Isolated Footing Con Load

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Isolated Footing with Concentrated Load

Factored Load Pu = 3450 KN Service load 2300.000 KN

Safe B.C qa = 300 KN/m2 at h = 1500 mm
for footing, fck = 20 N/mm2
fy = x
415 N/mm2
fck = 2 x
for column, 25 N/mm
fy = 415 N/mm2 1275
Size of Column dc = 450 mm dia of bar = 25 mm y y
b= 450 mm no of bars = 8 nos.
450 B
Assuming the weight of the footing + backfill to be 10 % of the load
base area required = 8.433 m2 450
minimum size of footing = 2.904 m
Assume, L= 3 m
B= 3 m Square footing
Thickness of footing slab based on shear x
Net soil pressure at ultimate loads (assuming a load factor of 1.5) L
qu = 383.333 kN/m2
0.383 N/mm2

(a) One-way shear

Longitudinal direction
The critical section is at a distance d from the column face .
Factored shear force Vu1 = 0.383 x 3000 x (1275- d)
= 1464975 - 1149d N
Pt % = 0.25
Assuming τc = 0.36 MPa (for M20 concrete) IS 456:Table 19 of the Code],
One-way shear resistance Vc1 = 1080d N
Vu1 ≤ Vc1 ⇒ 1464975 - 1149d ≤ 1080d
⇒d≥ 657.23 mm

Transverse direction
The critical section is at a distance d from the column face .
Factored shear force Vu1 = 0.383 x 3000 x (1275- d)
= 1464975 - 1149d N
Pt % = 0.25
Assuming τc = 0.36 MPa (for Mm concrete) IS 456:Table 19 of the Code],
One-way shear resistance Vc1 = 1080d N
Vu1 ≤ Vc1 ⇒ 1464975 - 1149d ≤ 1080d
⇒d≥ 657.23 mm

b) Two-way shear
Longitudinal direction
The critical section is at d/2 from the periphery of the column
Factored shear force Vu2 = 0.383 x [9000000 -(450 + d) * (450 +d)] 0.383 × [30002 – (450 + d)2]
Assuming d = 658.00 mm (obtained earlier† )
Vu2 = 2976804.688 N
Two-way shear resistance Vc2 = ks x τc×[2(dc+b+2d) d]
where ks = 0.5 + bc = 1 (refer Cl. of the Code)
τc= 0.25*sqrt(fck)= 1.118 Mpa
Vu2 ≤ Vc2 ⇒ 2976804.688 ≤ 2012.4d + 4.472 d^2
Solving, d ≥ 621 mm
Assuming a effective cover of 75 mm and 16 φ bars in both directions,
thickness D ≥ 749.00 mm
Prov D = 750 mm. The effective depths in the two directions will differ by one bar diameter, which is not significant.
For the purpose of flexural reinforcement calculations, an average value of d may be assumed:
⇒ dy = 659 mm
⇒ dx = 675 mm
Assuming unit weights of concrete = 24 kN/m3
unit weights of Soil = 18 kN/m3
actual gross pressure at footing base (under service loads)
q= 287.056 KN/m2
< 300 kN/m2 OK

c) Design of flexural reinforcement

i) Longitudinal direction :
Factored moment at column face :
Mu = 933921562.5 Nmm
⇒ R = Mu / Bdx2 = 0.683 N/mm2
⇒()pt,reqd = fck/2fy[1-sqrt(1-4.598*R/fck)]
0.197 %
Ast,min 0.0012 BD = 2700 mm2
⇒ pt,min =0.133 % OK
Hence,assumed reinf. is more than reqd reinforcement
Pt % = 0.25
τc = 0.36 MPa (for M20 concrete) IS 456:Table 19 of the Code],
⇒ Ast,reqd = 5062.5 mm2
Using 16 mm φ bars, number of bars required = 26 nos
corresponding spacing S = 113 mm
Provide 26 nos 16 mm bars @ 113 mm spacing in longitudinal direction

ii) Tranverse direction:

Factored moment at column face :
Mu = 933921562.5 Nmm
⇒ R = Mu / Ldy2 = 0.717 N/mm2
⇒()pt,reqd = fck/2fy[1-sqrt(1-4.598*R/fck)]
0.207 %
Ast,min 0.0012 LD = 2700 mm2
⇒ pt,min =0.137 % OK
Hence,assumed reinf. is more than reqd reinforcement
Pt % = 0.25
τc = 0.36 MPa (for M20 concrete) IS 456:Table 19 of the Code],
⇒ Ast,reqd = 4942.5 mm2
Using 16 mm φ bars, number of bars required = 25 nos
corresponding spacing S = 118 mm
Provide 25 nos 16 mm bars @ 118 mm spacing in longitudinal direction

d) Development length in tension:

Required development length Ld = φ(0.87*fy)/4*τbd [refer Cl. 26.2.1 of Code]
For M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel, τbd = 1.2 N/mm2
Ld = 47 φ
For 16 φ bars in footing, Ld = 752 mm
Length available in long. Dirn = 1200 Ld is OK
Length available in trans. Dirn = 1200 Ld is OK

e) Transfer of force at column base

• Factored compressive force at column base: Pu = 3450 KN
Limiting bearing stress at column-footing interface, f br, max = 0.45 fck*sqrt(A1/A2)
(i) for column face, fck = 25 Mpa A1=A2 = 202500 mm2
⇒ fbr, max - col = 11.25 Mpa
(i) for footing face, fck = 20 MPa A1 = 9000000 A2 = 202500 mm2
⇒sqrt(A1/A2)= 6.67 limited to2.0 = 2
⇒ fbr, max- ftg = 18 Mpa
• Evidently, the column face governs, and fbr, max = 11.25 Mpa
⇒ Limiting bearing resistance Fbr = 2278.125 KN
Bearing force OK
⇒ Excess force (to be transferred by reinforcement):
ΔPu = 1171.875 KN
This may be transferred by reinforcement, dowels or mechanical connectors.
In this case, it is convenient to extend the column bars into the footing,

Required development length of the 25 φ bars provided in the column

assuming a stress level equal to (0.87fy) × (ΔPu/Pu), and M 20 concrete with Fe415 steel (in compression)
For fully stressed bars in compression (M 20, Fe 415): Ld = 37.6 φ
⇒ ~Ld = Ld × ΔPu/Pu = 319 mm
Available vertical embedment length in footing d = 626 mm OK
The bars are bent (with 90o standard bend) into the footing, and may rest directly on the top of the reinforcement layer in the footing,
Partial safety facotr = 1.5


a 4.472
b 2012.4
c -2976805
root is 621.3327 -1071.333
20 25 30 35 40
1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9

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