Treatment of 100% Outside Air: Application Note 15

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Application Note 15

Treatment of 100% Outside Air

I ntroduction
If humidity is left uncontrolled, new indoor air problems can
As ASHRAE 62 ventilation codes are implemented for existing or occur. Occupants complain about working in a "cold swamp" and
new buildings, many facility managers are encountering new productivity falls. Viruses, bacteria, mold, and mildew all grow in
indoor air problems in the form of high humidity, mold, and a humid environment. Increased mold and mildew on interior sur-
mildew. This application note reviews the unintended side effects faces cause allergic reactions. Continued high humidity can dam-
of increasing outside air volumes, and describes a way to solve or age wallboard, metal surfaces, and ultimately the building’s struc-
prevent these new indoor air problems without a need to change tural integrity. Increased outside air solves one indoor air problem
air handlers. only to cause others.

A SHRAE 62 Requirements P retreatment Solution

The updated ventilation code requires the introduction of 15 to 20 Is there a way to successfully use existing air handlers, modified
CFM outside air per person for most general applications. This is to draw additional outside air, to implement the ASHRAE 62
a three-fold or four-fold increase over the original code require- requirements? Can air handlers be applied in new buildings with
ment of 5 CFM per person. The most common approach to imple- ASHRAE 62 requirements in a way that prevents moisture prob-
menting ASHRAE 62 requirements in existing buildings is to sim- lems? Yes! A pretreatment dehumidification system can be used to
ply modify the existing air handler so as to increase the outside remove the peak moisture and heat prior to introducing the out-
air introduced. For new buildings, the first impulse may be to side air to the existing air handler. (See Figure 1.)
specify more air conditioning capacity to accommodate the added
outside air during warm weather. Ideally, a pretreatment system should emulate the typical return
air ("neutral") conditions of 72°F and 50% to 60% RH. Then the
There is, however, an unintended consequence from these air handler would see only the level of latent and sensible heat
approaches. (Refer to Desert Aire Technical Bulletin 14 for a load for which it was originally designed.
detailed analysis.) For an existing air handler, the original sizing
was likely aimed at handling the sensible (indoor) heat load plus Caution must be applied in choosing the pretreatment system. A
only 5 CFM per person of outside load. The significant increase in standard dehumidification system with full reheat can remove suf-
outside air can result in greatly increased interior humidity during ficient moisture, but will cause problems because its typical leav-
the warm, moist summer months. ing air temperature can rise higher than 95°F. A standard air con-
ditioner, meanwhile, cannot remove enough moisture to solve the
For new buildings, even with added cooling capacity the air han- problem. What is required is a dehumidifier with a partial reheat
dler can be inadequate for keeping up with incoming warm, moist capability which can consistently ensure that the air leaving the
air. Usually a certain leaving air dry bulb temperature is targeted, dehumidifier is at 50% RH and neither excessively hot nor cold. In
but then excessive moisture is left in the air. (In some cases a fact, the ideal dehumidifier would not only hit 50% RH, but would
particular relative humidity is targeted, in which case the leaving have a variable partial reheat capability so that the air passed
air is far too cold for comfort.) Offices, public facilities, and along to the air handler is consistently at room air design condi-
schools are left with rising interior relative humidity because the tions. (See Desert Aire Technical Bulletin 16 for a discussion of
air handler design simply cannot remove the additional latent heat options, and the energy consequences of various choices.)
load in the summertime.

Outdoor Condenser
D irect Feed to Space
Outdoor Condenser


S/A In some applications it is desirable to have the outside air fed


Dehumidifier Main Air Handler

directly into specific rooms, rather than using the indirect method
of dumping the outside air into the air handler. Naturally, the
issues just described apply in this situation as well. The solution
E/A is similar, except that the outside air, pretreated by the partial
CONDITIONED SPACE reheat dehumidifier, now enters directly into the building rather
than into the air handler.

