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Tecnólogo en Gestión Logística

Ficha 1852702

AA13_JU_Evidencia 4: Supply Chain Planning

Presentado a instructor:

Jorge Uribe

Presentado por:

Jaris Matías de la Rosa Genes

Jairo Alberto Monterrosa Berrios

Barranquilla, 03 Mayo de 2020

Tabla de contenido

pág. 1
1. Introducción………………………………………………..……...............3.

2. Activity development…………………………………………...……..4,5,6.

3. Conclusion…….…………………………………………………….……..7.

4. Bibliografía………………………………………………………….……..8.


pág. 2
Today it is essential to learn English since it is considered the universal
language and learning has become necessary and even mandatory to
achieve a better professional future, today with a wide knowledge of the
English language opens many possibilities in the workplace and Personal
since the globalization of this language has been faster and faster and
today it is a basic necessity to spend in daily life.

Una los actores de la cadena de suministro (1- 5) con las

actividades que realizan (a- e).

pág. 3
1. Supplier (c)
2. Producers (a)
3. Warehouse (d)
4. Distribution centers (b)
5. Retailers (e)

a. Convert the materials into products

b. Bring the product to the ultimate user
c. Supply raw material
d. Store material or products
e. Deliver to the Retailers

Match the verbs with their definitions or synonyms.

1. To assemble C a) To emit: to give out

2. To convert E b) To try hard; to struggle
3. To encompass G c) To put together, to collect
4. To include I d) To transport; to send
5. To issue A e) To change; to transport
6. To link J f) To demand; to want; to need.
7. To offer H g) To surround; to include.
8. To require F h) To propose for acceptance.
9. To ship D i) To compromise; to contain
10. To strive B j) To connect; to join.

Diligencie la información en la tabla teniendo en cuenta la lectura

sobre la cadena de suministro de la compañía Amazon

According to
the article, why Because it is a leading company in supply chain innovation with its passionate
is Amazon a commitment to implement leading processes in advanced automation in each
Master of of its distribution centers.
Supply Chain?
What types of
fulfillment It has a wide range of compliance services, which is leading it to have a wide
services does range of services.
Amazon have?
What is the key
Innovation is the key to supply chain excellence, in this sense Amazon has
to supply chain
been characterized by giving the importance it deserves in each of the
excellence in
processes it implements in the supply chain.

pág. 4
What is Vendor It is a program developed for distribution centers and delivery to the final
Flex by consumer, it is aimed at sellers in the Amazon marketplace who do not use
Amazon? Amazon warehouses and logistics and, therefore, directly manage shipments,
Explain using the services of freight companies.
What is going As a leader in the area of logistics providers with high standards and with a
to be Amazon high commitment to providing services optimized to the demands of
in a few years? customers

Escriba la oración afirmativa teniendo en cuenta el verbo y el

auxiliar que va.

1. We are going to study all night.

2. They are going to spend the day together.
3. Daniela is going to get married with me in December.
4. My brother is going to visit us tomorrow.

Escriba una oración afirmativa o negativa a partir de la imagen

que allí se presenta y el going to.

1. I am going to see you tomorrow in the warehouse.

2. My supplier is not going to visit us today.
3. Those apples are not going to consumer.

pág. 5
4. Today is going to celebrate the day of the retailer.

Teniendo en cuenta su proyecto formativo y enfocándose en su

producto o servicio que comercializa describa la cadena de
suministro en un párrafo de 10 (renglones) renglones haciendo
uso del tiempo verbal Going To.

It is aimed at a footwear production company that provides the services of

Storage, Crossdocking, Picking, Receipt and Dispatch, Logistics Platform,
Transport and Distribution. We are going to become a competitive
organization in the field of shoe manufacturing companies nationwide, with
highly qualified personnel and the latest technological tools, managing to
increase the quality of our products to meet the changing needs of our
customers with high standards. of requirements of our consumers, the
organization will be focused on our values and principles. looking towards a
better performance of the organization and contributing to the
improvement of the quality of life of the company with a social environment
that is consistent with what we need, always backed by a solid process and
policies that do not lead to being a point of reference in the competitive
footwear market and we will not run the risk of improvising with the
credibility of our clients to deposited in us.


pág. 6
The use of "go to" to refer to future events suggests a very strong link to
the present. The precise moment is not relevant, it is later than now, but
the attitude implies that this event depends on something we know about
the current situation. "Go to" is mostly used to talk about our plans and
intentions, or to make predictions based on current evidence. In everyday
speech, "go to" is often shortened to "go to", especially in American


pág. 7

pág. 8

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