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GcMAF is a human protein, a human right, has no side effects, is 1% the

cost of chemotherapy and 40 times as effective. It is the cure for cancer

the world has been waiting for, concealed for 25 years sine its discovery.

We employed 4 scientists and 7 doctors, treated over 300 people for

nothing, 11,500 in total, treated 460 people in our 3 clinics, wrote 33 peer
reviewed scientific research papers published in the worlds top journals,
some of which won awards, and ran 5 GcMAF immunology conferences.

My QC is Jon Whitfield. Barrister: Ben Cooper of Doughty Chambers, 54

Doughty St London WC1N 2LS, 020 7404 1313.  Solicitor: Nora Talbi of
EBR Attridge. 430-436 High Road, Tottenham 020 8808 0774 N17 9JB All
on legal aid as they've closed all our bank accounts. Nora 07944 382319

The Judge is Judge Nicolas Loraine-Smith. My lawyers like him - they were
pleased when he was appointed. My solicitors want me to plead guilty on
Monday 24th September at 2pm.

Its Southwark Crown Court near London Bridge Station on November 19th
2018 and expected to last only 5 days as there is no jury now.  Southwark
is the main fraud court. Walk East down Tooley Street and turn left after
Hays Galleria into Battle Bridge Road, then turn right.

The MHRA is using the CPS, Crown Prosecution Service. Gillian Jones is
their QC, Queens Counsel.  She specialises in fraud, money laundering,
proceeds of crime, organised crime, homicide & serious sexual offences.

The MHRA are prosecuting us for 7 charges of making a medicine without

a license, and one of money laundering; which is really just double
jeopardy. Its a strict liability defence and they are deviously avoiding a
jury.Their case is heavily based on fraud: They had never heard of GcMAF.
Even now they seem incapable of reading research papers and didn't find
pubmed, the US National Library of Medicine, which has 70 GcMAF papers
stored in one place.

Our defence is the MHRA has big pharma directors, has always failed in its
remit to support new treatments, closes down natural treatments like
Vitamin B 17, CBD oil, Zara's tea (Combretastatin) and now GcMAF, and
licenses pharmaceutical drugs that kill. Opiods, Vioxx and Avastin killed
450,000; GcMAF never killed anyone. 11 public bodies state the MHRA is
unfit.  They would clearly never give GcMAF a license. The medicines laws
have been put in place by big pharma lobby money, and create a
monopoly for them that excludes innovative new treatments and small
companies like us. All this is on

The only way open to us was therefore to make it on our own, and hoped
to get it out to so many the NHS was inevitable. Our website is and click Why us at the top.
I want to start with the presentation of GcMAF scientific research papers
(150 exist, 33 by our scientists), then 17 other items.

We've had 34 persecutions including 14 raids by over 100 officers, our

company closed down, been inside cells, my brother paid bail to get me
out of Wandsworth prison, and we sign bail weekly.

The MHRA has reported 3 of us to OCLAESP in France, who have presented

9 false charges (including that we killed 5 - no one has ever died from
GcMAF.) French jails are amongst the worst in Europe, and we may have to
sit in a prison for 2 years 4 months to see if there is a trial.

This case is irrelevant really: They completely closed us down, killed 200
of our patients by banning GcMAF, and what happens to the 7 of us
doesn't matter.

My QC, barrister and solicitor after being positive for 8 months say my
defence of Necesity to save Lives will fail, have now accepted defeat, say I
should plead guilty, and expect to serve up to 10 years jail time.

We want to use the case to get GcMAF into the NHS, where we proved it
will save 120,000 lives a year.

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