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1. Solubility test must be performed on the crude extract on the basis on 1:1 ratio, which means
a. 1mg extract in 1mL solvent ​c. 0.1g extract in 0.1mL solvent
b. 1g extract in 1 mL solvent ​d. 0.5g extract in 1mL solvent

2. Determining the consistency of the crude extract means, the extract maybe:
a. Semi-solid ​ ​ . Syrupy
b. Viscous ​ . Sticky

3. Olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, and castor oil that are saponified by alkalies are classified
a. Waxes ​c. Fixed oils and fats
b. Oleoresins ​d. Volatile oils

4. This is usually determined because excessive moisture is considered an adulterant and is

conducive to the promotion of bacterial growth and subsequently, to the deterioration of and
spoilage of the plant sample:
a. Ash content ​c. Moisture content
b. Water content ​ .a&b
d ​ .b&c

5. o
For drugs containing no constituents, other than water, volatile at 105 C, after 5 hours, the
sample is weighed and again dried at 1-h intervals until the loss in weight is nmt:
a. 2.5% in 1-h drying ​c. 0.5% in 1-h drying
b. 0.25% in 1-h drying ​ ​d. 1% in 1-h drying

6. o
For drugs containing ether-soluble constituents volatile at 105 C, the N.F. directions require
a. the volatile ether-soluble extractive be determined.
b. the weight of the volatile ether-soluble extractive be subtracted from the weight lost
by the drug upon drying.
c. the difference of a & b is the moisture content of the drug.
d. the weight loss of the drug represents the moisture present in the sample

7. Crystalline compounds that contain water of hydration or adsorbed water are subject to limit
test under the heading “water” which specifies a determination of water content by:
a. Azeotropic method ​c. Karl Fischer titration
b. Toluene distillation ​d. Xylene method

8. If the loss of water of hydration or adsorbed water is due to water, or when it is known to
represent other volatile substances, the test is headed:
a. Loss on drying ​ ​c. Karl fischer titration
b. Water ​d. Azeotropic method
9. This is employed to determine trace amounts of water in a sample:
a. Coulometric titration ​ . Karl Fischer titration
b. Volumetric titration ​ . Direct titration

10. A relatively slow method of measurement of high level moisture in solid or semisolid
materials, and gives a good measure of water content:
a. ​Loss on drying ​c. Karl fischer titration
b. ​Water ​d. Azeotropic method

11. What is the final weight of the drug after drying, if five grams of basil leaves was subjected
to drying for 5 hours and continued heating, until the % moisture content obtained was
0.0195%. Compute for the weight loss of basil leaves.
a. 3.0500g & 0.6100g ​ ​c. 4.9805g & 0.0039g
b. 4.9025g & 0.0975g ​d. 4.9125g & 0.0975g

12. It usually represents the inorganic salts naturally occurring in the drug and adhering to it,
but it may also include inorganic matter added for the purposes of adulteration.
Ash determination furnishes a basis for judging the identity and cleanliness of a drug and
gives information relative to its adulteration with organic matter.
a. Only the first statement is correct.
b. Only the second statement is correct.
c. Both statements are correct
d. Both statements are incorrect.

13. The purpose of dissolving the acid-insoluble ash in diluted hydrochloric acid is to dissolve
other metallic elements does not necessarily represent all the inorganic constituents of the
This includes CaCO3, alkali chlorides, etc., leaving an acid-insoluble residue that consists
almost entirely of silica derived from soil adhering to the drug.
a. ​Only the first statement is correct.
b. ​Only the second statement is correct.
c. ​Both statements are correct
d. ​Both statements are incorrect.

14. if electric furnace is used for ignition, the temperature equivalent between 850-950 C is

considered as:
a. Very dull-red heat ​c. Dull-red heat
b. Bright-red heat ​d. Yellow-red heat ​e. White heat

15. Potassium chloride will tend to sublime when subjected to this temperature:
a. ​ ery dull-red heat
V ​ . Dull-red heat
b. ​ right-red heat
B ​ . White heat
d ​ . Yellow-red heat ​

16. The weight of acid-insoluble ash may be taken when the ash content obtained after
incineration was dissolved in dilute HCl. This was filtered and the precipitate was ignited with
the ash to obtain the acid-insoluble ash.
a. ​Only the first statement is correct.
b. ​Only the second statement is correct.
c. ​Both statements are correct
d. ​Both statements are incorrect.