Figure 1) Pretreatment of Outside Air Schematic

When direct feed of outside air into the space is used, it is espe- As an example, suppose we are sizing a pretreatment dehumidifi-
cially important to specify that the air temperature be controlled to er for a building in St. Louis, with required outside air introduc-
a specific value in all modes of operation: full load, part load and tion of 2000 CFM. Table 1 gives a wet bulb temperature design
winter. Without specific temperature control, room occupants are value of 78°F, and Table 2 shows an associated enthalpy value of
likely to be very uncomfortable as temperatures of the air being 41.5 BTU/lb (78°Fwb = 78°F dewpoint). If our air handler expects
introduced vary widely. A variable partial reheat dehumidifier is air at 72°F and 55%RH, or 55 dew point, we can look up a corre-
especially useful in this instance in order to achieve temperature sponding enthalpy from Table 2 of 23.2 BTU/lb. Our dehumidifier
control. will need sufficient capacity to remove energy at the following
Outdoor Condenser
Outdoor Condenser


S/A Rate of energy removal required (BTU/hr) =
Dehumidifier Main Air Handler

(41.5 - 23.2) x 2000 x 4.5 = 164,700 BTU/hr


CONDITIONED SPACE This energy removal rate is then compared to the capacities for
various dehumidification systems to help determine the best sys-
tem for the application.

Figure 2) Direct Feed of Pretreated Air to Interior Space Note that the total enthalpy method simplifies the sizing discus-
sion by focusing on total energy removal (combined latent and
sensible) rather than on a moisture load (often presented in lb/hr)
to be handled by the dehumidifier. Instead of trying to develop a
C alculating Energy Removal Requirements moisture load from dewpoint and wet bulb values, the values are
used directly to arrive at the required dehumidifier capacity.
The air entering the dehumidification system is 100% outside air.
Proper system size is selected by calculating the amount of ener- The ASHRAE guidelines in Table 1 state the design condition sim-
gy that must be removed from entering air at the maximum ply as a peak wet bulb temperature. Associated with that temper-
design condition to achieve a desired leaving air dewpoint (LAD). ature is a wet bulb line on the psychrometric chart. Sizing for the
The most direct calculation method is known as the total enthalpy enthalpy difference between the peak wet bulb and the leaving air
method. It is based on the enthalpy difference (BTU/lb) between dewpoint will ensure that the dehumidifier can handle the wide
the maximum design condition and the specified leaving air con- variety of dry bulb temperature / RH combinations that fall along
dition, multiplied by the air flow.
Rate of energy removal required (BTU/hr) =
City 1% City 1% City 1% City 1%
AK Anchorage 60 Fort Wayne 77 Las Vegas 71 Lubbock 73
Enthalpy difference ∆H (BTU/lb) x air flow Birmingham 78
Indianapolis 78
Reno 64 TX Odessa 73
(cu ft/min) x 4.5 (min/hr x lb/cu ft) Mobile 80 KS Wichita 77 Albany 75 San Antonio 77
AR Little Rock 80 KY Louisville 79 Buffalo 74 UT Salt Lake City 66
AZ Phoenix 76 Baton Rouge 80 NY New York 76 Norfolk 79
The 4.5 is a conversion factor of 60 min- Long Beach 70 LA New Orleans 81 Rochester 75 VA Richmond 79
utes/hour divided by 13.5 cu ft/lb (of air), Los Angeles AP 70 Shreveport 79 Syracuse 75 Roanoke 75
Sacramento 72 MA Boston 75 Cincinnati 77 VT Burlington 74
and CFM is the specified outside air volume. CA
San Diego 71 MD Baltimore 80 OH Cleveland 76 Seattle 69
Since the weight of air varies with tempera- San Francisco AP 65
Caribou 71 Columbus 77 WA Spokane 65
Santa Barbara 68 Portland 74 OK Oklahoma City 78 Yakima 68
ture, further accuracy could be gained by Stockton 71 Detroit 76 Eugene 69 Green Bay 76
using the precise weights for the two differ- CO Denver 64 Flint 76 Portland 69 WI Madison 77
ent temperatures involved, but this approxi- CT Hartford 77 Grand Rapids 75 Erie 75 Milwaukee 76
DC Washington Nat’l 78 Sault St. Marie 72 Philadelphia 77 WV Charleston 76
mation is nearly always sufficient for sizing DE Wilmington 77 Duluth 72
Pittsburgh 74 WY Cheyenne 65
purposes. Daytona Beach 80 MN Rochester 77 Scranton 74
Fort Myers 80 St. Paul 77 RI Providence 75
Jacksonville 79 Kansas City 78 Charleston 81 AL Calgary 65
The enthalpy difference is calculated by tak- Miami 79 St. Louis 78 Columbia 79 BC Vancouver 68
Orlando Jackson
ing the enthalpy value (BTU/lb) at the enter- 79
79 SD Sioux Falls 76 MN Winnipeg 75
Pensacola 80 Meridian 80 Bristol 75 NB Saint John 70
ing wet bulb temperature and subtracting the Tallahassee 79 MT Billings 67 Chattanooga 78 NF St. John’s 69
enthalpy value at the design dewpoint. Table Tampa 79 Wilmington 81 TN Knoxville 77 NS Halifax 69
Atlanta 77 NC Charlotte 77 Memphis 80 Ottawa 75
1 provides typical design wet bulb values for GA
Augusta 79 Raleigh 78 Nashville 78 Sudbury 72
major cities. (The data in Table 1 is taken HI Honolulu 76 ND Fargo 76 Brownsville 80 ON Thunder Bay 72
Des Moines 78 Omaha 78 Corpus Christi 80 Toronto
from Table 1B of ASHRAE 97 Fundamentals.) IA
Dubuque 77
Concord Dallas 78
NH 74 Windsor 77
Table 2 lists enthalpy values at various dew- ID Boise 68 Atlantic City 78
El Paso 69 Montreal 75
point temperatures. IL
Chicago 79 Newark 77 Fort Worth 78 Quebec 74
Rockford 77 NM Albuquerque 66 Houston 80 SK Regina 72

