Chemistry Solutions

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Q 1 - Morphine is a weak base. A 0.150 M solution of morphine has a pH of

10.5. What is Kb for morphine?

Ans: Let morphine be represented as B. Then the dissociation will look like

It is given in the problem that 0.150M is the concentration of morphine. Use the
ICE rule for finding dissociation constant.

Q 2 - The temperature of a sample of copper increased by 24.1 C when 263
J of heat was applied. What is the mass of the sample?


Cp Value of Copper from literature is 376.812 J/Kg. K

Q 3 - A system releases 662 kJ of heat and does 140 kJ of work on the

surroundings. What is the change in internal energy of the system?

Ans: There are standard conventions in determining the signs of heat and work
in thermodynamics. Heat out from the system is negative and work done on the
system is positive. So, following the sign conventions:

Q = - 662 KJ

W = -140KJ

Which is the change in Internal Energy of the system.

Q 4 - How will you determine the partial pressure of N2 in the atmosphere

when it does not react in any of the experiments?

Ans: According to Dalton's law of partial pressures, the total pressure by a

mixture of gases is

i.e. Ptotal = p1 + p2 + p3 +…….

Where ‘p’ is partial pressure.

Raoult's law is a chemical law that states that the vapor pressure of a solution is
dependent on the mole fraction of a solute added to the solution

i.e. pnitrogen = xnitrogen × Ptotal

Thus, we can determine the partial pressure of nitrogen in atmosphere given the
mole fraction and atmospheric pressure is given. Under normal circumstances

pnitrogen = 0.79 × 1 = 0.79 atm

Q 5 - A salt crystal has a mass of 0.13mg. How many NaCl formula units
does it contain?


Multiplying this with Avogadro number will give the NaCl formula units the
crystal contains

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