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Critical Analysis of a Systematic literature review

Submitted by:

Sana Shafique

2020. M.Phil.BHS-008

Department of Behavioral Sciences

MPhil-1 Psychology

Psychological Trauma and Interventions for individuals, families &


Submitted to:

Dr. Sajida Naz

8th May, 2020

Critical Review: Go-Un Kim & Mi-Young Kim (2020): The Effectiveness of Psychological

Interventions for Women Traumatized by Sexual Abuse: A Systematic Review and Meta-

Analysis, Issues in Mental Health Nursing.

Women spoiled by sexual maltreatment as youngsters or grown-ups experience mental

disorders, for example, post-traumatic stress, discouragement, uneasiness, and social change. In

this study Kim et al. (2020) utilized various investigations on mental health problem and

anticipated to comfort their side effects. In this study the two creators deliberately analysed the

particular impacts of mental intercessions for ladies damaged by sexual maltreatment and

factually assessed mediations by computing impact measures in a meta-investigation. As we as a

whole can find in the going time Sexual maltreatment explicitly is an inexorably significant issue

developing all through the world. They referenced a report of The World Health Organization

(WHO) distributed in 2014 which evaluated late frequency rates as 44% in Africa, 29% in

Europe, 62% in the United States, and 35% in the Western Pacific. As per Go-un Kim and Mi-

youthful Kim discoveries an on-going examination of 65 investigations showed that the pace of

sexual maltreatment of youngsters in 22 nations was 19.7% among females and 7.9% among

guys. In the United States, a review of 34,000 individuals matured 18years or more seasoned

found that 75.2% of the females and 24.8% of guys’ detailed sexual maltreatment. Numerous

explicitly damaged ladies have encountered different physical, mental and social issues. They

have been discovered more probable than those without the experience to display physical agony

and bound to look for emergency clinic treatment (p.1).

This Article search is directed of electronic databases of diaries, dim writing and Clinical

Research Information Service. Clinical Subject Heading phrasing, content words, and intelligent
administrators were applied, and 2,029 articles distributed in English or Korean was recovered.

Incorporation models were full-content articles on randomized controlled preliminaries (p.1)

According to Kim et al. (2020) an examination found that about 2.4 occasions more

probable ladies without sexual injury to have psychological well-being issues, and their

psychosocial medical issues were generally brought about by post-awful pressure,

discouragement, nervousness, drugs/liquor misuse, social issue and social feelings of dread.

Mostly subjects which have been count in this review are found in students though newspaper

advertisement or any other trauma centre. Only one subject in an article is reported from the

hospital. 3 out of 10 studies reported that women diagnosed with PTSD of sexual abuse from

their childhood (p.2)

In this investigation the two creators pick the subject old enough 18 or more who had

been traumatised and experienced explicitly misuse or assaulted. They present assortment of

mental mediation to lessen the intense worry of damaged women. In this inspection writers did

exclude the individuals who are as of now determined to have ceaseless psychological sickness

or some other sort of neurocognitive brokenness. Kim's referred to a great deal of articles in his

precise research however just ten of them completely meet the standards of its destinations. They

really need to see the viability of mental mediation on sexual maltreatment ladies. They utilized a

great deal of intercession arranging and see the drawn out impact on the decrease of PTSD side

effects (p.6)

The results being tended to were PTSD, depression, uneasiness, confidence, disgrace and

injury related blame, and knowing the past inclination, absence of support, bad behaviour, social

modification, relational brutality, social working and rest quality. Nine examinations surveyed
post-traumatic stress, utilized a mediation to treat it and in this way checked the degree of

progress. One investigation utilized the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale (PDS) and one

examination utilized post- traumatic seriousness (p.6).

This investigation followed the methodical review steps proposed by Cochrane

Collaboration. Authors visit thousands of web sites for the selection of articles. At the end only

ten articles are considered under this systematic study of Kim et al. Key highlights were

incorporated or rejected as per PICO-SD (members, mediation, correlations, results and study

configuration) as follows:

 Participants were female 18years or more established who had been explicitly ambushed

or assaulted.

 Interventions incorporated a wide range of mental treatment.

 Comparisons were intervened or routinely oversaw without psychosomatic treatment.

 All investigation structures were RCTs.

The three rejection rules for article choice were:

 The intercession focused on patients with constant psychological maladjustments or

neurocognitive dysfunctions, females matured 18years or more youthful or the subjects'


 Pharmaco-helpful mediation considers.

 Animal examinations, observational research, companions, look into conventions, or

incorporated writing surveys or modified works.

The articles chose for this current investigation's example estimated the subjects'

enthusiastic reactions, relational and social modification factors and rest related physiological

variables. Negative scores for the most part identified with the subjects' psychological well-being

and feelings. The most of the time watched results was PTSD, misery and tension. Positive

qualities estimated by the investigations were confidence (to demonstrate a feeling of self-

esteem), life fulfilment and a feeling of accomplishment (p.8).

The articles has been analysed with respect to on the web, video or eye to eye

intercession design, span of mediation (in minutes), number of meetings and the incorporation

and rejection rules. Consequently, this current examination's outcomes were deciphered with

alert on account of the assortment of determination and expository methodologies among the

investigations. It additionally was important to choose one article, look at its investigation's

belongings and perform significant subgroup examinations after the mediation (p.8).

This investigation directed a deliberate meta-examination of articles providing details

regarding RCT intervention considers that utilized mental mediations for grown-up ladies

survivors of sexual maltreatment and additionally injury. It factually broke down the impact sizes

of the result factors. The outcomes found that the intercessions were powerful for post-horrible

pressure and gloom, yet not for tension and social modification, in follow-up evaluations. Along

these lines, this examination gives target proof to help the improvement of intercessions for

female sexual maltreatment or potentially injury casualties with respect to mental results.


A last summary of this survey is that it is extremely difficult to do a differing and orderly

review of such a significant issue in our general public. I would give a positive criticism towards
the endeavours of Kim et al. They truly led an extensive audit of different articles which is

straightforward for all sort of analysts it is possible that they are experts or not. The theme which

they pick is especially genuine and essential to bargain through mental mediations, as we can see

that in this article survey they feature the quantity of CBT strategies to comfort the subject from

their injury. They likewise utilized various procedures to utilize these mediations which are

awesome. We can likewise utilize this article in Asian cases detailed step by step, however for

this reason some social measurements need to consider. In this audit the entirety of the detailed

cases and articles which Kim et al. (2020) utilized is has a place with European culture. In case if

this affair that we need to lead it in Asian side there must be some social measurements may

influence the Efficacy of outcomes.


Go-Un Kim & Mi-Young Kim, (2020): The Effectiveness of Psychological Interventions for

Women Traumatized by Sexual Abuse: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Issues

in Mental Health Nursing,

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