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(1) Origin truth

The reality of origin truth is classified with these states (49 remaining
mental formation aggregate) under the same aggregate, under the same
base and under the same element. Those states (49 remaining mental
formation aggregate) are classified with these states (origin truth) under
the same aggregate, under the same base and under the same element.
They are classified under 1 aggregate (mental formation), under 1base
(mental object base) and under1 element (mental object element).

(2) Hetū dhammā= states that are roots.

The reality of states of that are roots are greed, hatred, delusion,
anti-greed, anti-hatred and anti-delusion.
States that are roots are classified with these states (44
remaining mental formation aggregate) under the same aggregate, under
the same base and under the same element.
These states (44 remaining mental formation aggregate) are
classified with these states (states that are roots) under the same
aggregate, under the same base and under the same element.
They are classified under 1 aggregate (mental formation), under
1 base (nature object) and under 1 element (nature object).

(3) Path truth

The reality of path truth is classified with these states (50 remaining
mental formation aggregate) under the same base and under the same
element. Those states (50 remaining mental formation) are classified
with these states (path truth) under the same aggregate, under the
same base and under the same element.
They are classified under 1 aggregate (mental formation), under 1
base (mental object base) and under 1 element (mental object
Female faculty
The reality of female faculty is femininity. Female faculty is
classified with these states (15 remaining subtle matters) under the
same aggregate, under the same base and under the same element.
Those states (15 remaining subtle matters) are classified with these
states (female faculty) under the same aggregate, under the same base
and under the same element.
They are classified under 1 aggregate (matter), under 1 base (mental
object base) and under same element (mental object element).

(4) Bodily pleasure faculty

Bodily pleasure faculty is classified with these states (4 remaining
feeling faculties) under the same aggregate, under the same base and
under the same element. Those states (4 remaining feeling faculties) are
classified with these states (Bodily pleasure faculty) under the same
aggregate, under the same base and under the same element.
They are classified under 1 aggregate (feeling), under 1 base (mental
object base) and under same element (mental object element).
(5) Lamentation
Lamentation is classified with these states (sound of non-lamentation
born consciousness and sound born by heat) under the same aggregate,
under the same base and under the same element. Those states (sound of
non-lamentation born consciousness and sound born by heat) are
classified with these states (Lamentation) under the same aggregate,
under the same base and under the same element.
They are classified under 1 aggregate (matter), under 1 base (sound) and
under same element (sound).


(1) What type of individual is guthabhani?

(a) A person who is foul mouthed (Guthabhani).
(b) A person who is a flower speaker (pupphabhani).
(c) A person who is honey- tongued (madhubhani).
In this world, a certain person who is a liar, being brought into an
assembly, into the midst of a meeting, or into the midst of his relations,
or into a congregation, or into the prince’s council and interrogated as a
witness thus: Come, good man, just tell us what you know about it he
would say I know which he does not know and knowing he would say, I
do not know. He would say he saw those things which he has never seen
and would not say which things he actually witnessed, thus either for his
own sake of others or for the sake of any least gain to him, he would
speak untruth consciously. Such a kind of person is said to be foul


(2) what type of individual is Vijjupamacitta?

(a) A person whose mind is like an infected sore (Arukupamacitta).
(b) A person whose mind is like flash of lightning (Vijjupamacitta).
(c) A person whose mind is like a vajira diamond (Vajirupamcitta).
In this world, a certain person who comprehends as five aggregate
excluding greed (lobha) is suffering, lobha is the origin (cause) of
suffering, Nibbana is the cessation of sufering and Eight- fold Noble
Path is the path leading to the cessation of suffering. just as a person
who possessed of sight, can see by the flash of lightning in the cessation
of suffering and Eight- fold Noble Path is the path leading to the
cessation of suffering. Such a person is said to be lighting - minded.

(3) what type of individual is Ucchagapanna?

(a) A person of inverted- intellect (Avakujjapanna).
(b) A person of folded- intellect (Ucchagapanna).
(c) A person of wide-intellect (Puthupanna)

(B) What type of individual is Ucchangapanna?

