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Flux Technology Overview

Determining electrical anomalies in AC induction motors through flux analysis is accomplished by

trending specific flux parameters associated with particular faults. When appropriate
measurement practices (such as positioning and repeatability) are observed, electrical
characteristics detectable through flux analysis are stator related shorts, broken rotor bars and
changes in voltage balance. Flux data consist of low frequency measurements with a maximum
frequency of less than 200 Hz and/or slot pass measurements with a maximum frequency ideally
400 Hz above “slot pass” frequency. (The MotorSTATUS unit acquires low frequency flux
data.) The “slot pass” frequency flux data is acquired as supportive information for low frequency
data and at times has indicated stator faults where low frequency data is inconclusive. All
analyses are observed from high resolution data.

There are two main low frequency parameters which indicate stator degradation. One is
calculated as the sum of the energy of the running speed sidebands about line frequency. The
other is the amplitude of line frequency. For slot pass frequency analysis of stator anomalies, the
primary trend parameter is the “2xLF slot pass” parameter which is used to indicate significant
changes in energy of the slot pass family peaks separated by two times line frequency.

Broken rotor bars are indicated in low frequency flux analysis by evaluating the amplitude of the
number of poles time slip frequency (NPxSF) sideband about line frequency to the amplitude of
line frequency. It should be noted that a single flux measurement indicating rotor bar problems
must be verified with an electric current measurement. Because of the position of the flux coil,
the NPxSF sideband could be large relative to the line frequency. Even though the amplitude of
sideband may not be the same as that acquired through electric current measurements, the flux
sideband will “grow” similarly to the “current” sideband as a rotor deteriorates. If the flux
sideband increases but the “current” sideband does not, a stator fault is possible.

Voltage imbalance in a motor causes asymmetries in the electric and magnetic circuits of motors.
The parameter determined to indicated a change in the voltage balance is seen in the low
frequency flux analysis. This parameter appears at line frequency plus number of poles times
running speed divided by two (LF+((NP*RPS)/2)).

CSI has conducted several studies relating to the orientation of flux measurements and how they
affect analysis. Flux coil placement included axial, radial top, and radial side locations. Results
from the experiments showed motor anomalies were more obvious from flux measurements
taken in the axial direction. Results were not as obvious in the radial directions. Voltage
unbalance was detectable in the radial direction but at a lesser degree than in the axial location. In
addition, some radial locations showed voltage unbalance better than others (the best radial
location is motor dependent). As an additional point of interest, from data CSI has analyzed to
date, the line frequency amplitude was observed to increase with increasing turn-to-turn shorts.
However, this fact only occurred in data acquired from axially located measurements of AC
induction motors. It should be noted that, even for axial flux measurements, the trend parameter
for detecting stator faults should be evaluated over load ranges varying by no more than 10 to
15%. (i.e., flux trend parameters are most effective when they are “load normalized”.)

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The MotorSTATUS unit is equipped with a flux coil. One of it’s main functions is to verify speed
which is calculated based on a patented method. As can be deduced from the above information,
the ability of the MotorSTATUS unit to detect certain electrical motor faults is dependent upon
measurement location and motor type. If the primary concern is detection of stator anomalies, the
MotorSTATUS unit should be used in parallel with a more sophisticated portable or permanently
mounted flux analysis system in the axial direction. Note that since the overall flux signal in the
axial direction is small, it may be difficult to obtain a flux level significant to achieve a “motor
running” condition if MotorSTATUS is mounted axially.

When detecting stator related problems, and as a recommended practice in general, a baseline
should be collected of high resolution vibration, current and flux. Periodically, MotorView data
(and vibration data) should be acquired and definitely when MotorSTATUS indicates a potential
problem. Without baseline data, analysis technologies are greatly diminished.

MotorSTATUS can be a significant component of a complete motor reliability strategy.

Operational and temperature parameters are measured and will alarm during undesirable
conditions. Fault detection trends (flux and vibration) are most effective when used in
combination with periodic measurements made with more sophisticated instrumentation at the
most appropriate points on the motor.

Stewart V. Bowers, Ph.D.

Additional Reference Material on the Website — www.statustech.com

• Magnetic Flux Coil Positioning for Maximizing Analysis Capabilities

• Proactive Motor Monitoring through Temperature, Shaft Current, and Magnetic Flux Measurements

• Integrated Strategy for Predictive Maintenance of AC Induction Motors

• Implementation of a Proactive Motor Monitoring Program through Temperature and Flux

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