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Skills are at the heart of the CODA system, representing the most common types of character actions.


Acrobatics Nimbleness Physical No Balance, Swing, Tumble
Appraise Wits Academic Yes Gems, Gold, Silver, Goods
Armed CombatG Nimbleness Physical No Axes, Blades, Bludgeons, Polearms
Athletics Strength Physical No Climb, Jump, Run, Swim
Conceal Wits Physical No Cache, Disguise, Hide on Person
CraftG Wits Physical Yes Artist, Builder, Smith, Stoneworker
Games Wits Academic No Draughts, Gambling, Riddles
Handle Animal Bearing Physical No Cattle, Dogs, Horses, Wild Beasts
Healing Wits Physical Yes Herbal Cures, Diseases, Wounds
Insight Perception Social No Discern Motive, Hunch, Sense Power
Inspire Bearing Social No Courage, Heroism, Vigor
Intimidate Bearing Social No Fear, Majesty, Power, Torture
LanguageG Wits Academic Yes Sindarin, Westron, Black Speech
Legerdemain Nimbleness Physical Yes Palm, Pick Lock, Prestidigitation, Rope Use
LoreG Wits Academic Yes Gondor, Hobbits, Rivendell
Observe Perception Physical No Listen, Search, Spot
PerformG Bearing Social varies Acting, Dance, Instrument Type, Song, Mimicry
Persuade Bearing Social No Bluff, Charm, Oratory
Profession Wits Physical Yes Farmer, Hunter, Miller, Sailor
Ranged CombatG Nimbleness Physical No Bows, Spears, Thrown Objects
Ride Nimbleness Physical No Horse, Mumak, Warg
Sports Nimbleness Physical No Golf, Wrestling
Stealth Nimbleness Physical No Hide, Sneak
Survival Perception Physical No Desert, Forest, Mountains, Plains
Unarmed CombatG Nimbleness Physical No Brawling, Wrestling
Warcraft Wits Physical Yes Siege Engines, Unit Leadership
Indicates a skill group.

To give a broad characterization of how accomplished a
character is in a particular skill, skill ranks are grouped
into tiers of proficiency:
Skills are broadly grouped into three categories of tasks:
academic, physical and social. Certain modifiers apply to SKILL RANKS TIER
1-3 Competent
a particular kind of task — for example, inclement
4-6 Adept
weather affects physical tests, while a listener’s attitude
7-9 Expert
toward a speaker affects social tests. 10 - 12 Master
13 - 15 Grand Master
Specialty bonuses can be considered as virtual ranks for
Some entries in the skill list are not individual skills but purposes of this categorization. For example, a character
groups of similar skills. The Craft skill group, for with eight ranks in Healing and a +2 bonus to the
example, encompasses such individual crafting skills as specialty Poisons would be considered Expert at general
Craft: Artist, Craft: Smith and Craft: Cook. A character forms of healing, but a Master at healing poisons.
cannot buy ranks in an entire skill group; he can only
Similarly, most commoners have four ranks in their
buy ranks in individual skills within the group. Skill
native Language and a +2 specialty bonus for their own
groups are for convenient organization; treat grouped
dialect, placing them at the top of the Adept tier of
skills just like other individual skills.
proficiency for their native speech.

Many skills have multiple uses. The Persuade skill, for ACQUIRING AND
example, can be used to plead a case (Oratory), to
deceive someone (Bluff), or to flatter the listener
(Charm). Each of these uses is a specialty of the skill. Characters begin the game with a few background skills
selected from the list of skills for their race. In addition
When a character buys ranks in the Persuade skill, he
to racial skills, characters who belong to an Order gain
becomes equally capable of all of these forms of
training in some of the skills for their Order.
persuasion. The character may also buy certain edges
and Order abilities to excel in a particular specialty of As characters earn advancements, they can spend
the Persuade skill. The character adds his specialty advancement picks to improve their existing skills or
bonus to tests for that particular use of the skill. train themselves in new skills.


Skill ranks represent a character’s level of training in a Generally, you improve skills by spending advancement
skill. A higher number of ranks denotes greater skill. picks to buy skill ranks, Edges, and Order abilities.

Skill ranks do not represent natural talent, which is You spend one advancement pick to buy a rank in an
represented instead by attribute modifiers and by certain Order skill, or two picks for a rank in a cross-Order skill.
edges and Order abilities. (The reverse is not necessarily Unlike the official CODA rules, under Fourth Age rules
true -- some edges and Order abilities represent extra a character does not automatically get a bonus to one
training in a skill.) skill specialty upon buying the first rank in a new skill.
Instead, specialty bonuses are acquired by buying certain
SKILL NOTATION Edges and Order abilities.
Use the following notation on your character sheet:

Skill +ranks -or- Skill Group: Skill +ranks

Examples: Observe +3, Profession: Sailor +2

(Skill specialty bonuses are noted separately.)

SKILL RANK LIMITS The size of the affinity bonus depends on the number of
ranks a character has in the affinity-granting skill. The
The normal range of skill ranks for player characters is
formula for determining the size of the bonus from an
0-12. Only legendary characters and powerful beings
affinity-granting skill is (number of ranks)/3, rounded
ever attain more than twelve ranks in a skill. Unless your
down. You can also use the following table:
chronicle takes place in the First Age, you should
enforce a limit of 12 skill ranks for player characters. SKILL RANKS AFFINITY BONUS
0-2 +0
Below this maximum limit, skill ranks are further
3-5 +1
restricted by a character’s advancements and attributes:
6-8 +2
• A character cannot have more ranks in any skill than 9 - 11 +3
his number of advancements plus four. Thus, a 12 +4
starting character with zero advancements can have
This effectively means that characters get an increased
up to four ranks in any skill. To achieve the upper
affinity bonus upon reaching the top of each tier of
limit of twelve ranks, a character must have at least
proficiency in a skill. (For this purpose, however, skill
eight advancements (8 + 4 = 12).
specialty bonuses are not counted as virtual ranks.)
• A character cannot have more ranks in a skill than
his score in that skill’s governing attribute. For For example, a character with five ranks in Conceal (the
example, to attain eight ranks in Observe, a middle of the “Adept” tier) receives a +1 affinity bonus
character’s Perception score must be 8 or higher. to his Observe (Search) skill tests. When the character
gains a sixth rank in Conceal, he reaches the top of the
When determining a character’s maximum skill ranks, “Adept” tier in that skill and his affinity bonus to
the most restrictive rule always applies. For example, a Observe (Search) tests increases to +2.
character with three advancements can have up to
seven skill ranks (3 + 4 = 7), but if his Bearing score is TRAINED AND UNTRAINED SKILL TESTS
6, he is limited to six ranks in skills such as Inspire.
A character with no ranks in a skill is untrained in that
skill. Some skills, such as Craft, require training (a
USING SKILLS minimum of one rank in the skill) to make a skill test at
all, while other skill tests, such as Athletics, can be
The majority of actions in the LotR RPG require skill attempted by untrained characters.
tests. A skill test uses the following formula:
2d6 + skill ranks + attribute modifier + skill specialty
bonus + other modifiers A test result represents a degree of success or failure
depending on the amount by which it exceeds or falls
ATTRIBUTE MODIFIERS below the TN. High degrees of success or failure have
additional effects on the outcome of the attempted task.
Each skill has a governing attribute whose modifier
applies to tests for that skill. For example, the Stealth TEST RESULT EFFECT
skill has Nimbleness as its governing attribute, so the TN -10
Disastrous The attempt makes matters worse;
Stealth test result is increased if the character has a high Failure the task may take 50% more time.
Nimbleness score, or decreased if his Nimbleness is low. Complete The attempt fails badly; the task may
TN -5
Failure take 25% more time.
Governing attributes also set limits on the number of TN -1 Failure
The attempt fails, but you can try
ranks a character can have in particular skills. See Skill again with a cumulative -2 penalty.
Rank Limits on page 3 for details. Marginal The attempt achieves the basic
TN +0
Success objective with minor complications.
Complete The attempt succeeds with no
Success setbacks or complications.
A character’s talent in one skill may make it easier to Superior The result is better than expected;
TN +5
perform another skill. A good example is the pair of Success the task may take 25% less time.
Extraordinary The result far exceeds expectations;
skills Conceal and Observe. A character who knows TN +10
Success the task may take 50% less time.
how to hide items away also knows what to look for OverwhelmingThe result is astonishingly good; the
when he is searching for an item himself. The character TN +15
Success task may take 75% less time.
brings to bear his knowledge of one skill in support of Legendary The result is a deed of which tales
another somewhat related skill. TN +20
Success will be told for many lives of Men.

Wits; Academic; Trained
SPECIALTIES: Gems, Gold, Silver, Weapons, Armour,
Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained Trade Goods

SPECIALTIES: Balance, Swing, Tumble TEST: A Marginal success lets you determine whether an
item is genuine or fake, and you estimate its value within
TEST: A successful Acrobatics (balance) test lets you 10% of its actual value. On a Complete success, your
move at one-half your normal speed along a narrow estimate is within 5% of actual value. On a Superior
surface. To move at full speed, increase the TN by 5. On success, your estimate is correct. On an Extraordinary
a failure, you make no progress. On a Complete failure success, you also know where the item came from and
you fall, requiring an immediate TN 10 Swiftness test to who made it.
catch yourself. On a Disastrous failure, you fall with no
chance to catch yourself. On a failure, you cannot tell if the item is genuine or
fake, and your estimate of its value is off by 25%. On a
A successful Acrobatics (swing) test lets you swing on a Complete failure, your estimate is off by 50%. On a
rope or other tether and accurately land at your Disastrous failure, your estimate is off by 75%.
intended destination. On a failure, you miss your
destination by one foot for every five feet of distance DIFFICULTY ACTION
swung, and to land on your feet you must make an TN 5 Evaluate trivial, everyday items
Acrobatics (balance) test at the same TN as the swing Evaluate mundane items: gold nuggets, semi-
TN 10
precious stones, ordinary weapons
test. On a Complete failure, you lose your grip on the
Evaluate uncommon items: fine gems,
rope and fall, requiring an immediate TN 15 Swiftness TN 15
intricate Dwarven smith-work
test to catch yourself. On a Disastrous failure, you fall Evaluate rare items: weapons or armour made
with no chance to catch yourself. TN 20
by Telchar of Nogrod
TN 25 Evaluate unique items: fragments of Aiglos
A successful Acrobatics (tumble) test lets you reduce
movement penalties from obstacles and damage AFFINITY: Some Craft and Profession skills such as
sustained from falling. Craft:Jewelsmith and Profession:Miner grant affinity to
Appraise tests made to evaluate related items. Some
Lore skills grant affinity to Appraise tests made to
TN 5 Balance on 2-foot ledge; swing up to 5 ft
Balance on 1-foot ledge; swing up to 10 ft; determine an item’s authenticity and provenance.
TN 10 treat fall as 2 yd shorter; ignore movement
ACTION TIME: 1 minute
penalties from obstacles up to +2 TN
Balance on 6-inch ledge; swing up to 20 ft;
TN 15 treat fall as 5 yd shorter; ignore movement ARMED COMBAT (SKILL GROUP)
penalties from obstacles up to +5 TN
Balance on 2-inch ledge; swing up to 40 ft; Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained
TN 20 treat fall as 10 yd shorter; ignore movement
penalties from obstacles up to +10 TN SKILLS IN GROUP: Axes, Blades, Bludgeons, Natural
Balance on a rope; swing more than 40 ft; Weapons, Polearms
TN 25 treat fall as 15 yd shorter; ignore movement
penalties from obstacles up to +15 TN SPECIALTIES: Specific weapon types (spear, club, battle
axe, short sword, etc.)
ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: apply terrain modifiers for
sloped, slippery, rough or broken surfaces. TEST: On a successful Armed Combat test, you hit your
target. The TN is the target’s Defence.
AFFINITY: The Athletics skill grants affinity to all
Acrobatics tests. AFFINITY: Any skill in the Unarmed Combat skill group
grants affinity to all Armed Combat skill tests. If more
ACTION TIME: 1 action for Acrobatics (swing) tests. No than one Unarmed Combat skill has enough ranks to
action for other Acrobatics tests—the Acrobatics test is grant an affinity bonus, use only the higher bonus, not
part of the action used for movement. both combined.