In this world, a certain person goes to a monastery in order to listen
to the discourses from the monks. The monks preach to him in the
doctrine that is beneficial at the beginning, in the middle, at the end and
announce to him the perfectly pure noble life that is full of meaning.
Seated in that seat, he does mind the discourse when it was told, or when
it was continued, or when it was finished, in the beginning, nor in the
middle, nor at the end.
Just as a person who has in the fold of a lap of his cloth placed
many kinds of food whether sesame seed or rice, sweets and plums and
when he rises from his seat, they are all scattered through lapse of
memory. In the like manner there is a person goes to a monastery in
order to listen to the discourses from the monks. The monks preach to
him in the doctrine that is beneficial at the beginning, in the middle, at
the end and announce to him the perfectly pure noble life that is full of
meaning. Seated in that seat, he does mind the discourse when it was
told, or when it was continued, or when it was finished, in the same
manner, having got up from his seat, he pays unmindful to the discourse,
neither at the beginning nor in the middle, nor at the end. Such a person
is said to be the folded intelligence.
4.(A) A person comparable to a mark on stone (Pasanalekhupama)
(B) A person comparable to a mark on earth (Pathavilekhupama)
(C) A person comparable to a mark on water (Udakalekhupama)

(A) What type of individual is Pasanalekhopama?

In this world, a certain person becomes repeatedly angry and anger
endures for a long time, as a letter mark inscribed on a stone is so
permanent that it cannot be effaced soon either by wind or by water, but
lasts long. So also is a person who becomes repeatedly angry and that
anger endures for a long time. Such a person who may be compared to a
letter mark drawn on stone.


Person Habitual Manner Condition Mark on

First Angry, last long Permanent Stone

Second Angry, not last long Quickly Earth

Third Strong, harsh and Disappear Water

unpleasant manner quickly

5. These persons who are comparable to Benares cloth.

What are the three types of persons comparable to three kinds of
Benares cloth?
There are three kinds of Benares cloth, one brand-new, beautifully
colored of smooth texture and valuable. Another cloth is neither new nor
old but of fine color, smooth to touch and of much value. The last one
which is worn out yet beautiful in color and pleasant to the touch. They
use this worn Benares cloth for enwrapping jewellery or they throw it
into the perfumed chest.
In the same manner, there exist among the monks three types of
persons comparable to these Benares cloths. What are the three?
If a certain newly young Buddhist monk happens to be virtuous
and lovely, it is as beauty of color in him. Just as Benares cloth is
beautifully colored, so also is this person. Those who serve him, respect
him, worship him, entertain the same views with him, this will be for
their good and happiness for a long time. This is owing to the pleasure of
contact with him. Just a Benares cloth is pleasant to the touch, in the
same way should this person be figured. It comes to be of good
consequence and great advantage to those from whom he accepts four
requisites (residence, robe, food and medicines), this is owing to the
great worth of the person. Just as a Benares cloth is valuable, so also is
this person. If a middle-aged monk ... pe ... If a senior monk happens to
be virtuous and good natured, it is because of his virtue. Just as Benares
cloth is beautifully colored, so also is this person. Those who serve him,
respect him, worship him, entertain the same views with him, this will
be for their good and happiness for a long time. This owing to the
pleasure of contact with him. Just as a Benares cloth is pleasant to the
touch, in the same way should this person is amiable in disposition. It
comes to be of great benefit and great advantage to those from whom he
accepts four requisites (residence, robe, food and medicines), this is
owing to the great worth of the person. Just as a Benares cloth is
valuable, so also is this person.

If such a senior monk happens to say something in an assemble of

monks, then the monks would address the assembly thus: “let the
venerable brethren make less noise, this monk is speaking about the
doctrine, and the discipline” and his words will be laid to heart, just in
the same way as Benares cloth is deposited in the perfumed chest.
These are the three types of persons who live and have their being
among the monks, that are comparable to Benares cloth.

Benares cloth Color Texture Value
New Beautiful Smooth Valuable (expensive)
Neither new Fine Smooth Much value
or old
Worn-out Fine Pleasant Still valued (wrapping
jewellery or throw into
the perfumed chest)

Monks Character States Value

Newly Virtuous, Pleasure of Great worth of
young good contact the person
(1-5) natured
Middle Virtuous, Pleasure of Great worth of the person
(6-10) good natured contact
Senior Virtuous, Pleasure of Great worth of the person
(over 10 good natured contact (his words will be laid to
vasa) heart)

6. A One who is to be easily measured (Suppameyya)

B. One who is hard to be measured (Duppameyya
C. One who cannot be measured (Appameyya)

What type of individual is Skuppameyya?