Table 1) ASHRAE 1% Design Data

Treatment of 100% Outside Air

ENTHALPY VALUES (BTU/lb) D ehumidifier Selection & Performance

RH = >99.90% With 100% outside air dehumidifiers, it is important to under-
°F BTU/lb °F BTU/lb °F BTU/lb stand how to select the correct system for the application as well
as to understand how the dehumidifier will perform under the
35 12.9 52 21.4 69 33.2
varying full and part load conditions it will encounter.
36 13.4 53 22 70 34
37 13.8 54 22.6 71 34.9 The correct dehumidifier is selected by specifying the following
38 14.3 55 23.2 72 35.8 criteria:
39 14.7 56 23.8 73 36.7 Volume of air required
40 15.2 57 24.5 74 37.6 Max. design condition (db/wb)
41 15.7 58 25.1 75 38.5 Leaving air dewpoint required
42 16.1 59 25.8 76 39.5 Desired Leaving Air Temperature
43 16.6 60 26.4 77 40.5
44 17.1 61 27.1 78 41.5 The dehumidifier will be sized to balance the air velocity across
45 17.6 62 27.8 79 42.5
the coils, the capacity of the compressor and the condensing tem-
perature of the condensers. A wide range of systems can be
46 18.1 63 28.5 80 43.6 selected to meet the criteria above. Table 3 shows the various
46 18.7 64 29.3 81 44.6 sizes and their corresponding leaving air dew points for various
48 19.2 65 30 82 45.7 maximum design ambient wet bulb conditions. The selections are
49 19.7 66 30.8 83 46.9 for 2,000 cfm at a 95 Fdb ambient.
50 20.3 67 31.6 84 48.1
51 20.8 68 32.4 85 49.3
Entering Unit LA dP Unit LA dP
Table 2) Enthalpy Values @ Dewpoint Fwb Size (HP) °F Size (HP) °F