ACTION TIME: 1 action

ATHLETICS ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: Characters in combat suffer -5
to all Athletics tests.
Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained
Carrying an Average burden incurs a -2 penalty to all
SPECIALTIES: Climb, Jump, Run, Swim Athletics tests; a Heavy burden incurs a -5 penalty; and
TEST: A successful Athletics (climb) test lets you move 1 a Very Heavy burden incurs a -10 penalty.
yard in normal conditions or 1/2 yard in combat
conditions. On a Superior success, you move 50% Rough water incurs a -5 penalty to Athletics (swim)
further (1.5 yards / 0.75 yard). On an Extraordinary tests; stormy water incurs a -10 penalty.
success, you move twice as far (2 yards / 1 yard). On a AFFINITY: The Acrobatics skill grants affinity to
failure, you make no progress. On a Complete failure Athletics (jump) tests.
you fall, requiring an immediate TN 15 Swiftness test to
catch yourself. On a Disastrous failure, you fall with no ACTION TIME: 1 full-round action for Athletics (Run)
chance to catch yourself. tests; 1 action for other Athletics tests
A successful Athletics (jump) test lets you leap
horizontally or vertically after a running start of 5 yards CONCEAL
(you suffer a -4 penalty if you do not get a running start).
There are no degrees of success or failure. Instead, use Wits; Physical; Untrained
these formulas to calculate the distance jumped: SPECIALTIES: Cache, Guise, On Person
• Horizontal jump distance: (test result / 2) yards
TEST: A Conceal (Cache) test is used to conceal items in
• Vertical jump distance: (test result / 3) feet a hidden place, such as behind an obstruction or inside a
If the test result yields a distance greater than the small niche. The test result becomes the TN for opposed
distance attempted, ignore the extra distance. When Spot or Search tests to locate the item.
leaping across a gap, if you fail to clear the distance by A Conceal (Guise) test is used to conceal identifiable
one yard or less, you can make a TN 12 Swiftness test to traits, such as by donning an outer garment over
grab the far edge of the gap and catch yourself. distinctive clothing, covering your face in a mask or
A successful Athletics (run) test lets you exceed your makeup, or donning a hood, helmet or wig. The test
normal movement limits, move in combat conditions, result becomes the TN for opposed Spot tests to see
and move through obstructed terrain. through the disguise. Note that a Conceal (guise) test
does not enable you to mimic the behavior of a person
• Walk (3mph) = 5ft/sec = 5yds/action you are disguised as; that requires either a Perform
• Jog (6mph) = 10ft/sec = 10yds/action (impersonate) test (to mimic a known individual) or a
• Run (9mph) = 15ft/sec = 30yds/round Persuade (bluff) test (to mimic a type of individual).
• Sprint (12mph) = 20ft/sec = 40yds/round A Conceal (On Person) test is used to conceal an object
• Blaze (15mph) = 25ft/sec = 50yds/round beneath your clothing or otherwise on your person. If
you fail the test, no Search test is required to find the
A successful Athletics (swim) test lets you exceed your
concealed object.
normal swimming speed, swim in combat conditions, or
swim through rough waters. DIFFICULTY ACTION
TN 5 Conceal a knife under your cloak
TN 10 Conceal a sword under your cloak
Climb a ladder or light slope; jump 2 yds
TN 15 Conceal a staff under your cloak
TN 5 horizontally or 1/2 yd vertically; run up to 15
yds; swim 2 yds TN 20 Conceal a sword under your tunic
Climb a tree, knotted rope or steep slope; TN 25 Conceal a sword up your sleeve
TN 10 jump 5 yds horizontally or 1 yd vertically;
AFFINITY: The Legerdemain skill grants affinity to
run up to 20 yds; swim 3 yds
Climb a rope, natural cliff face or stone wall; Conceal (On Person) tests. The Observe skill grants
TN 15 jump 8 yds horizontally or 2 yds vertically; affinity to all Conceal tests.
run up to 25yds; swim 5 yds
ACTION TIME: 1 full-round action for Conceal (Cache)
Climb a smooth cliff face or brick wall; jump
TN 20 tests; 1 minute or more for Conceal (Guise) and
10 yds horizontally or 3 yds vertically
Climb a smooth wall; jump 12 yds Conceal (On Person) tests.
TN 25
horizontally or 4 yards vertically

SPECIALTIES: Buildings, Fortifications, Engines, Vessels
Wits*; Physical; Trained
Carpenters craft structures whose primary component is
*Although different attribute modifiers apply to
wood. A 5ft x 20ft fence is a simple item. A chicken
different Craft tests, Wits is always used to determine a
coop, small raft, or 50ft fortified wall is a mundane item.
character’s maximum ranks in all Craft skills.
A small boat or a simple house is a complex item. A
SKILLS IN GROUP: Apothecary, Artist, Author, Bowyer, large boat or house is an intricate item.
Carpenter, Clothier, Cook, Draftsman, Jewelsmith,
Leatherworker, Locksmith, Mason, Metalworker, Smith, CLOTHIER (NIMBLENESS)
Woodcarver SPECIALTIES: Common garments, Fine garments
TEST: A successful Craft test lets you create an item A typical fine garment is a complex item; a typical
appropriate to your craft. Degrees of failure or success common garment is a mundane item. Clothiers can also
lengthen or shorten the time it takes to craft the item. make simple items of cloth such as bags.
TN 5 Craft a simple item (1 hour)
TN 10 Craft a mundane item (1 day) SPECIALTIES: Baker, Chef, Mess Cook
TN 15 Craft a complex item (1 week)
TN 20 Craft an intricate item (1 month) Chefs create small meals of fine quality; Mess Cooks
TN 25 Craft a unique item (6 months) create simple meals for many people. Meal preparation is
conducted as an extended test with separate Craft:Cook
AFFINITY: At the Narrator’s discretion, some Craft skills tests for each dish or entree (treated as simple items). In
may grant affinity to other Craft skill tests. a fine meal, each dish serves up to four people; in a mass
meal, each dish serves up to twenty. Preparing food to
APOTHECARY (WITS) serve more people requires additional tests.
SPECIALTIES: Chemicals, Medicines, Poisons, Salves
Apothecaries collect and mix natural ingredients to
prepare chemicals such as adhesives and lye, medicines SPECIALTIES: Architect, Cartographer, Shipwright
(ingested), salves (applied to wounds), and occasionally
A draftsman understands how to diagram structures and
poisons. An apothecary also knows the correct dosage
spatial relationships. Most draftsmen are highly
for a medicine to be effective. Most of an apothecary’s
specialized. A rough sketch is a simple item; a detailed
products are either mundane or complex items.
diagram is a mundane item, and a complete set of
instructions and diagrams for a complicated structure is
a complex or intricate item.
SPECIALTIES: Embroidery, Painting, Sculpture
Most artists are highly specialized in their particular
discipline. Smaller works of art are mundane items; a SPECIALTIES: Gemcutting, Gold, Silver
mural or statue might be a complex or intricate item.
A jewelsmith creates ornaments of precious metals and
jewels. A ring, necklace or other small piece of jewelry is
a mundane item; a jeweled scabbard or filigreed torc is a
SPECIALTIES: Records, Tales, Poetry complex item; a crown or sceptre is an intricate item.
Most authors are highly specialized in their writing form.
Records include histories and legal documents; tales
include epic stories and personal memoires. Most long SPECIALTIES: Leather armor, Pelts, Saddles, Shoes/Gloves
writings are complex, intricate or unique items.
A leatherworker knows how to prepare animal hides as
well as fashion useful items from leather. A leather belt
or bag is a simple item. A harness or a pair of shoes or
SPECIALTIES: Arrows, Bows, Darts, Javelins gloves is a mundane item. A suit of leather armor, a suit
of clothes made of pelts, or a saddle is a complex item.
A fletched arrow, dart or javelin is a simple item; a
typical shortbow or longbow is a complex item.

