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Premise / Evidence /Background

Also here are some defns tht i could lay down... hope hlps..

Premise--- An introduction or proposition which acts as basis for the reasoning to be given ahead..
(example Q6, 1st Boldface undrlined sentence... )

Evidence--- something that supports the argument, or tries to prove it's validity (exm Q5, 1st
statement.. though it is a special type of evidence, one that shows a cause-effect pattern within it...
it's clear if one goes thro. it again, keeping the explanation in mind... Also it is the fact on which the
argument relys on, or becomes obvious because of which..)

background-- (and premise pretty much mean the same.. background also means information which
is necessary and provided to form the basis.. or be helpful in explaining the reasoning to be given
ahead.. these do not state anything directly, just provide the general information related to the
theme or topic... based on that general data, further reasoning and argument can be given... ) HTH

do contribute frm ur own database also.. give a little, take a lot (from eachone who contributes like

1. CAUSALITY. Unlike in real world, in GMAT CR, whenever a cause and effect statement
appears as the Conclusion, the conclusion is flawed. Example: A, B then A causes B

How to weaken causal conclusion (A, B then A causes B):

 C causes B (assumption: Only A causes B)

 A occurred but B didn’t (assumption: A always causes B)
 B occurred though A didn’t (assumption: B is always produced by the same cause A)
 B can cause A (assumption: B occurs because of A)
 The data used (survey or poll) to conclude is not representative. (assumption: data is
representative enough to conclude)
2. In CR, if the stimulus is Very difficult to understand OR if the question stem is in a very
unusual form, THEN Choose answer (A)
3. Assumption Question:
 New (or rogue) element (curiously) appearing in the conclusion, THEN think of
 If answer choice starts with the phrase “At least one” or “At least some”, Then THIS
 Avoid answers that claim an idea was the most important: “the primary purpose…”,
“the top priority…”, “the main factor…”
4. Weaken question:
 Attack the conclusion, and not the premises(for author usually states truth in
5. Fill in the blank question
 These are almost always Assumption questions, or sometime Must Be True/Main
Point questions
6. Resolve Paradox question
 Answer choices supporting ONLY ONE side of the paradox are WRONG.
 Correct Answer MUST keep both sides true.
 Correct answer either explains the cause of the situation, or show how both sides of
the paradox can coexist.
 In paradox with similar items, answers showing the items are different are WRONG.
 In paradox with different items, answers showing the items are similar are WRONG.

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