyota

Lean principle is based on management decisions adopting a _____________ philosophy”
a. Short Term
b. Medium Term
c. Long Term
d. All of the above
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Answer : Long Term

What is the main purpose of Visual Controls?
a. To show status to upper management
b. To show status to customer
c. To bring out operational problems affecting for early resolution
d. None of the above
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Answer : To bring out operational problems affecting for early resolution

Which of the following is NOT part of 5 S?
b. Straighten
c. Soften
d. Standardize
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Answer : Soften

Takt time is a ratio of the ‘Net available time’ to ________________
a. Total Supply
b. Customer demand
c. Both
d. None
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Answer : Customer demand

Poka Yoke is ______________
a. Mistake Proofing
b. Visual Control
c. Standarization
d. None of above
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Answer : Mistake Proofing

The “5 Why?” is a ______________ technique
a. 5 S
b. RCA
c. DSM
d. None of the above
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Answer : RCA

Lean thinking advocates ______________
a. Push Systems
b. Pull Systems
c. both
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Pull Systems

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Andon board is an example of ______________
a. Visual Control
b. Dashboard
c. Network diagram
d. None of the above
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Answer : Visual Control

To reduce test setup change-over time, you considered SMED technique. Which of the following
principles can help?
a. Displace
b. Eliminiate
c. Standardize
d. All of the above
Show Answer

Answer : All of the above

Customer expects the team to test 10 features in 20 working days. What is the takt time?
a. 10 features/month
b. 2 days/feature
c. 0.5 features/day
d. None of above
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Answer : 2 days/feature

Which of the following is a part of the Lean philosophy?
a. Management decisions based on a long term perspective
b. Stop when there is a quality problem
c. Leaders going to the actual workplace to see and understand throughly
d. All of the above
Show Answer

Answer : All of the above

Following are categories of waste
a. Overproduction
b. Transportation
c. Motion
d. All of the above
Show Answer

Answer : All of the above

An effective way to make team memebrs aware of progress made and currents status is through
a. Visual Boards
b. Poka – yoke
c. Mura
d. Muri
Show Answer

Answer : Visual Boards

Mistake proofing is
a. Andon
b. Poka – yoke
c. Mura
d. Muri
Show Answer

Answer : Poka – yoke

Over production is avoided by using ___________
a. Pull system
b. Poka – yoke
c. Mura
d. Push system
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Answer : Pull system

How many Lean principles are there according to Jeffrey Liker as presented in “The Toyoto Way”
a. 5
b. 10
c. 14
d. None of the above
Show Answer

Answer : 14

How many categories of wastes can be identified as per the Toyota Production System?
a. 7
b. 10
c. 100
d. 20
Show Answer

Answer : 7

“Upstream should not produce anything till downstream asks for it” is a part of which Lean principle
a. Poka- yoke
b. DSM
c. Push Mechanismans
d. Pull mechanism
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Answer : Pull mechanism

The practice in 5S framework by which the work place efficiency is maintained is ________________
a. Sort
b. Shine
c. Sustain
d. All of the above
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Answer : Sustain

“Pace of production to meet customer demand” is related to _______________
a. Takt Time
b. Talk Time
c. Delay time
d. All of the above
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Answer : Takt Time

Spending time to finding information can be mapped to _______________ waste
a. Overproduction
b. Inventory
c. Motion
d. All of the above
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Answer : Motion

A tool in the work area giving the current status of the work
a. Visual Control Board
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
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Answer : Visual Control Board

Employing tools to do work otherwise done by people results in reduction of ___________
a. Efforts
b. Schedule
c. Defects
d. 1, 2 and 3
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Answer : 1, 2 and 3

Automated detection and stopping when a defect occurs is related to ___________
a. Automation
b. Jidoka (autonomation)
c. Genchi Genbutsu
d. Visual Controls
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Answer : Jidoka (autonomation)

In TPS, high levels of quality is achieved by the principles of
a. Jidoka
b. Poka Yoke
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
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Answer : Both 1 and 2

According to Lean thinking, problems should be addressed at
a. Root Cause level
b. Manager level
c. Operator level
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : Root Cause level
Kaizen can result in an improvement in _______________
a. Quality
b. Throughput
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Both 1 and 2

Problems identified are displayed for everyone’s attention rather than covering up
a. Make the problem visibile
b. Make it fast
c. Make it beautiful
d. None
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Answer : Make the problem visibile

Any activity that consumes resources, but does not create value is _______________
a. Muda
b. Mura
c. Muri
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : Muda

Tasks with clear specification on the input, process, time and output are _______________
a. Fixed
b. standardized
c. Designed
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : standardized