SPECIALTIES: Devices, Locks, Mechanical Traps
Wits; Academic; Untrained
A locksmith has the expertise and equipment to create
SPECIALTIES: Draughts, Gambling, Riddles, others; game
not only locks but other intricate mechanical devices. A
players are often highly specialized in a particular game.
deadbolt lock is a simple item. A keyed lock or spring-
loaded trap is a mundane item. A multi-keyed lock, self- TEST: A Games test is an opposed test against an
resetting trap, or water clock is a complex item. opponent; the higher test result wins the game. Some
games may be conducted in stages, or as a match in
MASON (WITS) which one player must win three times out of five.
SPECIALTIES: Edifices, Fortifications, Roads ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: If you have never played a
A mason knows how to create bricks and hewn stones of particular game before, you suffer a -2 penalty on your
precise dimensions and how to use them to build skill test. Each time you play the new game, make a TN
structures. Edifices include stone houses and temples. 10 Wits test. If you pass, you have become familiar with
Fortifications include walls, parapets, and stone traps. the game and you no longer suffer the -2 penalty.
AFFINITY: The Persuade skill may grant affinity in a
METALWORKER (NIMBLENESS) gambling game that involves bluffing one’s opponent.
SPECIALTIES: Coppersmith, Silversmith, Tinker
ACTION TIME: Varies by game; often 1 minute, 10
A metalworker creates utilitarian items (sometimes minutes, or 1 hour.
artistically embellished) out of soft metals. A clasp or
drinking cup is a simple item. A small box or a lantern is HANDLE ANIMAL
a mundane item. A piece of ceremonial armour (such as
a breastplate or helmet) is a complex item. Bearing; Physical; Untrained
SPECIALTIES: Cattle, Dogs, Horses, Wild Beasts
TEST: A Handle Animal test lets you command an
SPECIALTIES: Armour, Tools, Weapons
animal to perform an action, train an animal to perform
A smith forges hard metals like iron and steel into a trick, or domesticate a wild animal.
utilitarian implements. A set of horseshoes is a simple
Simple tricks include: come, down, fetch, heel, move,
item. A crude weapon is a mundane item. A longsword
speak, stay. Difficult tricks include: attack, go (to a
is a complex item. A complete suit of armor is an
person or location), guard, hunt.
intricate item.
The animal must be capable of performing the trick (a
WOODCARVER (NIMBLENESS) cow cannot be trained to hunt)
A more refined woodworker than the carpenter, the TN 5 Command a familiar trained animal to act
Command an unfamiliar trained animal to
woodcarver saws, whittles, and sands wood into useful TN 10
act, teach a domestic animal a simple trick
items. A walking-stick or a spear-haft is a simple item. A
Teach a domestic animal a difficult trick,
simple table, chair, or a wooden box is a mundane item. TN 15
domesticate a wild animal from infancy
An ornamental piece of furniture is a complex item. Command an untrained animal to perform a
TN 20
simple trick, domesticate an adult wild animal
OTHER CRAFTS (VARIES) Command an untrained animal to perform a
TN 25
difficult trick
You are free to define other craft skills that fit the
craftsmen in your chronicle. New crafts might include: AFFINITY: Some Profession skills (Herdsman, Teamster)
grant affinity to appropriate Handle Animal tests. The
Basketweaver Cobbler Potter Handle Animal skill grants affinity to Ride tests.
Brewer Composer Ropemaker
ACTION TIME: Commanding an animal takes 1 action.
Brickmaker Glassblower Thatcher Teaching a simple trick takes 1 week. Teaching a
Candlemaker Papermaker Weaver difficult trick takes 2 weeks. Domesticating a wild
animal takes 6 months.

Trivial hunch; sense very strong power
Wits; Physical; Trained TN 5
(Saruman, Elrond, Balrog, Witch-king)
Minor hunch; sense strong power (wizard,
SPECIALTIES: Diseases, Poisons, Sorcery, Wounds TN 10
dragon, palantir, ring of power)
Important hunch; sense moderate power
TEST: A Healing test is used to restore lost Wound points TN 15
(Noldor elf, Glamdring, magician)
or to remove the effects of such maladies as disease,
Life-saving hunch; sense minor power (Silvan
poison, or evil magic. A Healing test is also made to TN 20
elf, Denethor, Elf-friend)
diagnose an unknown malady; the TN to diagnose a
malady is 5 less than the TN to treat it.
Restore full Wound points to Healthy Bearing; Social; Untrained
TN 5
person; treat minor malady
SPECIALTIES: Courage, Heroism, Vigor
Restore 1 Wound level to Dazed person; treat
TN 10
average malady TEST: An Inspire (Courage) test opposes Intimidate tests
Restore 1 Wound level to Injured person;
TN 15 made to demoralize individuals or combat units. If your
treat serious malady
Inspire test result beats the opposing Intimidate test or
Restore 1 Wound level to Wounded person;
TN 20 fear effect, affected individuals get new Willpower tests
treat severe malady
Restore 1 Wound level to Incapacitated against the fear, with a +1 bonus for each level of
TN 25 success over Marginal you achieved. In mass combat, a
person; treat deadly malady
successful test keeps your combat unit from breaking.
ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: A house of healing confers a
+5 bonus to Healing tests made there. An Inspire (Heroism) test is used to spur others to great
deeds, granting them bonuses to physical tests for a
AFFINITY: The Craft: Apothecary and Lore: Herbs skills number of rounds equal to 1d6 + your Bearing bonus.
may grant affinity to appropriate Healing tests. The size of the bonus depends on your test result.
ACTION TIME: Treating wounds and poisons requires 1 An Inspire (Vigor) test is used to reduce or remove the
minute per difficulty category; treating other maladies effects of Weariness.
requires 1 day per difficulty category.
TN 5 Restore a Winded person to Hale
INSIGHT Grant +1 bonus to physical tests; restore a
TN 10
Tired person to Winded
Perception; Social; Untrained Grant +2 bonus to physical tests; restore a
TN 15
Weary person to Tired
SPECIALTIES: Discern Motive, Hunch, Sense Power
Grant +3 bonus to physical tests; restore a
TN 20
TEST: An Insight (Discern Motive) test opposes tests Spent person to Weary
made to deceive you or conceal information from you, Grant +4 bonus to physical tests; restore an
TN 25
Exhausted person to Spent
such as Persuade (Bluff or Charm) tests.
ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: In mass combat, add +2 if your
An Insight (Hunch) test is made to use your instincts to
side appears to be winning or -2 if your side appears to be
choose a course of action when there is not enough
information to make a reasoned decision. The strength
of the hunch must be on par with the seriousness of the AFFINITY: Persuade grants affinity to Inspire tests.
situation (Narrator’s option) to be helpful.
ACTION TIME: 1 action
An Insight (Sense Power) test is made in combination
with the Sense Power magical ability or spell, to detect
supernormal power in a person, item or location.

ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: If the target is a close friend or

relative, +2 to test result.

ACTION TIME: 1 full-round action

Bearing; Social; Untrained Taliska 1 Beleriand
Adunaic 2 Numenor
SPECIALTIES: Fear, Majesty, Power, Torture Adunaic
Northern Mannish 2-4 Rhovanion
TEST: An Intimidate test is used to instill awe, fear or Westron 2-4 Eriador, Gondor
compliance into the hearts of others. The target makes Rohirric 3-4 Rohan
an opposed Willpower test, adding a bonus equal to one- Primitive Mannish 1 Men of 1st Age
half his advancements -or- his TN equivalent to the Druedainic 1-4 The Druedain
result, whichever is lower. Lossothian 1-4 The Lossoth
Easterlingish 2-4 Rhun
If Intimidate is used to create fear or awe, targets who Mannish
Haradian 2-4 Harad
fail their Willpower tests suffer penalties as described on
Khandian 2-4 Khand
the Fear table. If Intimidate is used to coerce others into
obeying a command, targets who fail their Willpower Dunlendish 3-4 Dunland
tests comply with the command until conditions change. Quenya Quenya 1-4 Valinor
Elvish Teleri 1-4 The Teleri
Intimidate (Torture) can only be used on a target that is Primitive Elvish pre-1 Elves before the March
restrained, subdued, or otherwise at the mercy of the
Silvan Common Telerin pre-1 Elves of the March
intimidator. Such a target does not receive one-half his Elvish Avarin 1-4 The Avari
advancements or his TN equivalent as a bonus to his
Nandorin (Silvan) 1-4 The Silvan Elves
opposed test.
Old Sindarin pre-1 Beleriand
AFFINITY: Inspire grants affinity to Intimidate (Majesty). Sindarin Doriathrin 1 Doriath
Elvish Ilkorin 1 North Beleriand
ACTION TIME: 1 action
Sindarin 1-4 Elves of Middle-Earth
Valarin all The Valar
LANGUAGE (SKILL GROUP) Khazdul 1-4 The Dwarves
Orkish 1-4 The Orcs
Wits; Academic; Trained (unrelated)
Black Speech 2-3 Servants of Sauron
SKILLS IN GROUP: See table Entish 2-4 The Ents

TEST: Make a Language test to read, speak or understand

a language. On a failed Language test, you do not LEGERDEMAIN
express your meaning perfectly or understand another’s
Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained
meaning perfectly. An ordinary failure indicates a trivial
misunderstanding or miscommunication. A Complete SPECIALTIES: Palm Object, Prestidigitation, Rope Use
failure indicates a serious misunderstanding, and a
Disastrous failure indicates that nothing was TEST: A Legerdemain (Palm Object) test is used to lift
communicated or understood correctly. an item from a person or a place in view of others; it is
opposed by the Observe (Spot) test of the victim or an
DIFFICULTY ACTION onlooker. It can also be used to conceal an item in your
TN 5 Simple phrases hand. An onlooker who is closely watching you can
TN 10 Simple conversation make an opposed Observe (Spot) test.
TN 15 Fluent, nuanced, idiomatic conversation
TN 20 Subtle or obscure conversation Legerdemain (Prestidigitation) is used to entertain with
sleight of hand and jugglery.
AFFINITY: Languages in the same family may grant
affinity to each other if they are both in use in the Legerdemain (Rope Use) is used to tie and untie knots.
current Age. When you use this skill to bind a person, that person can
make an opposed Legerdemain (Rope Use) test at a -5
ACTION TIME: Not an action; you can speak while
penalty to free himself. Other opposed tests to untie a
taking other actions, though distracting conditions may
knot someone else has tied are made at no penalty.
penalize your Language test.
Some Orders, such as Rogues, have access to an
additional skill specialty: Legerdemain (Pick Lock).

DIFFICULTY ACTION • Folk: customs, economy, laws, important persons
TN 5 Tie or untie a firm knot • History: events, genealogies, tales
Entertaining performance; pick crude lock;
TN 10 tie a special knot (such as one that loosens • Land: climate, geography, wildlife
with a tug or slips); splice two ropes together • Practice: applied use, empirical research
Dazzling performance; pick average lock; tie a
TN 15 For example, Gandalf would have ranks in Lore:Hobbits
rope around yourself one-handed
TN 20 Memorable performance; pick complex lock with a possible specialty in (Folk); Faramir would have
TN 25 Legendary performance; pick amazing lock ranks in Lore:Ithilien and a specialty in (Land).
ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: Wearing gloves imposes a -1 In Saruman’s twisted experiments to blend Orc and Man
penalty on all Legerdemain tests. into a new breed—the Uruk-Hai—he could have drawn
on several lore skills: Lore:Orcs, Lore:Dunlendings, and
AFFINITY: Observe grants affinity to Legerdemain (Palm Lore:Eugenics (Practice).
Object). Craft:Locksmith grants affinity to Legerdemain
(Pick Lock). Ranged Combat: Thrown Weapons grants RELATED LORE SKILLS: If you do not have the exact Lore
affinity to Legerdemain (Prestidigitation). skill required by a particular test, you can make the test
using a related Lore skill: one that falls into the same
ACTION TIME: 1 action for Legerdemain (Palm Object); overall Group, Region or Subject. For example, a
1 full-round action for Legerdemain (Pick Lock); character with ranks in Lore:Ithilien can make a test to
1 minute or more for Legerdemain (Prestidigitation); know facts about Dol Amroth, since both are in the
1 full-round action for Legerdemain (Rope Use). same Region (Gondor).