or beneath the wet bulb line. (See Figure 3.) A dehumidifier sized 80 14 55 10 60
to remove the necessary energy to meet a 78°F wet bulb require- 78 12 55 9 59
ment for St. Louis, for example, will also handle 85°F up to 70%
76 10 55 - -
RH or 90°F up to 60% RH. If the dehumidifier was tested at dif-
ferent points along the wet bulb line, the amounts of latent versus 74 9 54 7-1/2 59
sensible heat removed would change significantly, but the total 72 7-1/2 57 6 59
heat removed would not. 70 7-1/2 55 6 57
80 60
68 6 55 - -
66 5 55 5 60
40 140
Table 3) Dehumidifier Sizing
120 The total energy removal required, and therefore the dehumidifi-
Enthalpy 35
BTU/LB O/A Wet Bulb Line cation capacity needed, is directly proportional to air flow.
100 Conversely, for the same air flow, a lower leaving air dewpoint can
30 be achieved by moving to a dehumidification system with greater
80 capacity.
25 W
For example, compare the performance of two dehumidifiers with
entering air at 78°F wet bulb, a 2000 CFM air flow requirement to
Dew Point of Leaving meet ASHRAE 62, and a required leaving air dewpoint of 55°F or
15 40 lower to match the original design conditions for an existing air
handler. (See Table 3 for the capacities.) At an air flow of 2000
20 CFM, the smaller unit can only produce a leaving air dewpoint of
60°F, which will not meet our 55°F requirement. The larger unit, at
the 2000 CFM air flow, can produce a leaving air dewpoint of
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 55°F, and would be acceptable for this application.

Figure 3) Total Enthalpy Psychrometric Chart

A convenient way to portray the performance of a dehumidification C onclusion
system over the wide range of ambient conditions is by plotting
on a graph with “entering air wet bulb temperatures” on the x
axis and “leaving air dewpoint capabilities” on the y axis. The To allow an existing air handler, modified to meet the ASHRAE 62
graph shows a family of curves corresponding to different air flow ventilation code, to function as it was originally designed, the
levels. (See Figure 4.) Given the entering wet bulb temperature added outside air must be pretreated to match typical return air
and the air flow, the leaving air dewpoint can be read off the chart conditions. Similarly, in new designs for ASHRAE 62, pretreat-
to show the resultant leaving air condition at part load conditions. ment of outside air before it is introduced to the air handler or the
space is a necessary part of any practical solution, since simply
adding air conditioning capacity is not a desirable method of
65 removing moisture from that air. An effective solution in new and
cm lines existing buildings is pretreatment by a dehumidifier with partial or
variable partial reheat, to remove peak latent heat load and main-
tain reasonable entering air conditions for the air handler.
Leaving Air Dew Point °F


Proper dehumidification system sizing can be accomplished by

calculating the amount of total (latent and sensible) heat to be
removed per hour from the additional outside air, based on
ASHRAE wet bulb temperature design values. As a convenience,
40 some manufacturers provide graphs (for each size dehumidifica-
tion system made) from which the leaving air dewpoint can be
35 obtained for a given entering wet bulb temperature and air flow
66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 Without pretreatment, increased outside air brought into an air
Entering Air Fwb handler solves one indoor air problem only to cause others. By
Figure 4) Dehumidifier performance pre-treating outside air with a partial or variable partial reheat
dehumidification system, all the benefits of a healthy, productive
environment for building occupants can be realized without intro-
R eheat ducing excessive moisture or improper temperatures.

One of the greatest benefits of using a refrigeration-type mechani-

cal dehumidifier for pretreatment is the availability of free reheat
energy. A partial reheat dehumidifier will use energy recovered
during moisture removal to produce, via hot gas reheat, leaving
air temperatures in a range (typically 65°F to 80°F) that is likely to
be acceptable to the air handler. A variable partial reheat adjusts
the amount of hot gas reheat continuously to hit a particular leav-
ing air temperature (e.g., 72°F) chosen by the design engineer.

Thus, the designer can specify the dry bulb temperature (or tem-
perature range) and the RH of the pretreated outside air going
into the air handler. Any energy required to warm the dehumidi-
fied air is recovered from the moisture removal process rather
than being added using a heater. In contrast, when a standard air
conditioner is used to remove large amounts of moisture from air,
the leaving air is unacceptably cold unless a substantial amount of
electric reheat is used. The result of using air conditioning for
moisture removal is significantly increased operating costs. (Refer
to Desert Aire Technical Bulletin 16 for a detailed analysis of
reheat technologies and energy savings.)

8300 West Sleske Court

Milwaukee, WI 53223
(414) 357-7400
FAX: (414) 357-8501
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