02 Chapter2 PDF

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Linear Programming

Formulation and
Graphical Solution
A Two Variable Model
 Simple LP with two decision variables
 Two dimensional model is hardly useful in
the real world systems which normally
encompass hundreds or thousands
variables and constraints
A Two Variable Model:
The Problem

 The Reddy Mikks Company owns a small

paint factory that produces both interior
and exterior house paints
 Two basic raw materials, A and B are
used to manufacture the paint
A Two Variable Model:
The Problem

 The maximum availability of A = 6

 The maximum availability of B = 8
The Table
Tons of Raw
Material per Ton Maximum
of Paint Availability
Exterior Interior

A 1 2 6

B 2 1 8
The Problem
 Daily demand for interior paint cannot
exceed that of exterior paint more than 1
 Daily demand for interior paint is limited to 2
 Price of interior paint = $2000/ton
 Price of exterior paint = $3000/ton
The Problem
 How much interior and exterior paint
should the company produce daily to
maximize gross income?
Construction of Mathematical
 What does the model seek to determine? What
are the variables (unknowns) of the problems?
 What constraints must be imposed on the
variables to satisfy the limitations of the modeled
 What is the objective (goal) that needs to be
achieved to determine the optimum (best)
solution from among all the feasible values of
the variables?

 XE: tons produced daily of exterior paint

 XI: tons produced daily of interior paint
Objective Function

 Maximize the income

 Maximize z = 3XE + 2XI (thousand $)
Usage Vs Availability

 (usage of raw material by both paint) 

(maximum raw material availability)
 XE + 2XI  6 (raw material A)
 2XE + XI  8 (raw material B)
Demand Restrictions

 (excess amount of interior over exterior

paint)  1 ton/day
 XI – XE  1
 (demand for interior paint)  2 ton/day
 XI  2
Non-negativity Restrictions

 Implicit constraints
 XI  0 (interior paint)
 XE  0 (exterior paint)
Complete Model
 To determine the values of
 XE: tons produced daily of exterior paint
 XI: tons produced daily of interior paint
 Objective Function to be satisfy:
 Maximize z = 3XE + 2XI
 Subject to these constraints
 XE + 2XI  6 (1)
 2XE + XI  8 (2)
 – XE + XI  1 (3)
 XI  2 (4)
 XI  0 (5)
 XE  0 (6)
 Proportionality: contribution of each
variable in the objective function or its
usage of the resource be directly
proportional to the level value of the
 Additivity: objective function is the direct
sum of individual contributions of the
different variables
Graphical Solution
 Plot the feasible space solution that
satisfies all the constraints simultaneously
 Replace Variable:
 Slack Variable: constraint variable is
associated with   limit on availability of a
 Surplus Variable: constraint variable is
associated with   minimum specification
Graphical Solution
 Draw the Graphical Solution for The
Reddy Mikks Company’s problem
 Examine the feasible corner points =
extreme points
 Determine the Optimum Solution for the
Graphical Solution
 Optimum Solution: Intersection between
the (parallel function of) Objective
Function with (one among any of)
Constraint Functions
Graphical Solution


1 Solution
H K 4
F Solution SpaceC

A B 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Small Furniture Factory
 A small furniture factory manufactures tables
and chairs. It takes 2 hours to assemble a table
and 30 minutes to assemble a chair
 Assembly is carried out by 4 workers on the
basis of a single 8-hour shift/day
 Customer usually buy at most 4 times as many
chairs as tables; meaning that the factory should
produce at most 4 times as many chairs as
Small Furniture Factory
 The sale price of a table = $135 per unit
 The sale price of a chair = $50 per unit
Small Furniture Factory
 Determine the problem formulation
(variable, constraints and objective
 Determine the daily production mix of
chairs and tables that would maximize the
total daily revenue
Diet Problem (of goats)
 A farmer owns 250 goats that consume 90
lb of special feed daily
 The feed is a mixture of corn and soybean
 The dietary requirement:
 At most 1% calcium
 At least 30% protein
 At most 5% fiber
Diet Problem: The Table
Pounds per Pound of
Type of Feedstuff Cost ($/lb)
Calcium Protein Fiber

Corn .001 .09 .02 .20

Soybean .002 .60 .06 .60

Diet Problem

 Determine the daily minimum cost feed

Assignment #2
 Find a 2 variable linear programming
problem in a computer science realm
 Determine the model (Identify the variable,
the constraint and the objective function)
 Find the optimum solution
 Include your comment on your work
The End
 This is the end of Chapter 2

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