When you make a Lore test using a related Lore skill,

LORE (SKILL GROUP) you suffer a cumulative -3 penalty for each step in Scope
Wits; Academic; Trained that separates your Lore skill from the required Lore
skill. Identify the smallest Scope that contains both Lore
SKILLS IN GROUP: Any field of study can be a Lore skill. skills (this will always be either the Broad scope or the
For simplicity, Lore skills are classified by: Moderate scope). Count the steps up from your Lore
skill to the larger Scope, and then count the steps down
1. Category: Group, Region, or Subject from the larger Scope to the required Lore skill.
2. Scope: Broad, Moderate, or Narrow
In the previous example, the character with ranks in
The Group category includes racial groups (Elves, Orcs) Lore:Ithilien would suffer a -9 penalty to answer a
and professional/functional groups (minstrels, guilds). question about Dol Amroth, because they are three
steps removed from each other. From Lore:Ithilien,
The Region category includes areas defined by political, count up one step to Lore:Gondor, which contains both
geographic, and cultural boundaries. Lore:Ithilien and Lore:Dol Amroth. Then count down
two steps from Lore:Gondor to Lore:Dol Amroth.
The Subject category includes universal fields of study
Multiply the total number of steps (3) by -3 per step to
such as mathematics, magic, and medicine.
calculate the penalty of -9.
A category and scope together define an individual Lore
If two Lore skills with overlapping information do not
skill. When you buy ranks in a Lore skill, you must
share a common Group, Region or Subject (such as
identify the exact skill using this classification method.
Lore:Istari and Lore:Magic), they can still function as
The center area of the table below provides examples of
related skills. The Narrator should apply a penalty
individual Lore skills classified by category and scope.
beteween -3 and -12 to tests made with the related skill.
TEST: A Lore test is used to see if you know a fact or can
GROUP Men Dúnedain Rangers answer a question within your field of study. A Lore test
REGION Gondor Belfalas Dol Amroth is not required to answer questions about your own
personal experiences; ranks in Lore skills represent
SUBJECT Magic Magic Items Rings of Power
information gained at second-hand.
SPECIALTIES: Four specialties are available for individual
Lore skills: Folk, History, Land, and Practice. Each
specialty deals with specific types of information.

TN 5 Basic, significant facts BROAD MODERATE NARROW
TN 10 Specific facts Annúminas, Fornost, Hills of
TN 15 Obscure facts Arthedain
Evendim, Lake Evendim
TN 20 Very obscure facts Barrow-Downs, Old Forest,
TN 25 Extremely obscure, distantly related facts Cardolan
Northern Tharbad, Weather Hills, Bree
AFFINITY: Related Lore skills grant reflexive affinity to Eriador Ettenmoors, Trollshaws,
Rivendell, The Angle
each other.
Buckland, East Farthing, Michel
The Shire
ACTION TIME: Usually no action; you either know the Delving, Tuckborough
answer or you don’t. Dunland Dun Larach
Eregion Ost-in-Edhil, Barnas
LORE SKILLS: GROUPS Saralainn Eryn Vorn, Sudúri
BROAD MODERATE NARROW Andrast Tharagrondost, Annúlond
Black Numenorians, Gondorians, Anfalas Lond Galen, Serelond, Rondalph
Dúnedain Anorien Minas Tirith, Osgiliath
Asdriags, Nurniags, Ulgath, Belfalas Dol Amroth, Endil, Methrast
Easterlings Gondor
Variags Harondor Amon Eithel, Gobel Mirlond
Bree-men, Cardolain, Ithilien Minas Ithil, Tir Ethraid
Men Eriadorians Lamedon Calembel, Ethring, Sarn Erech
Dunlendings, Hill-men
Rohirrim, Beornings, Dale-men, Lebennin Pelargir, Minas Brethil, Fanuilond
Northmen East Emnet Eastfold, Nindalf
Southrons Haradrim, Tedjin West Emnet Edoras, Helm’s Deep, Isengard
Wild Men Drúedain, Lossoth Rohan The Wold Tirith Anduin
Noldor Lindon, Rivendell, Wandering Fangorn Derndingle, Wellinghall
Elves Sindar Lindon, Lorien, Mirkwood White Mts Dunharrow, Drúadan Forest
Sylvan Lorien, Mirkwood Anduin Beron’s Estate, Gladden Fields,
Longbeards TBD Vales Rhosgobel
Firebeards/ Lorien Caras Galadhon, The Naith
TBD Rhovanion
Broadbeams Mirkwood Thranduil’s Halls, Dol Guldur
Dwarves Ironfists TBD Misty Mts Moria
Stiffbeards TBD Dagorlad, Dead Marshes, Emyn
Dor Rhûnen
Blacklocks/ Eastern Muil, Rhûnost
TBD Rhovanion Gramavuld Dale, Esgaroth, Erebor, Iron Hills
Fallohides TBD Dorwinion Ilanin, Szrel-kain, Uldonavan
Hobbits Harfoots TBD Ash Mts Morannon, Udûn
Stoors TBD Gorgoroth Mt Doom, Barad-dûr
Mts Shadow Cirith Ungol, Minas Morgul
LORE SKILLS: SUBJECTS Nurn Urlutsu Nurn, Sea of Nurnen
BROAD MODERATE NARROW Khand Sturlutsa Khand, Kyzilkum
Magic TBD TBD Harad Near Harad Amrûn, Korondaj
Math TBD TBD Umbar Umbar, Pellardur, Ardumir
Medicine TBD TBD Sea of Rhûn Mistrand, Kelepar, Lest, Dilgul
Far Rhûn
Forodwaith Forochel, Gundabad
Angmar Carn Dum, Mt Gram
Grey Mts Dwarf-holds, Withered Heath
Blue Mts Belegost, Nogrod
Lindon Forlond, Harlond, Mithlond
Numeriador Enerond, Caras Celairnen
Aman TBD
Numenor TBD
Lands of
Legend TBD
Tol Eressea TBD

OBSERVE ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: +1 TN per 5 yards of distance
between you and the target you attempt to observe.
Perception; Physical; Untrained Listening through a door incurs a -3 penalty to Observe
SPECIALTIES: Listen, Search, Spot (Listen) tests. -1 TN to Observe (Listen) tests for each
doubling of the group size (1, 2, 4, 8), and -1 or +1 TN
TEST: An Observe test often opposes another test such for each creature sized larger or smaller than Medium.
as Conceal, Legerdemain or Stealth. Otherwise, an Rain on a trail incurs a -2 penalty to Observe (Search)
Observe test is used to notice sights, sounds or smells. tests to follow tracks; snow on a trail incurs a -5 penalty.
You can use the Observe skill actively or passively. Most AFFINITY: Conceal grants affinity to Observe (Search);
Observe tests are passive, representing your ability to Stealth grants affinity to Observe (Spot, Listen)tests.
notice something you were not looking or listening for.
ACTION TIME: No action for passive Observe tests;
Use active Observe tests to maintain a state of alertness
1 full-round action or longer for active Observe tests.
or to conduct a search. When you make an active
Observe test, add +3 to your test result.
Being actively observant is tiring. Conducting a search is
a Demanding activity. Actions you perform while Bearing; Social; Untrained
maintaining a state of alertness are treated as if one level
SKILLS IN GROUP: Acting, Dance, Mimicry, Oratory,
of activity more strenuous than normal. You can’t
Song, Instrument Group (Percussion, Stringed, Wind)
maintain alertness while performing an Extreme activity.
TEST: A successful Perform test lets you entertain an
SEARCHING: A search is required to discover a concealed
audience, sometimes in order to earn a living. Under the
object, or a specific item or feature such as a scroll in a
right circumstances, a particularly skillful performance
library or a set of tracks. Searching excludes other
might even attract the attention of a potential patron
actions and consumes your full attention; the +3 to
who regularly employs the performer’s services.
your test result applies only to the area you are
searching. (You can still make passive Observe tests.) A special Perform skill is Mimicry, used to mimic the
sounds of beasts and birds, or the vocal qualities of
ALERTNESS: Maintaining a state of alertness improves
certain individuals or types of people. This test is
your chances to notice things out of the ordinary. You
opposed by a listener’s Wisdom, Lore, or Survival test to
can perform other actions while maintaining a state of
determine that the sound is not genuine.
alertness. Alertness cannot be used to discover a
concealed object, but it can help you detect objects and DIFFICULTY ACTION
features that are not concealed, such as a trapped step TN 5 Mediocre performance; meager income
that looks subtly different from others in the staircase. TN 10 Entertaining performance; standard income
TN 15 Dazzling performance; thriving income
TRACKING: Use Observe (Search) to find and follow a TN 20 Memorable performance; attract patron
set of tracks. This may be an opposed test if the target TN 25 Legendary performance
uses the Survival skill to hide his tracks.
ACTION TIME: 1 action for Perform:Mimicry tests;
EAR TO THE GROUND: You can detect the sound of 1 minute or longer for other Perform tests.
movements conducted through the ground with an
active Observe (Listen) test. PERSUADE
Notice something conspicuous (speech, Bearing; Social; Untrained
TN 5 stormclouds); follow tracks in mud or snow; SPECIALTIES: Bluff, Charm, Oratory
hear movements within 100 yards
Notice something subtle (soft footsteps, TEST: A Persuade test is used to influence the attitudes
TN 10 stain); follow tracks in soft soil or grass; hear and actions of others through earnest appeal, charm, or
movements within 1 mile deception. It is opposed by the target’s Insight test, or
Notice something faint (whispers, cobweb);
optionally by a Wisdom test. A Persuade(Charm) test is
TN 15 follow tracks on stony ground; hear
movements within 5 miles used to gather information at the same TN as Lore tests.
Notice something minuscule (sound of an AFFINITY: Inspire gives affinity to Persuade(Charm) tests.
TN 20 owl in flight, gnat]; hear movements within
10 miles ACTION TIME: 1 hour for Persuade(Charm) tests to
TN 25 Hear movements farther than 10 miles gather information; 1 full-round action for other tests.