In this world, a certain person who is arrogant, rude, changeable,
talkative, irrelevant in speech, having the memory confused, unmindful,
of unsettled mind with his sense out of faculty. Such a person is one who
may be easily measured.

The first term

The first term states that are roots (Hetu Dhamma) includes greed, hatred,
delusion, anti-greed, anti-hatred, and anti-delusion. These states can be
classified into 1 aggregate, 1 base, 1 element and 3 truths.
1 aggregate; Greed, hatred, delusion, anti- greed, anti- hatred and anti-
delusion constitute the aggregate of the mental factor formation. In this way,
there appear 1 aggregate.
1 base; Greed, hatred, delusion, anti- greed, anti- hatred and anti-delusion
constitute objects base. In this way, there appears 1 base.
1 element; Greed, hatred, delusion, anti-greed, anti-hatred, and anti-delusion
constitute nature objects element. In this way, there appears 1 element.
1 truth; Hatred, delusion, anti-greed, anti-hatred and anti- delusion,
associated with 63 mundane- rooted (loki sahetuka) consciousnesses,
excluding greed, constitute suffering truth. Greed consciousness, 1
constituent occurring in jhana- second- path consciousnesses, 1 constituent
occurring in jhana- third- path consciousnesses, 1 constituent occurring in
jhana- fourth- path consciousness constituted the path truth.
Anti-greed and anti- hatred in 4 jhana- fruition consciousnesses and anti-
greed, anti-hatred and anti-delusion (right view) in 4 jhana- fruition
consciousnesses fall outside the scope of the classification of the 4 Noble
Truths. In this there appear 3 truths.

The second term

The second term states that are not roots (Na hetu Dhamma) includes
89 consciousnesses, 46 mental factors, excluding greed, hatred, delusion,
anti-greed, anti-hatred, and anti- delusion, 28 types of matter and Nibbana.
These states can be classified into 5 aggregate, 12 bases, 18 elements and 3
5 aggregate; 28 types of matter constitute material aggregate, feeling from
among 46 mental factors constitutes feeling aggregate. Conception
constitutes conception aggregate. The remaining 44 mental factors constitute
mental factor formation aggregate. 89 consciousnesses constitute
consciousness aggregates.
Nibbāna falls outside the scope of the classification of aggregate. In
this way, there appear 5 aggregates.
12 bases; Out of 28 types of matter, eye constitutes eye base, ear constitutes
ear base, nose constitute nose base, tongue constitutes tongue base, body
constitute body base, sight constitute sight base, sound constitute sound
base, smell constitute smell base, taste constitute taste base, sense of touch
comprising element of mass, element of heat and element of energy
constitute tangible base, 89 consciousnesses constitute mind base, 46 mental
factors, 16 subtle matters, I.e. element of density, faculty of femininity,
faculty of masculinity, material base for mental phenomena, material
vitality, material nutriment, element of space, bodily intimation, verbal
intimation, physical agility, physical flexibility, physical adaptability,
physical arising, developing, decay, cessation and Nibbāna constitute nature
objects base. In this way, there appear 12 bases.
18 elements; Out of 28 types of matter, eye constitute eye element, ear
constitute ear element, nose constitute nose element, tongue constitute
tongue element, body constitute body element, sight constitute sight
element, sound constitute sound element, smell constitute smell element,
taste constitute taste element, sense of touch comprising element of mass
element of heat and element of energy constitute tangible element, 2 eye-
consciousness constitute eye consciousness element, 2 ear-consciousness
constitute ear consciousness element, 2 nose-consciousness constitute nose
consciousness element, 2 tongue-consciousness constitute tongue
consciousness element, 2 body-consciousness constitute body consciousness
element, five door adverting consciousness and 2 receiving consciousness
constitute mind element, the remaining 76 consciousness constitute mind
consciousness element, 46 mental factors, 16 subtle matter and Nibbana
constitute nature objects element. In this way, there appear 18 elements.
3truths; 81 mundane consciousnesses, 46 mental factors and 28 types of
matter constitute suffering truth. The element of Nibbana is cessation truth. 7
or 6 constitute of the first path consciousness, i. e. right thinking, right
speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right
concentration, occurring in the jhana- first -path consciousness, 7 or 6
constitute of the second path consciousness, occurring in the jhana – second
– path consciousness, 7 or 6 constitute of the third path consciousness,
occurring in the jhana – third – path consciousness and 7 or 6 constitute of
the fourth path consciousness constitute the path truth.
The remaining 27 jhana path mental phenomena and 34 jhana fruition
mental phenomena fall outside the scope of the classification of 4 Noble
Truths. In this way, there appear 3 truths.