17. Lithium carbonate was converted to Lithium oxide at this temperature:

a. ​ ery dull-red heat
V ​ . Dull-red heat
b. ​ right-red heat
B ​ . Yellow-red heat
d ​e. White heat

18. A 10.0 g sample was subjected to ash content determination. If an empty crucible weighs
53.4220 g and the weight of crucible and residue after incineration is 53.4750 g, the amount
of ash is? and % ash content?
a. 9.947g & 0.053% ​c. 0.053g & 1.06%
b. 9.937g & 0.053% ​d. 0.043g & 1.00%

19. Drying to constant weight has occurred when two consecutive weighing that do not differ by
more than 0.2 mg. The temperature for constant weight determination is 800ºC ± 25ºC.
a. The first statement is true but the second statement is false. ​
b. The first statement is false but the second statement is true.
c. Both statements are true ​
d. Both statements are false

20. The ash content of chemicals is determined by:

a. ignition to dull redness ​ ​
b. ignition to white heat ​
c. ignition to yellow-red heat ​
d. ignition to bright red heat

21. The reactive alcohol in Karl Fischer reaction includes:

a. Methanol ​ . Propylene glycol
b. Ethanol ​ . Diethyl glycol monoethyl ether

22. Karl Fischer titration is slow if the pH range of the bunsen reaction is:
a. pH is lower than 4 ​ . pH lower than 7
b. pH is lower than 5 ​ . pH lower than 8

23. In Karl Fischer titration, Bunsen reaction takes place when alcohol reacts with this
compound ___, and a base to form an intermediate alkylsulfite salt, which is then oxidized by
iodine to an alkylsulfate salt and consumes water during oxidation.
a. Sulfide ​c. Sulfur dioxide
b. Sulfur oxide ​d. Sulfur Trioxide

24. The ratio of water and iodine consumed in the bunsen reaction in Karl Fischer Titration is:
a. 1 : 1 ratio ​ . 1 : 3 ratio
b. 1 : 2 ration ​ . 1 : 4 ratio
25. The amount of water present in the sample in Karl Fischer titration is calculated based on:
a. The concentration of alcohol in the titer and the KF reagent consumed in the titration.
b. The concentration of iodine in the titer and the KF reagent consumed in the titration.
c. The concentration of pyridine in the titer and the KF reagent consumed in the titration.
d. The concentration of sulfur dioxide in the titer and the KF reagent consumed in the

26. In KF titration, this compound is used as a buffering agent:

a. Iodine ​ . pyridine
b. Sulfur dioxide ​ . methanol

27. This method of water content determination will detect any volatile substance present in the
a. Karl Fischer ​c. Gravimetric
b. Azeotropic ​d. Loss on drying

28. What is the % acid-insoluble ash of the sample if the weight of the fresh sample was 10.0g
and the weight of the acid-insoluble ash was 0.027g?
a. 0.17% ​c. 0.37%
b. 0.27% ​ ​d. 0.47%

29. What kind of extractive maybe determined in Cocoa?

a. total ether-soluble extractive ​ . Alcohol-soluble extractive
b. nonvolatile ether-extractive ​ . Hexane-Soluble extractive

30. The kind of extractive that maybe produced from Zingiber officinal?
a. Water-soluble extractive ​ . Diluted alcohol-Soluble extractive
b. Hexane-Soluble extractive ​ . Alcohol-soluble extractive

31. This solvent is employed to determine approximately the amount of resin in drugs in which
resinous matter is the important constituent.
a. Water ​c. Alcohol
b. Hexane ​d. Dilute alcohol

32. This serve as an index to the amount of fat present in the sample:
a. Water extractive ​ . Diluted alcohol extractive
b. Hexane extractive ​ ​ . Alcohol extractive

33. The number of milligrams of KOH necessary to neutralize the free acids in 1 g of oil, fat,
wax, resin, balsam or similar organic substance of complex composition:
a. Acid number ​c. Koettsdorfer number
b. Acid value ​d. Acidity index

34. This value serves to aid in the detection of the presence of glycerides of acids containing
less than 16 or more than 18 carbon atoms since the value of this constant is inversely
proportional to the mean MW of the acids present.
a. Iodine value ​c. Unsaponifiable matter
b. Acid value ​d. Saponification value

35. The apparatus used to subject the hexane-soluble extractive through 20hours of
continuous heating to the action of solvent:
a. Clavenger apparatus ​c. Reflux apparatus
b. Soxhlet apparatus ​d. Distillation apparatus

36. The residue that remains undissolved after successive treatment with boiling acid and
a. Extract ​c. Crude fiber
b. Crude ​d. Crude extract

37. The presence of free acids in oils, fats and waxes is due chiefly to the hydrolysis of the
esters composing them. This is caused by chemical treatment by bacterial action, or by
catalytic action of light and heat.
a. The first statement is true but the second statement is false. ​
b. The first statement is false but the second statement is true.
c. Both statements are true ​
d. Both statements are false