SPECIALTIES: Type of Animal (cattle, horses, pigs, sheep)
Wits*; Physical; Trained
A herdsman knows how to feed, stable and groom
*Although different attribute modifiers apply to domestic animals, how to pasture livestock, and how to
different Profession tests, Wits is always used to perform miscellaneous duties such as shearing sheep.
determine maximum ranks in all Profession skills.
SKILLS IN GROUP: Butcher, Farmer, Fisherman,
Gardener, Herdsman, Hunter, Innkeeper, Miller, Miner, SPECIALTIES: Type of Animal (deer, fowl, hares, wolves)
Sailor, Scribe, Servant, Shopkeeper, Teamster, A hunter knows how to find his prey in the wild, how to
Woodcutter set simple traps to catch prey, and how to kill and clean
TEST: A successful Profession test lets you ply your trade the animals he hunts. A hunter often has skill ranks in
to earn a living or perform tasks related to your work. Ranged Combat and Survival, although those skill tests
are not required to ply his trade
TN 5 Earn meager income; perform mundane task INNKEEPER (PERCEPTION)
TN 10 Earn standard income; perform complex task
TN 15 Earn thriving income; perform difficult task SPECIALTIES: Inn, Roadhouse, Tavern
TN 20 Earn lordly income; perform unique task An innkeeper is attentive to the needs of his guests as
well as those of his establishment. An innkeeper knows
ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: An established professional
how to size up new arrivals, be personally available to
receives a bonus to Profession tests made to earn a living
handle problems, and keep his inn adequately
in his home area. A character who has worked in the
provisioned and secure. Some inns are simply taverns
area for six months gets a +3 bonus. After working in
with one or two guest-rooms, and their innkeepers may
the area for one year the bonus increases to +5.
also be experienced in preparing food and drink.
ACTION TIME: Profession tests made to earn an income
represent 1 week of work. Profession tests made to MERCHANT (BEARING)
perform a task typically take 1 minute or longer. SPECIALTIES: Peddler, Shopkeeper, Trader

BUTCHER (NIMBLENESS) A merchant knows how to buy and sell to his advantage,
whether as a small-time itinerant peddler, a settled
SPECIALTIES: Meatcarving, Slaughter, Preservation storeowner or a well-traveled trader.
A butcher knows how to slaughter food animals, how to
clean carcasses, and how to preserve meat.
FARMER (PERCEPTION) A miller knows how to operate grindstones and other
SPECIALTIES: Type of Crop (Pipeweed, Potatoes, etc.) machinery to produce flour from raw grain. A miller can
maintain, repair, and often build his own equipment.
A farmer knows how to till and tend large areas of arable
land, how to harvest and prepare crops, and what the MINER (STRENGTH)
local seasonal cycle is like.
SPECIALTIES: Excavation, Type of Ore (iron, mithril)
FISHERMAN (PERCEPTION) A miner has a good sense of direction and sure footing
underground. He can assess the stability of a tunnel,
SPECIALTIES: Lake, River, Sea
built supports, and excavate tunnels and chambers from
A fisherman knows where to find various kinds of fish, earth and stone. The miner wields heavy tools with
how to catch them, and how to clean and prepare fish. surprising precision.


SPECIALTIES: Flowers, Landscaping, Shrubs, Vegetables SPECIALTIES: Boater, Navigator, Oarsman, Ship’s Hand

A gardener knows how to tend habitable land for A sailor knows how to handle waterborne vessels and
practical and aesthetic purposes, how to maintain maintain their individual components such as rigging,
plants, and what the local seasonal cycle is like. hull, and oars. Sailors also have a good sense of balance.

SPECIALTIES: Amanuensis, Bookkeeper, Librarian
Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained
A scribe can keep records, take dictation, and maintain
a library with a reference system and a good offhand SPECIALTIES: Type of animal (horse, mumak, warg, etc.)
knowledge of where to locate particular information. TEST: Normal riding actions, including mounting and
dismounting, require no test. Ride tests are required only
SERVANT (PERCEPTION) when you perform a stunt or attempt to control a mount
SPECIALTIES: Aide, Butler, Housekeeper in battle or a mount that has become frightened.
A servant attends to the personal and domestic needs of When riding a mount in battle, take into account
his employer, being observant of situations and having a whether the mount is war-trained or not and use the
knack for making things run smoothly. A servant knows appropriate TN. In some cases, a well-trained riding
how to perform a variety of mundane tasks such as animal without war training also uses the lower TNs.
cleaning, sewing, and making courteous conversation.
TEAMSTER (BEARING) TN 5 Control a war-trained mount in battle
Leap a small obstacle; control a frightened
SPECIALTIES: Carts, Chariots, Sledges, Wagons TN 10
war-trained mount
A teamster knows how to drive a team of draft animals Leap a medium obstacle; control an
TN 15
to convey goods or passengers overland. Smaller vehicles untrained mount in battle
may be drawn by one or two animals, while large ones Leap a large obstacle; control a frightened
TN 20
untrained mount
may have a team of eight or more. The teamster knows
how to feed and stable his animals as well as direct them. ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: If your mount is injured, your
Ride tests suffer penalties as if you were injured. The
WOODCUTTER (STRENGTH) mount’s injury penalties are cumulative with your own.
SPECIALTIES: Splitting, Treefelling
AFFINITY: Handle Animal grants affinity to Ride tests.
A woodcutter knows how to fell trees and control the
direction of their fall, how to split or saw a felled tree ACTION TIME: Usually a free action, but controlling a
into beams and boards, and how to bind and transport frightened mount requires 1 action.
cords of wood. Woodcutters know the qualities of
different types of wood and how best to use them. SPORTS
OTHER PROFESSIONS (VARIES) Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained
You are free to define other profession skills that fit your SPECIALTIES: Specific sport (Golf, Wrestling, etc.); players
chronicle. New professions might include: are often highly specialized in a particular sport.
Astrologer Guide Launderer TEST: A Sports test is an opposed test against an
Barkeep Healer Porter opponent; the higher test result wins the event. Some
sports may be conducted in stages.
Beekeeper Herald Surveyor
Gambler Jack-of-all-trades Tutor ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: If you have never played a
particular sport before, you suffer a -2 penalty on your
skill test. Each time you play the new sport, make a TN
RANGED COMBAT 8 Wits test. If you pass, you have become familiar with
Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained the sport and you no longer suffer the -2 penalty.

SKILLS IN GROUP: Bows, Spears, Thrown Weapons AFFINITY: Athletics grants affinity to Sports tests.

SPECIALTIES: Specific weapon types (short bow, javelin, ACTION TIME: Varies; often 10 minutes or 1 hour.
dagger, sling, etc.)
TEST: On a successful Ranged Combat test, you hit your
target. The TN is the target’s Defence.
ACTION TIME: 1 action

Obtain food, water and shelter in a jungle or
Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained TN 5 forest; predict the weather for the next
hour; navigate terrain with many features
Obtain food, water and shelter in mountains;
TEST: Make a Stealth test to remain unheard or unseen TN 10 start a fire; predict the weather for the next
day; navigate terrain with some features
by others, who can make opposing Observe (Listen) or
Obtain food, water and shelter in a desert;
Observe (Spot) tests to detect you. You must have TN 15 predict the weather for the next 3 days;
something to conceal you to make a Stealth (Hide) test. navigate terrain with few features
Obtain food, water and shelter in the arctic;
If you are making Stealth tests to follow someone
TN 20 predict the weather for the next 5 days;
without being noticed, the frequency of your tests navigate featureless terrain
depends on the distance you are from your target. At a TN 25 Predict the weather for the next week
distance of ten yards or closer, you must make a Stealth
test every round. From ten to twenty-five yards, you ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: TBD
must make a test every minute. At distances greater AFFINITY: Lore:Realm grants affinity to Survival checks
than twenty-five yards, you only need to make a Stealth made in the location to which the Lore skill applies.
test every ten minutes. Note: If the target is maintaining
a state of alertness, triple the distances listed. ACTION TIME: 1 minute per category of difficulty

ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: Complete cover obviates the

need for a Stealth (Hide) test. Noisy surfaces such as dry UNARMED COMBAT (SKILL GROUP)
leaves incur a -2 or greater penalty to Stealth (Sneak). Nimbleness; Physical; Untrained
Moving faster than walking speed also incurs a -2 or
greater penalty to Stealth (Sneak) tests (-5 if running). SKILLS IN GROUP: Brawling, Wrestling

AFFINITY: Observe grants affinity to Stealth tests, and TEST: On a successful Unarmed Combat test, you hit
Survival grants affinity to Stealth tests in natural areas. your target. The TN is the target’s Defence.

ACTION TIME: 1 action AFFINITY: Any skill in the Armed Combat skill group
grants affinity to all Unarmed Combat skill tests. If more
than one Armed Combat skill has enough ranks to grant
SURVIVAL an affinity bonus, use only the higher bonus, not both.
Perception; Physical; Untrained ACTION TIME: 1 action
SPECIALTIES: Desert, Forest, Jungle, Mountains, Plains,
Swamp, Tundra, Underground WARCRAFT
TEST: A Survival test lets you attempt a variety of Wits; Physical; Trained
different tasks related to sustaining yourself and moving
through natural environments. SPECIALTIES: Defence, Battering Ram, Blasting Fire,
Catapult, Unit Leadership
Navigation: A successful Survival test lets you find an
optimal course across terrain that is familiar to you, TEST: Warcraft is the practical application of knowledge
either from experience or study. When navigating about warfare. It is used to operate siege engines and
unfamiliar terrain, you suffer a -10 penalty to the test. counter enemy attacks. In battle, commanders make
On a failure, your course is slightly off and it takes 10% opposed Warcraft tests to lead their units to victory.
longer to reach your destination. On a Complete failure, DIFFICULTY ACTION
it takes 25% longer to reach your destination, and on a TN 5 Strike a target at point-blank range
Disastrous failure, it takes 50% longer. TN 10 Strike a target at short range
TN 15 Strike a target at medium range
Foraging: A successful Survival test lets you find food,
TN 20 Strike a target at long range
water, or shelter (separate test for each) for one person TN 25 Strike a target beyond long range
for one day. For each degree of success above Marginal,
you obtain provisions for one additional person. ADDITIONAL MODIFIERS: See the mass combat section.

Weather-Sense: A successful Survival test lets you ACTION TIME: 1 full round to 1 minute to operate a
predict what the weather will be like in the near future. siege engine; 1 minute to 1 hour for other tests.

There are two kinds of traits: Edges (positive traits) and
Flaws (negative traits). Traits distinguish characters You possess deadly aim.
from one another based on abilities and personalities.
REQUIREMENTS: Nimbleness 9, 3 picks
A Flaw generally places some restriction on a character
that normally doesn’t apply. EFFECT: You gain a +1 bonus to all Ranged Combat tests
made to hit a target. When you use the Aim action, this
bonus increases to +2 (in addition to the bonus from
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 11, 3 picks. You
An Edge generally lets a character do something better gain a +2 bonus to all Ranged Combat tests made to hit
than other characters, or do something special that the a target. When you use the Aim action, this bonus
rules don’t normally allow. increases to +4 (in addition to the bonus from aiming).