Identification of all activities occuring along the life cycle of the product is _________
a. Value Creation
b. Value Stream Mapping
c. Customer Value
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Value Stream Mapping

Making more parts than you can sell is _______________
a. Overprocessing
b. Overproduction
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
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Answer : Overproduction

Optimization of current state map gives the _______________
a. Optimized map
b. Value map
c. Future state map
d. All the above
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Answer : Future state map
In the 5 Why analysis, if the root cause is not identified at the 5th Why, one should _______________
a. Stop
b. Start afresh
c. Continue
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Continue

The slowest operation in a process is _______________
a. Work stopper
b. Bottleneck
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
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Answer : Bottleneck
What is the ongoing process/philosophy of doing things better, faster and lower cost?
a. Continuous Processs
b. Continuous Engineering
c. Continuous Improvement
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Continuous Improvement

Giving employees more responsibility, authority and accountability for effecting improvements that are
within their purview in the daily processes is Employee _______________
a. Empowerment
b. Engagement
c. Endearment
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Empowerment

Lean practices optimizes the
a. Cost
b. Qualitty
c. Schedule
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : All the above

Achieving predictability of the outcome and making it repeatable is ensured through _______________
a. Concurrent Engineering
b. Predictive Engineering
c. Standardization
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : Standardization
Genchi Genbatsu is part of _______________ category in Liker’s 14 principle model
a. Process
b. People and Partners
c. Problem Solving
d. Philosophy
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Answer : Problem Solving

What is Hansei?
a. Reflection
b. Refraction
c. Retraction
d. Renovation
Show Answer

Answer : Reflection

Problems should not remain hidden. They should be _______________ early.
a. Standardized
b. Optimized
c. Surfaced
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : Surfaced

An engineer fixes a bug request from the customer. The customer value here is _______________
a. Fixed Bug
b. No side effect
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Both 1 and 2

Attributes of value deliverables areTimelinessCost
a. Quality
b. Timeliness
c. Cost
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : All the above

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According to Lean thinking, leaders should work with first hand information from
_______________ by direct observation.
a. Customers
b. Workplace
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
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Answer : Workplace

Which of the following are examples for Muda?
a. Hand off
b. Task Switching
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Both 1 and 2

In a maintenance project with a 3 month release cycle, the team idles during the first six weeks due to
lack of clarity. The customer expects team to work as per the planned efforts in the remaining 6 weeks.
This will lead to _______________
a. Task switching
b. Overload
c. Poor quality
d. Both 2 and 3
Show Answer

Answer : Both 2 and 3

The purpose of VSM is to ____________ and eliminate waste
a. Standardize
b. Empower
c. Identify
d. None
Show Answer
Answer : Identify

_______________ is the time taken for those activities that actually transform the product/service in a
way that the customer is willing to pay for
a. Takt Time
b. Activity Time
c. Cycle Time
d. Value Added Time
Show Answer

Answer : Value Added Time

Those activities that are not mandatory to provide what customer wants are _______________
a. Important
b. Non Value Add
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Non Value Add

_______________ is an activity that transforms the input, thereby bringing it closer to the form required
by a customer
a. Value Add
b. Muda
c. Muri
d. None
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Answer : Value Add

Mechanisms (other than inspection at a work place) to achieve in-station quality by prevention is an
example of _______________
a. Jidoka
b. Heijunka
c. Poka Yoke
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : Poka Yoke
Principles of 5S aim at achieving
a. Efficient work place
b. Jidoka
c. Efficient task switching
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Efficient work place

Standardization helps to reduce variance in
a. Cycle time
b. Quality
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Both 1 and 2

Standardized work and environment are the basis for
a. Continuous improvement
b. Defect prevention
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Continous Improvement

An operating model with in-station quality is found in
a. Mass production approach
b. Toyota Production System
c. Both 1 and 2
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : Toyota Production System

Use of code analysis tools as the code is developed is an example of _______________
a. Concurrent Engineering
b. In station quality
c. first things first
d. None
Show Answer

Answer : In station quality

Kaizen is _______________
a. An activity that causes an incidental problem
b. An activity that causes a recurrent problem
c. An activity that enables continuous improvement
d. None of the above
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Answer : An activity that enables continuous improvement

The 5 Ws of root cause analysis are
a. Who, what, where, when, why
b. What, where, when, who, why
c. Who, who, who, who, who
d. Why, why, why, why, why
Show Answer

Answer : Why, why, why, why, why

Automatically stopping the process when something is wrong and then fixing the problems on the line
itself as they occur is called _______________
a. Heijunka
b. Jidoka
c. Kaizen
d. Kanban
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Answer : Jidoka

