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E l e c t ro c a rd i o g r a p h i c

C hara c terist ics of Foc al

Atrial Tachycardi as
Haris M. Haqqani, MBBS(Hons), PhDa,b,1,
Gwilym M. Morris, BmBCh, PhDc,d,1,
Peter M. Kistler, MBBS, PhDe,
Jonathan M. Kalman, MBBS, PhDc,e,*

 Ventricular tachycardia  Electrocardiograph  Myocardial infarction

 Focal atrial tachycardia (AT) is an uncommon form of supraventricular tachycardia that most often
occurs in structurally normal hearts.
 Focal AT is characterized by centrifugal activation of the atria from a point source.
 The sites of origin of AT are not randomly distributed throughout the atria but instead cluster around
stereotypical sites of anatomic and electrophysiologic heterogeneity.
 The P-wave morphology on the surface ECG in focal AT is generally a reliable guide to the site of
origin in the absence of significant structural heart disease or previous ablation.


Focal atrial tachycardia (AT) is an uncommon form Multiple electrophysiologic mechanisms may be
of supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) defined by responsible for focal AT. These include abnormal
its characteristic centrifugal pattern of atrial activa- automaticity, triggered activity, and microreentry.
tion from a focal site of origin. It accounts for 5% to The absence of a definitive gold standard for
15% of adults being referred for evaluation of in vivo diagnosis of each of these mechanisms
SVT.1,2 Unlike other forms of SVT, AT requires acti- means that each is inferred from a combination
vation of neither AV nodal or ventricular tissue for of observations. Triggered activity and microreen-
tachycardia continuation. Patients may present try may be induced by programed stimulation,
with palpitations, dyspnea, or, rarely, syncope. although triggered activity can also be induced
Incessant AT is a well-recognized phenomenon with burst pacing. Automatic focal AT frequently
that may lead to the development of tachycardia- has spontaneous onsets and terminations. In the
mediated cardiomyopathy.3 absence of spontaneous activity it is likely to only

The authors have nothing to disclose.

School of Medicine, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia; b Department of Cardiology, The
Prince Charles Hospital, Rode Road, Brisbane, QLD 4032, Australia; c Department of Cardiology, The Royal

Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne 3050, Australia; d Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of

Manchester, Manchester, UK; e Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Royal Parade, Parkville,
Victoria 3052, Australia
Dr H.M. Haqqani and Dr G.M. Morris contributed equally to the drafting of this article.
* Corresponding author. Department of Cardiology, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne 3050,
E-mail address:

Card Electrophysiol Clin 6 (2014) 459–468
1877-9182/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
460 Haqqani et al

be initiated with the use of isoproterenol and only determine the P-wave morphology (PWM) on the
transiently suppressed with adenosine. Abrupt ECG. These are, in turn, determined by the loca-
termination of AT with adenosine suggests trig- tion of the focus of origin and by the centrifugal
gered activity.4 Adenosine unresponsiveness wavefront propagation characteristics away from
may indicate microreentry as the mechanism, that focus. Additional factors that can influence
particularly if long-duration fractionated electro- the PWM include ECG electrode positioning, anti-
grams are found at the site of origin.5 arrhythmic drugs, surgical or spontaneous atrial
Focal ATs do not occur randomly throughout the scars, and translational, rotational, or attitudinal
right and left atrial chambers. Instead, they arise variation in the normal cardio-thoracic anatomic
from stereotypical sites of anatomic and electro- relationship. In the absence of structural heart dis-
physiologic heterogeneity.6 In the right atrium, ease, the PWM represents a reliable guide to the
the crista terminalis is most frequent, followed by general region of AT origin.18
the tricuspid annulus, coronary sinus (CS) ostium,
right atrial appendage, and perinodal region.7–10
The pulmonary veins, mitral annulus (usually the GENERAL PRINCIPLES SURROUNDING THE
aortomitral continuity), left atrial appendage, CS ECG IN FOCAL AT
body, and left septal region are the most common
sites of origin in the left atrium.11–15 The septal,  Focal AT presents as a narrow complex
perinodal region is particularly complex because tachycardia on the surface ECG.
several structures are located in close proximity,  Spontaneous or induced AV block excludes
including the AV annuli, fossa ovalis, and the non- orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia (ORT)
coronary aortic sinus of Valsalva. Some focal ATs mediated by a bypass tract and makes the
arise from or may be ablated via the latter struc- diagnosis of AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
ture.16 Multiple focal ATs may be seen in the (AVNRT) less likely.
same patient.17  The sinus rhythm ECG is likely to be normal
with no preexcitation.
ECG CHARACTERISTICS OF FOCAL AT  The PWM in tachycardia is described as pos-
itive, negative, or isoelectric, and is monopha-
The P wave on the surface ECG during focal AT sic or multiphasic. Notching is also described.
commences when a sufficient mass of atrial  The initial P-wave vector is a vital component
myocardium has been depolarized and continues of the overall PWM and every effort should be
until both atria are fully activated. Unlike macro- made to induce an isoelectric interval following
reentrant ATs (atrial flutters), there is a diastolic the preceding T wave by the use of carotid si-
period of quiescent atrial activity that accounts nus massage, intravenous adenosine, or tran-
for most of the tachycardia cycle length. The vec- sient ventricular burst pacing before analyzing
tor, duration, and sequence of atrial depolarization the P wave (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Ventricular burst pacing causing retrograde AV nodal concealment and increased AV block during AT. This
maneuver can be used to ensure an adequate preceding isoelectric interval that does not distort the initial P-
wave vector.
Focal Atrial Tachycardias 461

