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Exam 01

Full Marks: 100

Time: 60 minutes Date: 08-5-2020
1. The IGCSE results of the 30 members of a rugby squad were as follows: All 30 players
passed at least two subjects, 18 players passed at least three subjects, and 3 players passed
four subjects or more. Calculate:
a. How many passed exactly two subjects? (5)
b. What fraction of the squad passed exactly three subjects? (5)

2. 31 candidates appeared for an examination, 15 candidates passed in English, 15 candidates

passed in Mathematics, 20 candidates passed in Physics. 3 candidates passed only in
English, 4 candidates passed only in Mathematics, 7 candidates passed only in Physics. 2
candidates passed in all the three subjects. How many candidates passed only in two
subjects? (10)

3. If A = {4, 6, 8, 10, 12} B = {8, 10, 12, 14} C = {12, 14, 16} D = {16, 18}, find: (20)
a. A ∩ B
b. B ∩ C
c. A ∩ C
d. B ∩ D
e. A ∩ (C ∩ D)
f. (A ∩ B) ∪ C
g. A ∩ (B ∪ D)
h. (A ∩ B) ∪ (B ∩ C)
i. (A ∪ D) ∩ (B ∪ C)

4. Given that U= {pupils in school}, B= {boys}, H= {hockey players} and F={football

players}, express the following in words: (10)
a. F ⸦ B
b. H ⸦ B՛
c. F ∩ H≠ Ø
d. B ∩ H = Ø

Express in set notation: (5)

e. No boys play football.

f. All pupils play either football or hockey.
5. If A = {1, 2, 3,…..,10} B = {2, 4, 6,…..,20} C = {x: x is an integer, 10 ≤x ≤25} and
D = {10, 20}. State whether true or false, if false give the correct answer: (15)
a. D ∈ (B∩C)
b. D ⸦ B
c. n(B∩ C)= 5
d. (A∩C) ⊄ B
e. Total number of subsets of A = Total number of subsets of B.

6. Write all the subsets of following sets: (5)

a. A={10}
b. B= Ø
c. C= {x, y}
d. D = {1, 3, 5}
e. X= {a, b, p, q}

Figure 1
Using figure 1, find (5)
a. n(M∪N)
b. M՛∩N
c. N∪M՛
d. (M∩N)՛
e. M՛∪N՛


Figure A Figure B

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