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Questions to Ask Before Designing a Website

What is the purpose or intention of your website?
Try to think of a clearly articulated goal, it will help you to create a more clear vision so that you are
able to attract more readers. If you don’t understand your purpose, they won’t understand either.
What is the story you are trying to tell? How are you going to help others with your website? What is
its gift to the world?

Who is your Target Audience?

Who are you trying to tell this story to? And why do you think they want to hear your story? Think
not only of the demographics, but also the persona or characteristics/interests of your audience.
Pretend you are the person who represents your target, now think about what they need to know if
they were seeing your organization’s website for the first time, and what you would need to tell them
to keep them feeling connected and interested.

●​ Considering the above, what will be the title of your website?


●​ Does it tell your story, is it clear? Does it support your intention?


●​ What is the tagline, slogan, or inspirational quote that you would like as part of your website’s

header? Does this fit with the story and intention of your organization, the purpose of the website?
●​ How will you express your brand?

●​ Do you have a brand or graphic design that you will be using? If not, it is really helpful in any

marketing strategy to have a graphic design for your brand so that people can begin to associate it
with your organization or cause. It will go not only on your website, but on your pamphlets, flyers,
media etc. What are the colors and style you want to use? How do these relate to the kind of feeling
you want the viewer to have on your web page? You may want to think of words you would use to
describe your website and then how they translate visually.

How do you want to organize your website?

●​ What are your sections or main themes?

●​ Why do you want to organize it this way?


●​ What are your menu tabs, what will appear on the top menu bar?

Note: Try to find a balance, also use common phrases that people may even type into search
engines, or user-friendly words commonly used: Home, About (Philosophy, Mission Statement or
Vision, People or Staff), Works/Portfolio/Content-Related, Blog or News/Events, Contact (Maps
& Directions, Contact Form), FAQ, Resources, Services/Store, Gallery (Photos & Video).
●​ What do you want the readers to see on your home page?


Questions to Ask Before Designing a Website

●​ What do you need to be sure can be seen right away? What can be elaborated on later in more

detail on a connecting page?

You have 10 seconds to capture the reader’s attention enough to stay on your page, so you must
have exciting, creative, and FOCUSED and CLEAR intentions of the site’s purpose.

How do you want to express yourself in the content of your site?

●​ Is it in a language that anyone coming for the first time could understand?

●​ Is it relatable?

●​ Have you looked at how other people doing similar things have talked about what you are

talking about?
●​ What works and what does not work?

●​ How can you tell your story but be sure to connect on a deep and inspirational level with your

●​ How can you frame your story in language and words that do this?

What other features or capabilities on your website will you need to communicate
●​ Do you need blog functions?

●​ Do you need an internal search engine?


●​ An online store?

●​ A media gallery?

●​ A professional and well functioning calendar?


●​ Social media connections?


●​ PayPal or donations functions?


●​ News feeds? Etc.


What images will you be choosing to appear on your website?

Images should tell the story of the content that they are with, they are used to supplement the
communications messaging or framework– not to add a new idea– that is too confusing to the
reader and takes away from the power of your clear intention. It is best to put imagery at the top or
on the left, as the eyes go most naturally to the imagery on a page (especially faces) and then we read
normally starting from that point– thus some content can be skipped over easily or hidden if it is not
placed carefully/strategically.


Questions to Ask Before Designing a Website

What videos should you include on your website?
Videos should be dynamic, creative, inspirational, and even funny! And limited to about 2-4 minutes
if they are on a homepage or more of a summary to keep the main message to the point AND keep
the attention of the audience (detailed interviews etc. can be longer of course).

Remember, it is helpful to keep an open mind and to be flexible throughout this creative process.
Websites often go through many design phases in their lifetime, and change as the ideas of the
organization change, and with the needs of their audience.
Hopefully, you can continue to see it as an important tool for reaching millions of people all around
the globe, and an incredibly worthwhile investment of your energy. After all, it is your window to the

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