 The first task is to distinguish right from left  Most cristal ATs arise from the superior or
atrial origin. The V1 PWM was found to be midcristal region and have similar PWM to
most reliable for this purpose in the large sinus rhythm (Fig. 3).
study by Kistler and colleagues.18 Negative  Regarding positive-negative P wave in V1, in
or biphasic positive-negative P waves in V1 10% of cases the P wave will be monophasic
indicate a right atrial origin, whereas a positive positive in tachycardia. However, in these
or negative-positive V1 P wave suggests a left cases, the sinus rhythm V1 PWM will also be
atrial focus (Fig. 2). positive. This is in contrast to the positive V1
 Septal sites of origin produce narrow P waves P wave of nearby right superior pulmonary
that are of shorter duration than the sinus vein tachycardia in which the sinus rhythm P
P waves due to synchronous rather than wave is biphasic positive-negative.
sequential right and left atrial activation.  Positive in I and II, and negative in aVR with
 Anterior or annular structures tend to have late positive/negative in V1: 93% sensitivity and
transitions to positive P waves across the pre- 95% specificity for cristal tachycardia.18
cordium, whereas posterior atrial structures
such as the pulmonary veins or crista terminalis
Tricuspid Annulus
usually have positive precordial concordance.
 Craniocaudal sites of origin may be distin-  Tricuspid annulus is the second-most com-
guished by their frontal plane P-wave axis mon focal, right AT location.
with cranial sites of origin such as the superior  AT can arise from around the circumference
pulmonary veins and atrial appendages dis- of the annulus but is usually from the postero-
playing positive P waves in the inferior leads. lateral (7–9 o’clock as viewed from the
ventricle) aspect.8 This affects frontal plane
axis such that caudal sites on the annulus
have negative P waves in the inferior leads
(and vice versa).
 However, all tricuspid annular foci have broad,
Crista Terminalis
negative P waves in V1 and V2, often with a
 The crista terminalis is the most common site notch.8
of origin of focal AT and accounts for two-  There is a late precordial transition, or nega-
thirds of right ATs.7 tive precordial P-wave concordance.

Fig. 2. Algorithm to predict site of origin of focal AT from surface PWM. Systematic analysis of V1, precordial, and
frontal plane axis allows for reliable discrimination between sites in the absence of structural heart disease. CS,
coronary sinus; CT, crista terminalis; LPV, left pulmonary vein; LS, left septum; RAA, right atrial appendage; RPV,
right pulmonary veins; RS, right septum; SMA, superior mitral annulus; TA, tricuspid annulus. (From Kistler PM,
Roberts-Thomson KC, Haqqani HM, et al. P-wave morphology in focal atrial tachycardia: development of an al-
gorithm to predict the anatomic site of origin. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006;48(5):1010–7.)
462 Haqqani et al

Fig. 3. Electrocardiographic appearance of superior cristal tachycardia demonstrating a PWM very similar to that
of sinus rhythm.

