Activity Reflection 1

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Activity Reflection 1

This weekend, I was going to watch the Mason woman’s soccer game with my
friends. It started at 1:00 pm and ended at 3:00 pm on Sunday. Before the game starts, we
should register in the website to make sure we could get the tickets in advance. Because
we were students in Mason, it was free for us to watch this game. When I came into
George Mason Stadium, the students outside were very enthusiastic and gave me a small
bell which signed the Mason Patriots logo to encourage the players in the stadium. It was
amazing that there were a great deal of people watching this game even though it was
very hot outside. Before the soccer game began, the commentator introduced two teams,
Patriots and Binghamton, including the players, judges and the coaching staff and then
broadcasted the national anthem. Later, the soccer game start and people were extremely
excited when the players prepared to shoot. The soccer game was so competitive that
some players got injured when competing with other people. I was so satisfied that
screamed out loudly when Mason team player shot and got the score. The passion that
everyone expressed made me excited and maybe that was the reason why I like watching
ballgame. In the end, the final scores Mason verse Binghamton was 2:0.
After watching this woman soccer game, I found it inspired me a lot and I could learn
something from it. For example, their prefect team corporation and their urge to win the
game that expressed during the whole game left me a deep impression. Though they got
zero point in the first half game, they did not give up and encourage each other to get
more scores in the next half game. Because of their positive attitude and competitive
spirt, they overcome all the difficulties and won the game finally.
In my opinion, this game is same as my future academic study in America. Though
it seems hard for me now because it is my first time to go to American college and
everything is new for me. Moreover, in my way to get my degree, I would face plenty of
problems and much pressure that not only in my academic study but also in my life. I
should overcome the language barrier and try to involve in a new different culture.
Sometimes I would also experience some psychological issue such as homesickness and
loneliness when I stay alone in the dormitory. However, I believe myself that everything
will go well when adapting a new life. I would try my best to communicate with new
people and make friends as much as possible. There are plenty of international students in
Mason and they come from different country like Koran and India. It is not only the
challenge but an excellent chance to learn more knowledge and experience more different
culture here. Just like the Mason woman soccer team, all of students are in the same
university and we should have the sense of belonging when our team success in the final
competition. We are supposed to scream when our soccer team get score. Thanks to our
professor that I could have a impressed experience in this Sunday.

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