Characters purchase Edges with advancement picks.
Most Edges cost two picks, but some powerful Edges may You are difficult to hit in combat.
cost three, four, or even five picks. A few less powerful REQUIREMENTS: Nimbleness 7, 3 picks
Edges might only cost one pick.
EFFECT: Gain +1 to your Defence score when carrying a
The number of picks that each Edge costs is listed on the Heavy burden or less.
Requirements line of the Edge’s description. This line
also lists any other requirements the character must 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 9, 3 picks. You
have to purchase the Edge, such as a minimum attribute gain +1 to your Defence when carrying a Heavy burden,
score, number of advancements, or another Edge (or or +2 when carrying an Average burden or less.
Flaw). A character who doesn’t meet all the
requirements can’t buy the Edge. 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 11, 3 picks.
You gain +1 to your Defence when carrying a Heavy
Many Edges can be improved, granting additional or burden, +2 when carrying an Average burden, or +3
more powerful abilities. A character who already has the when carrying a Light burden or less.
base Edge and meets the requirements to improve it can
pay the cost in advancement picks to buy the next
improvement to the Edge.
You can call on aid from powerful allies.
REQUIREMENTS: 1 advancement, 3 picks
When your character buys an Edge and then buys
improvements to that Edge, add the total number of EFFECT: Once per chapter, your ally aids you if possible.
times you have bought that Edge and its improvements Your ally is an NPC with ten or fewer advancements.
and write that number after the name of the Edge on 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 advancements, 3 picks.
your character sheet. You gain a more powerful ally: an NPC with twenty-five
For example, Menelcar acquires the Lion-Hearted Edge, or fewer advancements.
and on his next advancement he buys the first 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 5 advancements, 3 picks.
improvement to that Edge. On his character sheet, this You gain an even more powerful ally: an NPC with fifty
is noted as “Lion-Hearted 2”. Elsewhere on the or fewer advancements.
character sheet, the function of the Edge with one
improvement may be written out in full for reference.

AMBIDEXTROUS 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Bearing 11, 2 picks. Once
per day, you can add +4 to all Bearing tests and Bearing-
You are adept at using your off-hand. based skill tests for one minute.
REQUIREMENTS: Nimbleness 9, 2 picks
EFFECT: Your off-hand penalty is reduced to -4.
Fate defends you from succumbing to injury.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 11, 2 picks. You
suffer no penalty for using your off-hand. REQUIREMENTS: Favour of Fortune Edge, 2 picks

EFFECT: Once per day, when an injury would bring you to

ARMOUR OF HEROES a more severe Wound level, make a TN 10 Swiftness test
to retain 1 Wound point in the current Wound level.
Your heroic qualities enable you to avoid injury.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. Reduce the TN of
REQUIREMENTS: Courage 2, 2 picks
the Swiftness test to TN 5.
EFFECT: When unarmoured, you can spend a point of
Courage to gain 2 points of armour for the duration of CLEVER
the current scene.
You have flashes of wit and cunning at opportune times.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Courage 3, 2 picks. When
unarmoured, you can spend a point of Courage to gain 3 REQUIREMENTS: Wits 7, 2 picks
points of armour for the duration of the current scene.
EFFECT: Once per day, you can add +2 to all Wits tests
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Courage 4, 2 picks. When and Wits-based skill tests for one minute.
unarmoured, you can spend a point of Courage to gain 4
points of armour for the duration of the current scene. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Wits 9, 2 picks. Once per
day, you can add +3 to all Wits tests and Wits-based
skill tests for one minute.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Wits 11, 2 picks. Once per
You attempt and achieve startlingly courageous feats. day, you can add +4 to all Wits tests and Wits-based
skill tests for one minute.
REQUIREMENTS: Courage 3, 2 picks

EFFECT: You can spend a point of Courage to gain +5 to COMMAND

a physical test.
You have authority over a group of subordinates.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Courage 4, 2 picks. You can
spend a point of Courage to gain +7 to a physical test. REQUIREMENTS: 2 advancements, Duty Flaw, 3 picks

2ND IMPROVEMENT: Req’s Courage 5, 2 picks. You can EFFECT: You command a group of individuals equal in
spend a point of Courage to gain +9 to a physical test. number to your number of advancements x5. Twenty
percent of the individuals you command have a number
of advancements equal to one-half your own; the rest
have a number of advancements equal to one-quarter of
You can be exceptionally charming and persuasive. your own (round down).

REQUIREMENTS: Bearing 7, 2 picks 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You command a

maximum number of individuals equal to your number
EFFECT: Once per day, you can add +2 to all Bearing of advancements x10.
tests and Bearing-based skill tests for one minute.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You command a
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Bearing 9, 2 picks. Once maximum number of individuals equal to your number
per day, you can add +3 to all Bearing tests and Bearing- of advancements x20.
based skill tests for one minute.

3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You command a 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Strength 11, 2 picks.
maximum number of individuals equal to your number Once per day, you can add +4 to all Strength tests and
of advancements x50. Strength-based skill tests (including weapon damage) for
one minute.
4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You command a
maximum number of individuals equal to your number
of advancements x100. ELF-FRIEND
You preserve and honour the memory of the First-born.
REQUIREMENTS: Lore: Group: Elves +4 (or equivalent),
Your intelligent arguments make you more persuasive. non-Elf, 2 picks

REQUIREMENTS: Wits 9, 2 picks EFFECT: You gain a +2 bonus on friendly social tests with
Elves. You can also use items of Elven make (both
EFFECT: You gain a +1 bonus to all Persuade tests. For magical and mundane) as if you were an Elf.
Persuade (Oratory) tests, the bonus increases to +2.
When you make an opposed Persuade (Oratory) test,
the bonus increases to +3. ELOQUENT
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Wits 11, 2 picks. You gain a You have a gift for turning a phrase.
+2 bonus to all Persuade tests. For Persuade (Oratory)
REQUIREMENTS: Any Language 7+, 2 picks
tests, the bonus increases to +4. For opposed Persuade
(Oratory) tests, the bonus increases to +6. EFFECT: You gain +2 to all Persuade tests when speaking
any Language in which you have Expert-level
DODGE proficiency. If you have Master-level proficiency, the
bonus to Persuade tests is +3. The listeners you are
You can swiftly dodge the attacks of your foes. attempting to persuade must have at least Adept-level
proficiency in the language for the bonus to apply.
REQUIREMENTS: Nimbleness 7, 2 picks
If you do not have enough skill ranks to be considered
EFFECT: Gain +2 to Swiftness tests made to perform a Expert in a base Language, but you have a specialty
Dodge action in combat. bonus that puts you at Expert level or higher for a
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 9, 2 picks. Gain particular dialect, you gain the bonus to Persuade when
+4 to Swiftness tests made to Dodge. speaking that dialect.

2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 11, 2 picks.

Gain +6 to Swiftness tests made to Dodge.
Your beauty gives you influence over others.
You can perform great feats of strength. EFFECT: You gain +1 to all Inspire and Persuade tests
REQUIREMENTS: Strength 7, 2 picks made toward members of a socially compatible race. For
Persuade (Charm) tests, the bonus increases to +3.
EFFECT: Once per day, you can add +2 to all Strength
tests and Strength-based skill tests (not including If you are an Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit or Man, this Edge affects
weapon damage) for one minute. all Elves, Dwarves, Hobbits and Men. For other races,
only your own race is affected by this Edge.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Strength 9, 2 picks. Once
per day, you can add +3 to all Strength tests and
Strength-based skill tests (including weapon damage) for
one minute.

You are devoted to the protection of a person or group. In battle, you deal death to your most hated foes.

REQUIREMENTS: 2 picks REQUIREMENTS: Armed Combat +5, 2 picks

EFFECT: Choose an individual, group or realm to which EFFECT: You gain a +1 bonus to hit foes belonging to a
you are devoted. You receive a bonus to combat rolls limited group (Uruks but not all Orcs; Rohirrim but not
against foes who directly threaten the object of your all Men, etc.). The bonus applies to Armed Combat or
devotion. If you are devoted to a realm, the bonus is +1; Unarmed Combat tests made to hit your foe.
if a group, the bonus is +2; if an individual, the bonus is
+3. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Req’s Armed Combat +7, 2 picks.
Your bonus increases to +2, and you also get half your
However, the same number is added to the TN of any bonus (+1) to hit other members of a larger group that
Corruption test you make in the course of defending the includes your limited group (all Orcs, all Men, etc.).
object of your faithfulness.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Req’s Armed Combat +9, 2 picks.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. The bonus Your bonus increases to +4, you get half your bonus
increases by +1 (as does the Corruption test TN). (+2) to hit other members of a larger group that
includes your limited group, and you get one-quarter of
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. The bonus your bonus (+1) to hit all other foes.
increases again by +1 (as does the Corruption test TN).

You experience brief prophetic glimpses of the future.
Good luck follows you wherever you go.
REQUIREMENTS: Wisdom 2, 2 picks
EFFECT: Once per week, a vision comes to you in a
EFFECT: Once per day, you may spend a point of Courage dream. The vision contains a piece of information that is
to re-roll any one die roll and take whichever result you useful and relevant to your current endeavors, as if you
prefer. had succeeded a TN 15 Lore or Insight(Hunch) test.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. Once per day, you However, to understand the information you must
may re-roll any one die roll (without spending a point of correctly interpret the meaning of the vision, which
Courage) and take whichever result you prefer. requires a TN 10 Wisdom test.

1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Wisdom 3, 2 picks. Once

FEARLESS per week, you experience a vision in a dream or in a
quiet moment. Your vision can contain a piece of
While others cower in fear, you stand unshaken. information of greater value, equal to a successful TN 20
Lore or Insight (Hunch) test. Successfully interpreting it
REQUIREMENTS: Courage 3, 2 picks
requires a TN 12 Wisdom test. Alternately, the vision
EFFECT: You gain a +3 bonus to all Willpower tests to can contain two lesser pieces of information equal to a
resist fear and intimidation effects. You can also spend a TN 15 Lore or Insight (Hunch) test; each requires a TN
point of Courage to increase the bonus from this Edge to 10 Wisdom test to interpret.
+7 for a single test.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Wisdom 4, 2 picks. Once
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Courage 5, 2 picks. You per week, you experience a vision that can happen at
gain a +5 bonus to all Willpower tests to resist fear and any time. Your vision can contain two greater pieces of
intimidation effects. You can also spend a point of information equal to a successful TN 20 Lore or Insight
Courage to increase the bonus from this Edge to +10 for (Hunch) test, or four pieces of lesser information equal
a single test. to a TN 15 Lore or Insight (Hunch) test, or one piece of
information of greater value and two of lesser value.
Each piece of information requires a Wisdom test to
interpret: TN 12 for information of greater value and
TN 10 for lesser.

FRIENDS 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Required Strength 11, 2 picks. Add
+5 to your Unarmed Combat: Brawling damage.
You have friends who offer you information and help.