Right Atrial Appendage  Generally, the P wave is narrow and biphasic

but variable, depending on the precise site
 Most right atrial appendages arise from the
of origin.
base, near the tricuspid annulus but tip origins
 A negative-positive biphasic P wave in V1 is
are also described.
also commonly seen for right perinodal ATs
 All are characterized by broad, negative,
but is a nonspecific finding. Left septal, left
notched P waves in V1 with an inferior frontal
perinodal, noncoronary cusp, and aortomitral
plane axis and may be indistinguishable from
continuity foci frequently have the same V1
superior tricuspid annular tachycardia
(Fig. 4).10
 Most AT in the CS arise from the superior, Pulmonary Veins
annular lip of the CS os.9  Pulmonary veins are the most common sites
 The PWM is nearly identical to the P wave in of origin of left ATs.11
typical counterclockwise isthmus-dependent  PWM is invariably positive in V1 with positive
atrial flutter. The latter can be thought of as precordial concordance.
activating the atrium from a point source after  Left-sided pulmonary veins have broader,
the wavefront exits the protected cavotricus- notched P waves in V1 and in the inferior leads
pid isthmus in the immediate vicinity of the compared with right-sided pulmonary veins.
CS os. The latter are often positive in lead I.
 The P wave is deeply negative in the inferior  The superior pulmonary veins have an inferior
leads and is isoelectric-positive in V1 (some- frontal plane axis but the inferior pulmonary
times negative-positive). The precordial tran- veins have variable PWM, which is usually iso-
sition to negativity is variable but the aVR electric or low-amplitude positive.
and aVL are usually equally positive.9
Left Atrial Appendage
Septal and Perinodal Region
 The left atrial appendage is separated from
 Owing to the anatomic proximity of several the left superior pulmonary vein (LSPV) only
structures, the PWM is variable for focal AT by the Coumadin ridge and, therefore, can
arising from this region.18,19 have a similar PWM.
 An isoelectric V1 P wave is helpful when pre-  Most origins are at the base but foci of AT
sent but only seen in 50% of cases. have also been described from the tip.
Focal Atrial Tachycardias 463

Fig. 4. (A) Typical ECG appearance of a focal AT arising from the right atrial appendage (RAA) with a notched,
broad negative P wave in V1 and inferior frontal plane axis. (B) Electroanatomic map with CT image integration
showing earliest activation breakout at the lateral base of the RAA. AP, anteroposterior; RA, right atrium; RV,
right ventricle; SVC, superior vena cava.

 It is broad, positive, and notched in V1 and arising from the ventricular aspect of the aor-
inferior leads (such as LSPV) but has a deeply tomitral continuity.20
negative P wave.13,18 The latter suggests an  The inferior leads are usually isoelectric or
appendage origin rather than the LSPV. low-amplitude positive.

Noncoronary Aortic Sinus of Valsalva

Mitral Annulus
 Focal AT may arise from the myocardial
 Almost all mitral annular ATs arise from the sleeves investing the aortic root or noncoro-
aortomitral continuity, adjacent to the left nary aortic sinus of Valsalva ablation may
fibrous trigone.12 eliminate tachycardias arising from closely
 The adjacent aortic root forces atrial activa- apposed septal structures.
tion to initially proceed leftward away from  The PWM is narrow owing to initial midline
V1 before activating the left, then right, atria septal activation and may appear similar to
toward V1.12,18 Hence, there is a biphasic aortomitral continuity and left perinodal ATs
negative-positive V1 PWM, analogous to the but is usually negative in V1 and V2 and pos-
qR morphology of ventricular tachycardia itive in lead I and aVL (Fig. 5).16,19
464 Haqqani et al

Fig. 5. A 76-year-old woman presented with frequent palpitations and focal AT arising from the noncoronary
cusp (NCC). (A) The sinus rhythm PWM adjacent to the tachycardia P wave with a typical biphasic negative-
positive V1. Significant narrowing of the P-wave duration can be seen during tachycardia. (B) The atrial electro-
gram on the His catheter is 24 ms pre-P wave, which is consistent with a perinodal origin. (C) Fluoroscopic right
anterior oblique (RAO) and left anterior oblique (LAO) views shows the relative proximity of the ablation cath-
eter within the NCC to the His catheter. (D) The relationship between the site of earliest activation breakout in
the nadir of the NCC and the subjacent interatrial septum. LA, left atrium; LAO, left anterior oblique; RA, right
Focal Atrial Tachycardias 465

Fig. 5. (continued). (E) Ablation catheter signal 40 ms pre-P wave with termination of tachycardia within 1.5
seconds of radiofrequency energy application. A far-field His electrogram on the ablation catheter. RFA,
radiofrequency ablation.

