Examination Questions: Introduction To Management

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Year 1.Semester 1.

1. Explain the principles of Scientific Management and its relevance in

contemporary society.

2. Explain the major differences between the classical and human relations
approaches to management theory. Also point out similarities, if any.

3. Summarize the main features of the neo-human relations approach to organization

and management. How does it differ from the human relations approach?

4. Explain the concepts of span of control and scalar chain and how they are
related in determining the overall hierarchical structure of organizations.
Characterize formal organizational relationships.

5. Discuss the importance of organizational culture for effective organizational

performance. Analyse the interrelationship between organizational structure and
types of organizational culture through Handy’s model. Also analyse Deal
and Kennedy’s model of organizational cultures.

6. Contrast the classical, human relations and neo-human relations approaches to

improving organizational performance and effectiveness.

7. Explain what is meant by the contingency approach to organization. How does it

differ from other approaches to organization and management? Assess the
contribution of contingency theory to our understanding of organizations.

8. What do you understand by a "hybrid" form of organisation structure? What

problems might arise with this form of structure? Support your answer with
practical examples.

9. Discuss, with supporting examples, the major changes confronting organizations

and management today. Explain instances of resistance to change and the
effective management strategies to overcome the resistance.

10. To what extent do you accept the view that conflict is an inevitable feature of
organizational life? Discuss how management can attempt to avoid the harmful
effects of conflict. Analyse Thomas’s model of conflict handling strategies. Support
your arguments with practical examples.

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