REQUIREMENTS: 1 advancement, 2 picks HARDY

EFFECT: Choose a specific location such as Bree or Dol You can withstand pain and injury better than others.
Amroth. You have friends there who will provide you
with local information. Your friends may also give you REQUIREMENTS: Vitality 7, 3 picks
food and shelter for one or two nights if doing so does EFFECT: The penalty you suffer from loss of Wound levels
not endanger or impoverish them. is reduced by 1 point. This does not cause you to recover
IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks and a number of lost Wound levels more quickly or easily.
advancements equal to the number of times you take 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Vitality 9, 3 picks. The
this Edge. Each time you improve the Edge, choose penalty you suffer from loss of Wound levels is reduced
another location where you have friends. by 2 points. This does not cause you to recover lost
Wound levels more quickly or easily.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Vitality 11, 3 picks. The
You and your possessions are hard to find. penalty you suffer from loss of Wound levels is reduced
by 3 points. This does not cause you to recover lost
REQUIREMENTS: Nimbleness 7, 2 picks Wound levels more quickly or easily.
EFFECT: You gain +1 to all Conceal, Legerdemain, and
Stealth tests (except Legerdemain (Pick Lock) tests). HEALING HANDS
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 9, 2 picks. You Your inner strength flows into those you seek to heal.
gain +2 to all Conceal, Legerdemain, and Stealth tests
(except Legerdemain (Pick Lock) tests). REQUIREMENTS: Bearing 9, Healing +3, 2 picks

2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 11, 2 picks. EFFECT: You can voluntarily lose one Weariness level to
You gain +3 to all Conceal, Legerdemain, and Stealth gain a +5 bonus to one Healing test.
tests (except Legerdemain (Pick Lock) tests). 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. When you use the
Healing Hands Edge, you can make a Stamina test to
GIFT OF TONGUES avoid losing a Weariness level. The TN for the Stamina
is 8, +2 for every Wound level the patient has lost.
You have an ear for languages and speak them fluently.

REQUIREMENTS: Language +4 in a non-native language, HOARD

2 picks
You possess great wealth.
EFFECT: Gain a +2 bonus to all Language skills in which
you have ranks. REQUIREMENTS: 3 picks

1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. After listening to EFFECT: You own wealth equal in value to the highest of
an unfamiliar language for a few hours, you can make the following:
untrained Language tests in that language. • 50 silver pennies
• (advancements x10) silver pennies
HAMMERHAND • (TN Equivalent x20) silver pennies
Your powerful fists are the only weapons you need. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You own wealth
REQUIREMENTS: Strength 9, 2 picks equal in value to the highest of the following:

EFFECT: Add +3 to the damage you inflict using the • 200 silver pennies
Unarmed Combat:Brawling skill. • (advancements x20) silver pennies
• (TN Equivalent x50) silver pennies

2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You own wealth 4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 10 advancements, 4 picks.
equal in value to the highest of the following: Your Bearing score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
• 1000 silver pennies
• (advancements x100) silver pennies
• (TN Equivalent x200) silver pennies
You have acquired greater dexterity.
3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You own wealth
equal in value to the highest of the following: REQUIREMENTS: 2 advancements, 5 picks

• 2000 silver pennies EFFECT: Your Nimbleness score increases by +1. This
• (advancements x200) silver pennies does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
• (TN Equivalent x500) silver pennies 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 4 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Nimbleness score increases by another +1. This
4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You own wealth
does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
equal in value to the highest of the following:
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 6 advancements, 4 picks.
• 5000 silver pennies
Your Nimbleness score increases by another +1. This
• (advancements x500) silver pennies does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
• (TN Equivalent x1000) silver pennies
3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 8 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Nimbleness score increases by another +1. This
HONOUR’S INSIGHT does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
Your own honour reveals the deception of others. 4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 10 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Nimbleness score increases by another +1. This
REQUIREMENTS: Code of Honour Flaw (do not tell lies),
does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
2 picks

EFFECT: Gain a +4 bonus to Wisdom or Insight tests to IMPROVED PERCEPTION

avoid being tricked or deceived.
You have acquired greater powers of observation.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. Gain a +7 bonus to
Wisdom or Insight tests to avoid being deceived. REQUIREMENTS: 2 advancements, 5 picks

EFFECT: Your Perception score increases by +1. This

IMPROVED BEARING does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
You have acquired greater force of personality. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 4 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Perception score increases by another +1. This
REQUIREMENTS: 2 advancements, 5 picks
does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
EFFECT: Your Bearing score increases by +1. This does
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 6 advancements, 4 picks.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
Your Perception score increases by another +1. This
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 4 advancements, 4 picks. does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
Your Bearing score increases by another +1. This does
3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 8 advancements, 4 picks.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
Your Perception score increases by another +1. This
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 6 advancements, 4 picks. does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
Your Bearing score increases by another +1. This does
4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 10 advancements, 4 picks.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
Your Perception score increases by another +1. This
3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 8 advancements, 4 picks. does not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
Your Bearing score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.

IMPROVED STRENGTH 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 4 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Wits score increases by another +1. This does not
You have acquired greater physical strength. let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
REQUIREMENTS: 2 advancements, 5 picks 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 6 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Wits score increases by another +1. This does not
EFFECT: Your Strength score increases by +1. This does
let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 8 advancements, 4 picks.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 4 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Wits score increases by another +1. This does not
Your Strength score increases by another +1. This does
let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 10 advancements, 4 picks.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 6 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Wits score increases by another +1. This does not
Your Strength score increases by another +1. This does
let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.

3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 8 advancements, 4 picks. INCORRUPTIBLE

Your Strength score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score. You steadfastly resist the lure of vice and dark power.

4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 10 advancements, 4 picks. REQUIREMENTS: 2 picks

Your Strength score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score. EFFECT: You gain a +4 bonus to all Willpower tests to
resist Corruption and to overcome temptations like
greed and wrath.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. You gain a +7
You have acquired greater fortitude. bonues to all Willpower tests to resist Corruption and
overcome temptations.
REQUIREMENTS: 2 advancements, 5 picks

EFFECT: Your Vitality score increases by +1. This does INDOMITABLE

not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
Your strong spirit cannot be broken or dominated.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 4 advancements, 4 picks.
Your Vitality score increases by another +1. This does REQUIREMENTS: 2 picks
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
EFFECT: You gain a +4 bonus to all Willpower tests to
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 6 advancements, 4 picks. resist torture, interrogation and other forms of
Your Vitality score increases by another +1. This does domination, both mundane and magical.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. You gain a +7
3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 8 advancements, 4 picks. bonus to all Willpower tests to resist torture,
Your Vitality score increases by another +1. This does interrogation and other forms of domination.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.

4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 10 advancements, 4 picks. KEEN EARS

Your Vitality score increases by another +1. This does
Your ears detect the faintest noises.
not let you exceed your maximum attribute score.
REQUIREMENTS: Perception 7, 2 picks
IMPROVED WITS EFFECT: You gain +3 to all Observe (Listen) tests.
You have acquired greater learning and intelligence. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 9, 2 picks. You
REQUIREMENTS: 2 advancements, 5 picks gain +5 to all Observe (Listen) tests.

EFFECT: Your Wits score increases by +1. This does not 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 11, 2 picks.
let you exceed your maximum attribute score. You gain +7 to all Observe (Listen) tests.

KEEN EYES 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 9, 2 picks.
Once per day, you can add +3 to all Nimbleness tests
Your acute vision picks out the smallest details. and Nimbleness-based skill tests (except Armed
Combat, Ranged Combat or Unarmed Combat tests) for
REQUIREMENTS: Perception 7, 2 picks
one minute.
EFFECT: You gain +3 to all Observe (Spot) tests.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 11, 2 picks.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 9, 2 picks. You Once per day, you can add +4 to all Nimbleness tests
gain +5 to all Observe (Spot) tests. and Nimbleness-based skill tests (except Armed
Combat, Ranged Combat or Unarmed Combat tests) for
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 11, 2 picks. one minute.
You gain +7 to all Observe (Spot) tests.
You have penetrating powers of observation.
Your great courage enables you to ignore wounds.
REQUIREMENTS: Perception 7, 2 picks
REQUIREMENTS: Courage 3, 2 picks
EFFECT: Once per day, you can add +2 to all Perception
EFFECT: When you sustain an injury, you can tests and Perception-based skill tests for one minute.
immediately spend a point of Courage to reduce the
damage by 4 points. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 9, 2 picks. Once
per day, you can add +3 to all Perception tests and
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Courage 4, 2 picks. When Perception-based skill tests for one minute.
you sustain an injury, you can immediately spend a point
of Courage to reduce the damage by 7 points. 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 11, 2 picks.
Once per day, you can add +4 to all Perception tests and
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Courage 5, 2 picks. When Perception-based skill tests for one minute.
you sustain an injury, you can immediately spend a point
of Courage to reduce the damage by 10 points.
NIGHT-EYED You have well-honed reflexes.

You can see well in the dark. REQUIREMENTS: 3 picks

REQUIREMENTS: 2 picks EFFECT: Your Swiftness score increases by +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum score.
EFFECT: Your penalty to Observe (Spot) tests in dark
conditions is reduced by 2. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 1 advancement, 2 picks.
Your Swiftness score increases by another +1. This does
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. You suffer no not let you exceed your maximum score.
penalty to Observe (Spot) tests in dark conditions.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 advancements, 2 picks.
Your Swiftness score increases by another +1. This does
NIMBLE not let you exceed your maximum score.
You can be deft and agile when you need to. 3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 5 advancements, 2 picks.
REQUIREMENTS: Nimbleness 7, 2 picks Your Swiftness score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum score.
EFFECT: Once per day, you can add +2 to all Nimbleness
tests and Nimbleness-based skill tests (except Armed 4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 7 advancements, 2 picks.
Combat, Ranged Combat or Unarmed Combat tests) for Your Swiftness score increases by another +1. This does
one minute. not let you exceed your maximum score.

QUICK DRAW 3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires Renown 4, 3 picks. You
hold a high title of nobility (typically “duke”, “marshal”
You can draw a weapon with lightning speed. or “marquess”). Gain +4 to Inspire, Intimidate and
REQUIREMENTS: Nimbleness 7, Armed Combat +3 -or- Persuade tests toward those who recognize your rank.
Ranged Combat +3, 2 picks If you also have the Command Edge or the Hoard Edge,
calculate the statistics of the group under your
EFFECT: Once per round, you can draw or ready a
command and/or the value of your hoard as if you had
weapon as a free action. If you meet the skill rank
twenty more advancements than you do.
requirements in an Armed Combat skill, you can use
this Edge to draw a melee weapon appropriate to that 4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires Renown 5, 3 picks. You
skill. If you meet the skill rank requirements in a Ranged hold the highest title of nobility (typically “king”,
Combat skill, you can use this Edge to draw a weapon or “prince”, “emperor”, “grand duke” or “sultan”). Gain +5
a piece of ammunition appropriate to that skill. to Inspire, Intimidate and Persuade tests toward those
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 9, Armed who recognize your rank.
Combat +5 -or- Ranged Combat +5, 2 picks. You can If you also have the Command Edge or the Hoard Edge,
use the Quick Draw Edge to draw or ready a weapon (or calculate the statistics of the group under your
piece of ammunition) as a free action an unlimited command and/or the value of your hoard as if you had
number of times per round. You must meet the skill rank fifty more advancements than you do.
requirements for the Armed Combat or Ranged Combat
skill appropriate to the weapon or ammunition.