The first term

The first term rooted states ( sahetuka Dhamma) includes; 71 consciousness
associated with roots, 52 mental factors, excluding delusion mental factor
occurring in delusion- rooted consciousness. There states can be classified
into 4 aggregate, 2 base, 2element and 3 truths.
(3)aggregate; Feeling from among 52 mental factor formation aggregate. 71
consciousness associated with root constitute the aggregate of
consciousness. In this way, there appear 4 aggregates 2 base, 71
consciousness associated with root constitute the mind base, 52 mental
factors constitute nature object base. In this way, there appear 2 bases.
(2) element; 71 consciousness associated with root constitute the mind
consciousness element, 52 mental factors constitute nature object element. In
this way, there appear 2 elements.
(3) truths; 63 mundane- rooted (loki sahetuka) consciousness, 51 mental
factors, excluding greed constitute suffering truth. Greed constitute origin,
truths. 8 or 7 constitute of the path, i.e. right view, right thinking, right
speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right
concentration, occurring in the jhana- first -path consciousness, 8 or 7
constitute of the second path consciousness, occurring in the jhana – second
– path consciousness, 8 or 7 constitute of the third path consciousness,
occurring in the jhana – third – path consciousness and 8 or 7 constitute of
the fourth path consciousness constitute the path truth.
Remaining 29 entities in jhana path consciousnesses and 37 entities in the
jhana – fruition consciousnesses fall outside the scope of the of the
classification of the 4 Noble Truths. In this way, there appear 3 truths.

The second term

The second term rootless states (Ahetuka dhamma) includer; 18 rootless
consciousnesses, 12 common mental factors, excluding desire, Delusion
mental factor occurring 2 Delusion- rooted consciousnesses, 28 types of
matter and Nibbana. These states can be classified into 5 aggregate, 12
bases, 18 elements and 2 truths.
5 aggregate; 28 types of matter constitute material aggregate, feeling from
among 12 common mental factors & delusion mental factor constitute factor
constitute feeling aggregate. Conception constitute conception aggregate.
The remaining 10 common mental factor & delusion mental factor constitute
mental factor formation aggregate. 18 rootless consciousnesses constitute
consciousness aggregates.
Nibbana falls outside the classification of aggregate. In this way, there
appear 5 aggregates.
12 bases; out of 28 types of matter, eye constitute eye base, ear constitute ear
base, nose constitute nose base, tongue constitutes tongue base, body
constitute body base, sight constitute sight base, sound constitute sound
base, smell constitute smell base, taste constitute taste base, sense of touch
comprising element of mass, element of heat and elementof energy
constitute tangible base, 18 rootless constitute tangible base, 18 rootless
consciousnesses constitute mind base, 12 common mental factors, delusion
mental factor, 16 subtle matters, i.e. element of density, faculty of
femininity, faculty of masculinity, material base for mental phenomena,
material vitality, material nutriment, element of space, bodily intimation,
verbal intimation, physical agility, physical flexibility, physical adaptability,
physical arising, developing, decay, cessation and Nibbana constitute nature
objects base. In this way, there appear 12 bases.
18 elements; out of 28 types of matter, eye constitute eye element, ear
constitute ear element, nose constitute nose element, tongue constitute
tongue element, sound constitute sound element, smell constitute smell
element, taste constitute taste element, sense of touch comprising element of
mass element of heat and element of energy constitute tangible element 2
eye- consciousnesses constitute eye consciousness element, 2 ear-
consciousness element, 2 nose consciousness constitute nose consciousness
element, 2 tongue consciousness constitute tngue consciousness element, 2
body consciousness element, five door adverting consciousness and 2
receiving consciousness constitute mind element, the remaining 5 rootless
consciousness constitute mind consciousness element, 12 common mental
factors, delusion mental factor, 16 subtle matters and Nibbana constitute
nature object element. In this way, ther appear 18 elements.
2truths; 18 brootless consciousness, 12 comon mentqal factors, delusion
mental factor occurring in delusion- rooted consciousnesses, 28 types of
matter constitute suffering truth. The element of Nibbana is cessation truth.
In this way, there appear 2 truths.

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