List For Instagram Engagement

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IG Ninja
The Ultimate List
for IG Engagement

Value over selling

Those post Ideas will help establish you or your business
as the authority in your niche
● Stats Post: Stats draw attention and inform
● List Post: A list of tools & resources that helps your tribe
● How-to-Post: One of the strongest drivers for content. Provide value by solving a problem in
your niche.
● Case Study Post: Provide value by explaining cast studies in your niche.
● Guide Post: Detailed description about a certain topic in your niche.
● Definition Post: In each niche you will be able to define aspects of your niche.
● Series Post: Break topics into a series to increase engagement.
● Checklist Post: Small bite size pieces of information help your tribe.
● FAQ Post: Create value content around questions your tribe asks.
● Problem & Solution Post: Explain the problems within your niche, but help with answers.

Inspire your tribe and position yourself as a leader in your
● Inspirational Post: One of the most effective posts in social: To inspire others.
● Quote Post: Highly shareable form of post. Create your own & share other leaders quotes.
● Personal Post: We live in a social work, remember? Be personal, show your weakness and
vulnerability. Opposed to what you might think, being personal shows strength and charakter.
Keep it niche specific..
● Rant Post: Be passionate, be mad, be involved. But keep it classy:-).
● Day Post: What does a day in your work life look like? Will it inspire?
● Tips Post: Inspire by giving tips and explain shortcuts to reach goals.
● What-If Post: Everyone wonders what if a certain something were to happen, how it would
affect them. Venture into what if, you might find problems & solutions.

Share & Love

Network within your niche, get involved. The fastest way
to position yourself and grow by leveraging other peers.
● Interview Post: Very powerful form of content. Leverage the know-how of the best within your
field. It will position you as an authority and elevate your status.
● Round-Up Post: Share the most relevant and most interesting content you find weekly.
● Personality Post: Highlight someone you admire within your niche.
● News Post: Provide the latest news within your niche.
● Influencer Crowdsourcing Post: Get multiple influential personalities within your niche to pitch
in on a topic - super powerful to increase your reach and authority.
● Series Post: Break topics into a series to increase engagement.
● Checklist Post: Small bitesized pieces of intormation help your tribe.
● FAQ Post: Create value content around questions your tribe asks.

Fun & Humor

We live in a social world and spilling out positivity is key.
Combine humor with subject matter to stand out.
● Cartoon Post: Make those types of posts memorable & your own.
● Parody Post: Extend your humor towards authoritative figures in your niche.
● Satire Post: Irony goes a long way & works very well in the social media landscape.

This is social media, speak to your tribe. Give & Learn.
● Question Post: Powerhouse for engagement if used right. Draw market research from this form
of engagement as well.
● Answer Post: Turn the tables around, involve your tribe and get them to answer.
● Quiz Post: Include the element of fun. Why was trivia so highly successful? Don't question what
works. Just do it..
● Challenge Post: Challenge your tribe to reach certain goals or milestones.
● Contest Post: Create a contest and get your audience engaged.
● Giveaway Post: Give back, it always works.
● UGC Post: Share user generated content, this will instantly affirm you and remember, we live a
social work where reviews and feedback are the hot currency sought after
● Survey Post: Run survey's, everyone loves them and they provide you with actionable content
while they help your tribe.

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