38. Upon aging, the acid value of fats and oils:

a. decreases slowly at first and more rapidly later ​c. remains the same
b. increases slowly at first and more rapidly later ​d. neutral

39. Substances that are balsamic or resinous in character contain:

a. Minimum acid value ​ . Acid value Cannot be determined
b. Maximum acid value ​ . Both a & b

40. The official requirement of Oleic acid is between 196 to 204, it indicates that the acid value
of oleic acid is low at 196. And an acid value greater than 204 indicates adulteration with
some substances having a high acid value such as resins.
a. ​The first statement is true but the second statement is false. ​
b. ​The first statement is false but the second statement is true.
c. ​Both statements are true ​
d. ​Both statements are false

41. Maximum acid values for most official fats and oils are set-up for purposes of:
a. Determining the amount of free acids present in the oil.
b. Determine whether the oil sample is fresh or recently prepared.
c. Determine the value of fats and oil substances based in part upon their content of
free acids.
d. Determine the number of milliliters of 0.1N NaOH required to neutralize the free acid
in 10g of substance.
42. The sample oil is subjected to this process to ensure complete saponification of the oil:
a. Soxhlet extraction ​ . Evaporation to dryness
b. Reflux on a water bath ​ . Distillation

43. The indicator used in the titration of the saponified oil sample with standard hydrochloric
a. Methyl red ​c. Phenolpthalein
b. Methyl orange ​d. Thymol blue

44. The endpoint in the titration of the oil sample using the indicator specified in #43:
a. Colorless ​ . Red
b. Light Pink ​ . Blue

45. Why sulfuric acid cannot be used to substitute the standard hydrochloric acid solution in the
titration of excess KOH of the saponified oil?
a. There will be formation of precipitate
b. To eliminate errors from every source such as those w/c would be introduced by the
absorption of CO2 by the alkali or by the alkalinity of the glass.
c. This would interfere with the observation of the end point.
d. Salting-out from the alcoholic solution will take place during the reaction.

46. A sample of corn oil weighing 1.600g saponified with 25mL of 0.4N KOH required 9.0mL of
0.5N of HCl to titrate the excess KOH. In the blank determination, 20mL of 0.5N HCl was
required to titrate the alkali. Calculate the saponification value of the oil sample.
(Saponification value of corn oil: 187-193).
a. 87.67 ​ ​c. 187.67
b. 182.88 ​ ​d. 192.88

47. Does the calculated saponification value in #46 correspond to the USP requirement?
a. Yes ​ ​ . Cannot be calculated
b. No ​ . Conform to specification

48. The long chain fatty acids found in fats have ________ saponification value:
a. Low ​ ​ . Neutral
b. High ​ . Not determined

49. The reason why long chain fatty acids found in fats have ____ saponification value (please
refer to your answer in #48), because they have a relatively __?__ number of carboxylic
functional groups per unit mass of the fat.
a. Low ​c. Less ​
b. Fewer ​d. High

50. Fats (triglycerides) upon alkaline hydrolysis (either with KOH or NaOH ) yield:
a. soap
b. ester
c. glycerol and potassium salts of fatty acids
d. glycerol and sodium salts of fatty acids

51. Saponification value gives information concerning the character of the fatty acids of the fat-
the longer the carbon chain, the less acid is liberated per gram of fat hydrolysed. It is also
considered as a measure of the average molecular weight (or chain length) of all the fatty
acids present.
a. ​The first statement is true but the second statement is false. ​
b. ​The first statement is false but the second statement is true.
c. ​Both statements are true ​
d. ​Both statements are false

52. For substances that do not contain free acids, the ester number is:
a. Equal to acid value ​ . greater than the acid value
b. Equal to saponification value ​ . the difference bet the acid value and
saponification values

53. Detection of adulterants such as rosin and stearic acid in the wax maybe done by
determining the:
a. Acid value ​c. Ester Value
b. Iodine value ​d. Saponification value

54. A quantitative measure of the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids present, both free and
combined as esters, that have the property of absorbing iodine.
a. Acid value ​c. Ester Value
b. Iodine value ​ ​d. Saponification value

55. The required amount of oil, fat, wax or other substance in the determination of iodine
number of the sample:
a. 1g ​c. 100g
b. 10g ​d. 1000g

For nos. 56-59: Determine the corresponding iodine values of the following classes of oils:
​Choices: ​a. less than 90 ​c. 100-120
​b. below 100 ​d. above 120

