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Tag Questions

Add appropriate question tags.

1. He drinks a lot, ………………………?

does he

doesn't he

hasn't he

2. They arrived in the morning,


did they

didn't they

hadn't they

3. The water isn’t salty, ……………………………?

is it

Tag Questions

isn't it

was it

4. Mini lives in Singapore, ……………………………..?

does she

doesn't she

isn't she

5. She won the first prize, ………………………….?

did she

didn't she

doesn't she

Tag Questions

6. She has no job, …………………………….?

has she

hasn't she

doesn't she

7. She recognized him at once,


did she

didn't she

hadn't she

8. You believe in God, ……………………………..?

do you

don't you

Tag Questions

did you

9. Let’s take some rest, ……………………………..?

will we

shall we

should we

10. A few students wrote the answer,


did they

didn't they

11. Few people attended the meeting,


Tag Questions

did they

didn't they

12. She paid for the drinks,


did she

didn't she

hadn't she

1. He drinks a lot, doesn’t he?

2. They arrived in the morning, didn’t they?

3. The water isn’t salty, is it?

4. Mini lives in Singapore, doesn’t she?

5. She won the first prize, didn’t she?

Tag Questions

6. She has no job, has she?

7. She recognized him at once, didn’t she?

8. You believe in God, don’t you?

9. Let’s take some rest, shall we?

10. A few students wrote the answer, didn’t they?

11. Few people attended the meeting, did they?

12. She paid for the drinks, didn’t she?


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