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Balmores, Bianca Denise C.

2019301059 GEC 103

Homework No. 1

1. Is Mathematics invented or discovered?

There may be no right or wrong answer for this so I have come to debate with
myself and see both sides of the picture.
I asked myself, would mathematics even exist if people did not? Was there
any way for mathematics to exist if people have not created it? If so, how would it
arise if this was the case? Upon pondering on these questions, I came to a
conclusion that Mathematics was invented, not discovered. According to TED-Ed,
Mathematics is an invented logic exercise with no existence outside man’s
conscious thought. It a language of abstract relationships based on patterns
discerned by brains built to use those patterns to create useful but artificial order of
chaos. In other words, mathematics only exists to humans, no other being has a
concept of Mathematics.
In addition, my own theory on this is that, numbers, serve as guidelines, which
have expanded to be used as questions that help us analyze and comprehend more
complex concepts. For example, the early humans would record at when day and
night would fall representing one day, wherein they were able to identify tides and
seasons and in the long run, have produced a calendar that systematically tells you
what day it is.
On the other hand, there are mathematical sequences visible in the universe,
which could not have been invented rather discovered because they appear in
nature and in our daily lives. One example of this is the Fibonacci sequence,
wherein its numbers have been seen to reflect some naturally occurring patterns. An
example of this sequence is seen on natural made things that form spirals like
sunflowers, pine cones and pineapples. Another example of this sequence can be
found in the number and arrangement of petals, leaves and branches.
In conclusion, the last question I ask myself is that, does this question have
more meaning with one concrete answer if math helps us explain concepts in the
universe as well as human concepts that work hand in hand in our daily life?

2. Reflect on Mathematics in our daily lives.

It is an understatement to say that Mathematics only surrounds us
because it underpins and revolves in our lives more than we know. We use it
in every aspect of our lives, from our principal senses such as our 5 senses to
the more personal matters such as accounting for taxes and budgeting our
money to make ends meet and even complex situations, such as constructing
a multi-billion dollar building that the government is planning. Math surely has
a purpose in all aspects of our lives, may it be directly or indirectly.

Throughout history, Mathematics have shaped and changed how we

live our lives in numerous ways. One of them is through invention and
innovation because calculations of a certain innovative product should be
carefully thought of to be able to produce items that are beneficial and safe for
humans to use. Another is construction of faster and safer modes of
transportation. Mathematics is used here countlessly - for the calculations of
this models to work, the recommended speed limit these vehicles should be
running out for optimal use, the monitors wherein speed is seen such as gps
applications. To name another is the concept of how we perceive time. Being
able to schedule and plan out our days using numbers is such a pivotal part of
our lives, basically it is the backbone because without our concept of time and
knowing how to use it, we would not be able to fulfill our daily purpose and
maximize our full potentials.

On a personal note, I think that mathematics has drastically shaped the

way we, humans, think, especially with money. It is a given fact that in order
to survive daily, one should be able to budget his/her money to forecast the
coming days, months, and years as well as to avoid shortage of funds or a
miscalculation. I, personally, have benefitted from learning how to budget my
money because it has not only taught me how to spend wisely, but most
importantly, the importance of saving. Saving is very essential because it can
really help you, especially during an emergency. The habit of saving is also a
good trait to attain because it helps you focus on things that you really want
and not just buy things on impulse with things you did not think of thoroughly
of getting and in return, will not use anymore in the future.

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