Which of the following are examples of Muda (waste) in the process which should be eliminated?
a. Doing work manually when it can be automated
b. Equipment not working
c. Spending efforts in processing repetitive issues
d. All of the above
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Answer : All of the above

Lean is _______________
a. Action Oriented
b. Continuous Improvement
c. Process toolkit
d. All of the above
Show Answer

Answer : All of the above
Lean is not _______________
a. Short term gain
b. Problem Solver
c. Action Oriented
d. Continous Improvement
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Answer : Short term gain

The deciding factors for automation are _______________
a. Feasibility
b. Return of Investment
c. Frequency
d. All the above
Show Answer

Answer : All of the above

Understanding the actual situation is known as _______________
a. Capacity Planning
b. Mistake Proofing
c. SS
d. Go and see Yourself
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Answer : Go and see Yourself

Use _______________ to reduce setup/changeover time
b. 5S
c. RCA
d. VSM
Show Answer

Answer : SMED

Issue log or KEDB helps in _______________
a. Mistake proofing
b. Automation
c. VSM
d. Competency management
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Answer : Mistake proofing

The PM defines the coding standard for a new technology before the development starts. Based on
these guidelines, he also reconfigures the code review tool. Choose the Lean tenets PM has applied
a. Standardization & Mistake proofing
b. Standardization & Statistical Analysis
c. Only Standardization
d. 5S and Mistake proofing
Show Answer

Answer : Standardization & Mistake proofing

What are the 5 STEPS of 5S?
a. Shine, Solve, Sustain, Sort, Standardize
b. Sustain, Sort, Standardize, Set, Shine
c. Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain
d. Sort, Sustain, Sushi, Shine, Standardize
Show Answer

Answer : Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain

Which statements defines “VALUE”?
a. The customer has to be willing to pay for the activity
b. The activity must “directly transform” the item or person flowing through the process into what the
customer is willing to pay for.
c. The activity must meet all expected requirements on the first attempt
d. All of the above
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Answer : All of the above

A checklist is a simple example for _______________
a. Mistake proofing
b. Standardization
d. 5S
Show Answer
Answer : Mistake Proofing

What is the first step in the VSM?
a. Draw the Value stream mapping(As-IS)
b. Identify the customer Value deliverable
c. Remove the wastes
d. Identify the Value added and Non value added activities
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Answer : Identify the customer Value deliverable

In a project X, few resources are overburdened due to disparity of competency in teams. This situation is
a result of _______________
a. Muda
b. Muri
c. Mura
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Answer : Muri

Which of the following tenets is used for work place management?
b. 5S
c. VSM
d. DSM
Show Answer

Answer : 5S

Which of the following Lean methodologies can be used to identify the waste in the process?
a. DSM
b. 5S
c. VSM
Show Answer

Answer : VSM

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Identify the applicable tenet used for identifying the root cause of the problem
a. 5S
b. Statistical Analysis
c. 5WHY
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Answer : 5 WHY

In an application maintenance project, the team was following the practice of placing a Red flag in front
of the engineer who was stuck up with a problem related to resolving the incident. This is an example of
a. Standardization
b. Kanban
c. Andon
d. None of the above
Show Answer

Answer : Andon

How many guiding principles does Lean have?
a. 11
b. 7
c. 12
d. 14
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Answer : 14

_____________ provides a complete visibility of all work items and status in the team
a. Standardization
b. Mistake Proofing
c. Visual Control
d. ecube
Show Answer

Answer : Visual Control

TPS is an integrated socio-technical system, developed by ____________
a. Ford
b. Toyota
c. Wipro
d. IBM
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Answer : Toyota

Which of the following is not part of 5S?
a. Sort
b. Sustain
c. Shine
d. Sequence
Show Answer

Answer : Sequence

According to Womack Lean thinking consists of __________ core principles
a. 3
b. 7
c. 14
d. 5
Show Answer

Answer : 5

Which of these are not a core Lean principle according to Womack
a. Pull
b. Flow
c. Value
d. Push
Show Answer

Answer : Push

The principle of flow emphasizes on __________
a. reduction in batch size
b. Moving to next phase as quickly as possible
c. Individual productivity
d. Customer satisfaction
Show Answer

Answer : reduction in batch size

SMED stands for _____________
a. Single Minute Exchange of Dies
b. Simply More Energy Daily
c. Simplest Most Effective Design
d. Sampling Method for Effort Deviation
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Answer : Single Minute Exchange of Dies

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Tags: 7 lean principles, business improve, concepts of lean manufacturing, definition lean

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