56. Semi-drying oils ​ ​c

57. Drying oils ​d ​
58. Animal fats ​a
59. Non-drying oils ​b ​

60. The accepted method for the determination of iodine number of fats and oils in the USP:
a. Hubl method ​ . Wijs method
b. Hanus method ​ . none of the choices

61. Determine the iodine value of a sample of olive oil weighing 0.2300g. If 25mL and 13.00mL
of 0.1100N sodium thiosulfate solution are required for the blank and residual titrations
a. 62.83 ​c. 82.83
b. 72.83 ​ ​d. 92.83

62. When free acids are present, the ester value is

a. Equal to acid value ​ . greater than the acid value
b. Equal to saponification value ​ . the difference bet the acid value and
saponification values

63. If a sample of beeswax is found to have an acid number of 18.4 and a saponification value
of 98.2, what is the ester number of the sample?
*Official ester number of white wax is 72-79; yellow wax 72-77
a. -77.8 ​c. 79.8
b. 77.8 ​d. 97.8

64. Does the calculated ester value in #63 correspond to the USP requirement?
a. Yes ​ ​ . Cannot be calculated
b. No ​ ​ . Conform to specification

65. If a sample of carnauba wax has an acid value of 5.0 and an ester value of 76, what is the
saponification value of the sample?
(Saponification Value of Carnauba wax 78–95)
a. 15.2 ​c. 0.066
b. 71 ​d. 81

66. Does the calculated saponification value in #65 correspond to the USP requirement?
a. Yes ​ ​ . Cannot be calculated
b. No ​ . Conform to specification

67. The residue that remains when animals fats and oils are saponified:
a. Phytosterol ​ . Cholesterol
b. Sterol ​ . Stigmasterol

68. When large amount of unsaponifiable matter is present, it may:

a. Emulsify
b. Separate out of the mixture
c. float on the surface of the mixture.
d. a & b
e. b & c

69. The substances present in oils or fats that are not saponified by alkali hydroxides but are
soluble in ordinary fat solvents:
a. Impurities ​c. adulterants
b. Unsaponifiable matter ​d. saponifiable matter

70. This value is an indication of the identity and purity of fatty substances possessing alcoholic
OH groups and is inversely proportional to the MW:
a. Iodine value ​c. Hydroxyl value
b. Acetyl value ​d. Acid value

71. The number of milligrams of KOH required to neutralize the acetic acid obtained by the
saponification of 1g of acetylated fatty acids.
a. Iodine value ​c. Hydroxyl value
b. Acetyl value ​ ​d. Acid value

72. Spearmint belong to which division of volatile oil?

a. Alcohol ​ . Aldehyde
b. Phenol ​ . Ketone

73. Specific gravities of oils may be influenced by:

a. the maturity of the plant from which the oils is obtained
b. the age of the oil
c. the methods of preparation and purification
d. storage and preservation

74. Examples of Oils lighter than water:

a. Caraway ​ . Coriander
b. Clove ​ ​ . Turpentine

75. The rotatory power of volatile oils is measured using:

a. Refractometer ​ . Laurent half-shadow polarimeter.
b. pH meter ​ . Spectrophotometer

76. The property of volatile oil which serve in the detection of extraneous matter in the oil
a. Optical rotation ​c. Absorbance
b. Refractive Index ​d. Specific gravity

For nos. 77-78:

Problem: ​If a 7.120g sample of peppermint oil, refluxed w/ 25mL of about 0.5N
alcoholic KOH, required 20.32mL of 0.4900N HCl for the residual titration. The
blank was run using the same volume of 0.5N alcoholic KOH and required
24mL of 0.4900N HCl to bring about the end point. Calculate the following:
​(Menthyl acetate = 0.19831g/meq)
77. The number of meq of KOH required to saponify the total esters calculated as menthyl
a. 1.6032 ​c. 1.8032
b. 1.7032 ​d. 1.9032

78. The percent menthyl salicylate.

a. 4.022% ​c. 6.022%
b. 5.022% ​d. 7.022%

79. Alkaloidal reagent containing solution of bismuth potassium iodide:

a. Mayer’s reagent ​ . Dragendorff’s reagent
b. Valser’s reagent ​ . Hager’s reagent

80. Calculate the amount of caffeine extracted from coffee beans using 10.0 of the sample.
The volume of 0.02N H2SO4 added to the extract was 26.3 mL, the excess titrated by 21.75
mL of 0.021N NaOH. Each mL of 0.02 N H2SO4 is equivalent to 3.8858 mg of caffeine
(C9H10O2). The percentage of caffeine is:
a. 1.69% ​c. 3.69%
b. 2.69% ​d. 4.69% ​

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