Accident Investigation 2

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Records of accidents are essential for efficient and successful safety work. The completeness and
accuracy of the entire accident recordsystem depend on the information transmitted in the inividual
accident reports. Therefore, simple forms which contain all essential information should be used for
reporting. They are of two types:-

i. The First aid report; and

ii. Supervision accident report.

The First aid Report:- The collection of injury data generally begins in the first aid department. The
first aid report is filled by the first aid attendant for each new case.

Supervision accident Report:-

The line supervisory makes a detailed report about each injury. Hence the purpose and method of
filling accident report should be fully explained to every supervisor in the course of supervisory
training. The primarv purpose of the accident report is to give complete and unbiassed information on
the cause of an accident and not to fix blame. Information on unsafe acts and unsafe couditions is
important in the prevention of future accidents.

A model accident report (Supervisor's Accident Report), is shown the Appendix . The usual
question "what was the employee doing and how was the employee injured? elicits only certain
information which is not sufficient for evolving the remedial measure for prerention of a similar
accidents. Hence it is recommended that five more typical question should be answered by the Line
supervisor in filling the accident report. This ensuresfuller information on the contributory causes and
circumstances that led to accident. These are:

i. What did employee do unsafely?

ii. what was infective, in unsafe condition or wrong with method?
iii. What safeguard should be used?
iv. What steps were taken to prevent similar injuries?
v. What other steps should be taken to prevent a recurence?


Accident investigation is of prime importance in a safety programme. Investigation must be kept

objective, factual free from the punishment motive. Otherwise it may do more harm than good. The
principal purposes are: (i) to learn accident causes so that similar can be prevented by mechanical
improvement, better supervision and employee instruction, (ii) to publicise the particular hazard
among employees and their supervisors and to direct attention to accident prevention in general. The
need is for full information as to causes, all the contributory cause. That involves in the accident and
not just the major causes. The investigation may be made by the foreman, the safety committee or the
personnel department.
Each investigation should be made as soon after the accident as possible. A delay may permit
important evidence to be destroyed or removed. Information on why the unsafe conditions existed and
why the injured person or others acted unsafely is of great importance and should be obtained
promptly after the accident occurs, as this type of information is difficult to get later.The scene of
accident should not be disturbed until the investigator arrives on the scene.

An investigation should be made of a very accident. Investigation should be fact finding not
fault finding. The chief value of investigation lies in uncovering contributory causes. No one should
be assigned the investigation work unless he has a reputation for fairness and is experienced in
gathering information.

Analysis of the circumstances of accidents can produce these results:-

1) Identify and locate the principal sources of accidents by determining, from actual experience, the
material machine, and tools most frequently involved in accidents and the job most likely to produce

2) Disclose the nature and the size of the accident problem in departments and among occupations.

3) Indicate the need for engineering revision by identifying the principal unsafe conditions of various
type of equipment and material.

4) Disclose inefficiencies in operating processes and procedures where poor layout, for example,
contributes to accidents, or where outdated methods or procedures which overtax the physical
capacities of the workers can be avoided as by using mechanical handling methods.

5) Disclose the unsafe practices which need special attention in the training of employees.

6) Disclose improper placement of personnel in instances in which inabilities or physical handicaps

contribute to accidents.

7) Enable supervisors to use the time available for safety work to the greatest advantage by providing
them with information about the principal hazards and unsafe practices in their departments.

8) Permit an objective evaluation of the progress of a safety programme by noting in continuing

analysis the effect of different safety measures, educational techniques and other methods adopted to
prevent injuries.

In order to get the results, the criterian that shorld be taken on into account in investigation may be
stated as follows:

In industry, every action is planned and expected; an accident is an unplanned and unexpected
occurrence. It disrupts the planned course of events. Somewhere the chain of planned and expected
events diverged into the unplanned. It is not necessarily the moment when the accident happened. It
usually proceeds it. The purpose of investigation, therefore, is to disclose the moment of divergence.
When the moment is disclosed, the true cause of accident is revealed.

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