RANK You persevere through difficulties by sheer force of will.

You hold a position of prestige and authority. REQUIREMENTS: Willpower 3, 2 picks

REQUIREMENTS: Renown 1, 3 picks EFFECT: Once per day, you can substitute a Willpower
test for a Stamina test at the same TN.
EFFECT: You hold a minor, non-noble title (typically
“knight”). You enjoy social privileges within your own 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Willpower 5, 2 picks. Once
realm and other realms friendly to yours. Gain +1 to per day, you can add your Willpower score as a bonus to
Inspire, Intimidate and Persuade tests made toward any physical test.
those who recognize your rank.
If you also have the Command Edge or the Hoard Edge, ROBUST
calculate the statistics of the group under your
Your excellent health helps you perform strenuous tasks.
command and/or the value of your hoard as if you had
two more advancements than you do. REQUIREMENTS: Vitality 9, 2 picks
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Renown 2, 3 picks. You EFFECT: Add your Vitality bonus to Strength tests and
hold a lesser title of nobility (typically “baron” or Strength-based skill tests.
“viscount”). Gain +2 to Inspire, Intimidate and
Persuade tests toward those who recognize your rank.
If you also have the Command Edge or the Hoard Edge,
calculate the statistics of the group under your You specialize in a particular application of a skill.
command and/or the value of your hoard as if you had
REQUIREMENTS: Skill (any) +1, 1 pick
five more advancements than you do.
EFFECT: Choose a specialty of a skill in which you have at
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Renown 3, 3 picks. You
least 1 rank. You gain a +2 bonus on all tests using that
hold a title of nobility (typically “earl” or “count”). Gain specialty. For example, if you have 1 rank in Observe
+3 to Inspire, Intimidate and Persuade tests toward and you buy this Edge for the Spot specialty, you add +3
those who recognize your rank. to Observe (Spot) tests: +1 for the skill rank and +2 for
If you also have the Command Edge or the Hoard Edge, the specialty bonus (plus any attribute modifiers or other
calculate the statistics of the group under your modifiers that apply).
command and/or the value of your hoard as if you had
ten more advancements than you do.

You can gain this Edge multiple times, each time TIRELESS
applying it to a different skill specialty. (You can even
choose more than one specialty of the same skill.) You keep at a task long after others have faltered.

1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 picks. You gain an REQUIREMENTS: Vitality 7, 2 picks

additional +2 bonus on tests using your specialty.
EFFECT: When performing an activity over a long period
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 picks. You gain an of time, you gain a +4 bonus to the first Stamina test to
additional +2 bonus on tests using your specialty. resist Weariness.

1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Vitality 9, 2 picks. When

STERN performing an activity over a long period of time, you
The severity of your manner makes others compliant. gain a +4 bonus to all Stamina tests to resist Weariness.

REQUIREMENTS: Intimidate 3, 2 picks

EFFECT: You gain a +2 bonus to all Intimidate tests.
You can accurately intuit location and direction.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Intimidate 5, 2 picks. You
can spend a point of Courage to use an Intimidate test in REQUIREMENTS: Perception 7, 2 picks
place of a Persuade test or an Inspire test; this does not
EFFECT: You gain a +2 bonus to Survival tests made to
make the target’s attitude toward you more negative.
navigate terrain, and your penalty for navigating in
unfamiliar terrain is reduced from -10 to -5.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 9, 2 picks. You
You have steely determination and self-control. gain a +4 bonus to Survival tests made to navigate
terrain, and you do not suffer a penalty when navigating
unfamiliar terrain.
EFFECT: Your Willpower score increases by +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum score. TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 1 advancement, 2 picks.
You can make extra attacks with a second weapon.
Your Willpower score increases by another +1. This
does not let you exceed your maximum score. REQUIREMENTS: Nimbleness 7, 2 picks
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 advancements, 2 picks. EFFECT: In addition to your normal action allotment, you
Your Willpower score increases by another +1. This can make one extra basic attack action each round with
does not let you exceed your maximum score. your off-hand weapon. The extra-action penalty for this
3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 5 advancements, 2 picks. attack is -2 instead of -5. Apply any off-hand penalties
Your Willpower score increases by another +1. This you normally suffer.
does not let you exceed your maximum score. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 9, 2 picks. In
4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 7 advancements, 2 picks. addition to your normal action allotment, you can make
Your Willpower score increases by another +1. This one extra basic attack action each round with your off-
does not let you exceed your maximum score. hand weapon. No extra-action penalty applies to this
attack. Apply any off-hand penalties you normally suffer.

SWIFT RECOVERY 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Nimbleness 11, 2 picks. In

addition to your normal action allotment, you can make
You regain strength and health quickly. two extra basic attack actions each round with your off-
REQUIREMENTS: Vitality 7, 2 picks hand weapon. No extra-action penalty applies to this
first attack, and the extra-action penalty on the second
EFFECT: You recover lost Weariness levels in half the attack is -2 instead of -5. Apply any off-hand penalties
normally required amount of time spent resting. you normally suffer.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Vitality 9, 2 picks. You
regain lost Wound points more quickly, making Stamina
tests while recuperating at twice the normal frequency.

Your strength of character leads you to perform You require very little sleep or rest.
astonishing acts of valour. REQUIREMENTS: Vitality 7, 2 picks
REQUIREMENTS: Bearing 7, 3 picks EFFECT: For a number of nights equal to your Vitality
EFFECT: Once per week, add your Bearing score as a bonus +1, you can go without sleep (or rest, if you do
bonus to a single physical test. not normally require sleep) without incurring extra
Weariness tests. When you do sleep, your penalty on
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Bearing 9, 3 picks. You can Observe (Listen) tests is reduced by 1.
spend a point of Courage to add your Bearing bonus to
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Vitality 9, 2 picks. For a
all physical tests for the duration of the current scene.
number of nights equal to your Vitality bonus +1 -or-
your Stamina score +1, whichever is greater, you can go
VERSATILE without sleep without incurring extra Weariness tests.
You also suffer no penalty on Observe (Listen) tests
You acquire an eclectic set of talents. while sleeping.
REQUIREMENTS: 1 ability from your own Order, 2 picks
EFFECT: You can gain an Order ability from any basic
Order. You must still meet the requirements for the You are highly alert to danger.
Order ability and pay the ability’s cost in picks.
REQUIREMENTS: Perception 7, 2 picks
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 2 abilities from your own
EFFECT: You gain a +3 bonus to Swiftness tests made to
Order, 2 picks. You can gain an Order ability from any
determine initiative.
basic Order. You must still meet the requirements for the
Order ability and pay the ability’s cost in picks. 1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 9, 2 picks. You
gain a +4 bonus to Swiftness tests for initiative, and a
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 abilities from your own
+1 bonus to all Observe tests.
Order, 2 picks. You can gain an Order ability from any
basic Order. You must still meet the requirements for the 2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Perception 11, 2 picks.
Order ability and pay the ability’s cost in picks. You gain a +5 bonus to Swiftness tests for initiative, and
a +2 bonus to all Observe tests.
You have exceptional fortitude.
You have deep understanding and intuition.
EFFECT: Your Stamina score increases by +1. This does
EFFECT: Your Wisdom score increases by +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum score.
not let you exceed your maximum score.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 1 advancement, 2 picks.
1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires 1 advancement, 2 picks.
Your Stamina score increases by another +1. This does
Your Wisdom score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum score.
not let you exceed your maximum score.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 advancements, 2 picks.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires 3 advancements, 2 picks.
Your Stamina score increases by another +1. This does
Your Wisdom score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum score.
not let you exceed your maximum score.
3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 5 advancements, 2 picks. 3RD IMPROVEMENT: Requires 5 advancements, 2 picks.
Your Stamina score increases by another +1. This does Your Wisdom score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum score. not let you exceed your maximum score.
4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 7 advancements, 2 picks. 4TH IMPROVEMENT: Requires 7 advancements, 2 picks.
Your Stamina score increases by another +1. This does Your Wisdom score increases by another +1. This does
not let you exceed your maximum score. not let you exceed your maximum score.

You are at home in wooded regions. You are scornful and dismissive of others.

REQUIREMENTS: Survival 3, specialty bonus +2 for EFFECT: You cannot spend Courage points on social tests.
Survival (Forest -or- Jungle), 2 picks
1ST PROGRESSION: You suffer a -2 penalty to all Inspire
EFFECT: In a wooded area, you gain a +1 bonus to all and Persuade tests.
Survival, Stealth, Observe and Profession:Hunter tests.

1ST IMPROVEMENT: Requires Survival 5, specialty bonus BATTLE-FURY

+2 for Survival (Forest -or- Jungle), 2 picks. In a
In combat, you are overcome with battle-fury.
wooded area, you gain a +2 bonus to all Survival,
Stealth, Observe and Profession:Hunter tests. EFFECT: When you fight, you cannot withdraw or
surrender while any foe remains standing.
2ND IMPROVEMENT: Requires Survival 7, specialty bonus
+2 for Survival (Forest -or- Jungle), 2 picks. In a 1ST PROGRESSION:
wooded area, you gain a +3 bonus to all Survival,
Stealth, Observe and Profession:Hunter tests.

A Flaw places some restriction or penalty on a character
that normally doesn’t apply. EFFECT:

You can acquire a Flaw at any time in your career. Flaws NAME
are most commonly chosen at character creation, but
they can also be acquired when you gain an
advancement or even in the middle of an adventure. REQUIREMENTS:
When you acquire a Flaw, you gain two picks which you EFFECT:
can spend just like normal advancement picks. If you
acquire the Flaw at a time other than at character 1ST PROGRESSION:
creation or when you gain an advancement, it is up to
your Narrator to decide whether you can spend the
picks right away or whether you must wait until your
next advancement to spend them.

Just as you can acquire improvements to many Edges, EFFECT:
you can also acquire progressions to many Flaws. When 1ST PROGRESSION:
a Flaw progresses, the problem it represents increases in
severity. You gain two picks when you progress a Flaw.
You can remove a Flaw (or the last progression in a Flaw
you have acquired more than one time) by role-playing
the character’s effort to overcome the Flaw and paying
two picks at your next advancement. Your Narrator
must approve your plan to remove the Flaw. EFFECT:



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