 The inferior leads are characteristically small 2. An inferior frontal plane P-wave axis essentially
biphasic negative-positive. excludes AVNRT (but not ORT).
3. Tachycardia persistence during AV block
CS Body essentially excludes ORT (but not AVNRT).
 A CS body arises from 3 to 4 cm inside the CS 4. Reproducible termination of tachycardia with
ostium, from the myocardial coat of the CS.14 AV block (ie, ending with a P wave rather than
 It has a broad, positive V1 PWM with deeply a QRS) excludes focal AT.
negative inferior leads and an aVR to aVL ratio 5. Ventricular extrastimuli or burst pacing that ter-
greater than 1. minates tachycardia without conducting to the
atrium excludes AT.
Left Septal Region 6. During entrainment of tachycardia with over-
drive pacing from the ventricle with resumption
 The left septal region is an infrequent left atrial
of tachycardia on cessation of pacing, an A-A-
site of origin of AT but important to distinguish
H-V response is diagnostic of AT.21
from adjacent right and left atrial structures.
 PWM is biphasic negative-positive in V1 and The surface ECG morphology may not always
in the precordium, and negative or biphasic adequately discriminate between focal and macro-
negative-positive in the inferior leads (Fig. 6).15 reentrant AT tachycardia. Although an isoelectric
baseline between discrete P waves is characteristic
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS of focal AT, rapid tachycardias occurring in atria
with slow conduction may display baseline undula-
Focal AT needs to be differentiated from other
tion. Conversely, although most macroreentrant
forms of SVT, from macroreentrant forms of ATs
ATs exhibit continuous undulation on the surface
(atrial flutters) and, occasionally, from sinus
ECG (the flutter wave), significant scarring may
result in long isoelectric segments between focal
Focal AT is distinguished from reentrant forms
P waves. An electrophysiology (EP) study may
of SVT (AVNRT and ORT) by the following
be required to make the definitive distinction. This
may be clinically important in assessing thrombo-
1. There is a variable R-P relationship during sta- embolic risk because this is essentially negligible
ble tachycardia, either spontaneously or during in focal AT but may be high in patients with atrial
pacing maneuvers. AVNRT may have slight RP flutter. During an EP study, the ability to record
wobble at its onset and, rarely, ORT may have atrial activation throughout the tachycardia cycle
RP variability due to decremental or multiple length is largely diagnostic of a macroreentrant
bypass tracts. However, a constant RP interval arrhythmia.
is integral to the mechanism of reentrant SVT Some ATs can also be confused with sinus
but is not an actual conduction interval in AT. tachycardia but are distinguished by
466 Haqqani et al

Fig. 6. (A) Surface electrocardiographic appearance of a focal AT arising from the left septal region. (B) Electro-
anatomic activation map demonstrating earliest activation depicted in red in septal region of the left atrium (LA).
LAO, left anterior oblique; RA, right atrium.

1. Sudden onset and offset, abruptly or more than safety profile; however, evidence for efficacy
three or four beats in AT, compared with is limited.
gradual increases and decreases in rate over  Only around one-third of patients may find an
several minutes with sinus tachycardia effective antiarrhythmic drug option to sup-
2. Induction with programed stimulation or burst press recurrences of focal AT.22
3. Increase in rate of AT with isoproterenol with OUTCOMES OF EP STUDY AND ABLATION
identical activation breakout (in sinus tachy-
cardia, in addition to increasing rate, isoproter- At EP study, multipolar catheters are advanced
enol also causes migration of the earliest transvenously to various sites, including the CS,
breakout site higher up the crista terminalis). the His recording position, the crista terminalis,
and/or the tricuspid annulus. Tachycardia induc-
PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT tion is attempted with pacing maneuvers with or
without isoproterenol. Induced tachycardias are
 There are no large-scale datasets to establish studied using these techniques to exclude other
efficacy of particular agents, hence treatment forms of SVT. Once AT has been diagnosed, every
is often empiric. effort is made to obtain a noise-free, unencum-
 Beta blockers and calcium blockers are bered P wave with preceding isoelectric line off
commenced first because of their excellent the T wave. This is usually achieved with transient
Focal Atrial Tachycardias 467

ventricular burst pacing. With the use of fluoros- both atria. Consequently, the PWM on the surface
copy alone or assisted by electroanatomic map- ECG is a reliable and helpful guide to mapping
ping systems, point-by-point activation mapping these arrhythmias. Catheter ablation can achieve
is commenced near the site of origin as suggested successful acute and long-term clinical cure of
by the PWM. Multipolar catheters at the crista or these patients.
tricuspid annulus can assist this process greatly.
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