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tion of bonding hampers the discussion of

ionic, covalent, and molecular crystals.

The student is introduced to several com-
mon types of crystal lattice, but the failure
to define and use the unit cell detracts
somewhat from the presentation and
makes some of the numerical exercises
BOOK REVIEWS awkward. Liquids and Solutions (4)
again is excellent and the student’s
interest in the spontaneity of reactions is
aroused here. Chapters 5, 6, and 7—
Chemical Equilibria, Ionic Equilibria in
The approach is very much in Aqueous Solutions, and Oxidation Reduc-
University Chemistry pounds. tion Reactions—are the best the reviewer
the Berkeley tradition in that the macro-
Bruce H. Mahan, University of Cali- has seen in a general chemistry text.
scopic properties of matter are treated
fornia, Berkeley. Addison-Wesley before the discussion of atomic and molecu- Indeed, the discussion of solution equi-
Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Massa- libria is much better than that found in
lar structure. This comes off rather well,
chusetts, 1965. xii + 660 pp. Figs, most books treating this topic alone.
although at times in the first nine chapters
and tables. 17X24.5 cm. 38.95. one gets the impression that the author Chapter 8, Chemical Thermodynamics,
would like to be able to do more in relating presents the first and second laws clearly
The publication of a new introductory and proceeds to give a more quantitative
chemistry text written particularly for the macroscopic properties to molecular struc- treatment of the solution phenomena dis-
serious student of science is certain to ture.
cussed in earlier chapters. The use of
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

interest all teachers working with chem- The most impressive feature of “Uni-
elementary calculus begins here. Chemi-
istry majors, students of engineering, or versity Chemistry” is that the first 11 cal Kinetics (9) gives a good introduction
any high ability group of students. In the chapters on principles are superbly to rates and their relation to mechanisms.
past five years, several such books have written. The author has unerringly Since this follows the discussion of thermo-
appeared. A few have been radical de- sensed the points where most students
dynamics, one does wonder why the discus-
partures from the traditional, admirable have difficulty with conventional treats
Downloaded via on May 10, 2020 at 19:11:31 (UTC).

sion is based entirely on collision theory

in their aims and exciting for the teacher ments and has by a few additional words with no reference to transition-state
to read, but they have proved to be very or a slightly different method of deriving
theory. The discussion of «-particle
difficult for the student to follow. Most an equation lowered the barrier to under-
scattering in Chapter 10 is much more
authors have been less daring and have standing appreciably. This is a text lucid than that usually found in physical
tended to present those topics which were which not only will appeal to the teacher and advanced inorganic texts. Other
treated in the physical chemistry course of for its scope but more importantly will be
early experiments, the Bohr model, the
15 years ago taking into account, of one that the students will enjoy.
Uncertainty Principle, and the wave
course, the students’ background. Chapter begins with a very good re-
mechanical model are all discussed.
Professor Mahan has written an ex- view on stoichiometry. Gases (Chap. 2) Hydrogen-like wave functions are pre-
cellent book which belongs in the second treats their properties, introduces kinetic sented. The nature of chemical bonds is
category, but which in addition is quite theory, and is about the best to be found discussed briefly in Chapter 11, although
successful in applying chemical principles in a beginning text. Chapter 3, The much of the material on bonding and
to the study of the structure and reactions Properties of Solids, is not quite up to par, molecular structure is presented in the
of selected inorganic and organic com- since the postponement of the considera- later chapters of “descriptive” chemistry.
The correlation of the material in different
chapters is excellent, numerical examples
are extensive, and good problems follow
—Reviewed in this Issue- each chapter.
The place where authors of general
chemistry texts so often seem to falter is
in the application of the chemical princi-
Bruce H. Mahan, University Chemistry
ples to systematize the properties and
J. R. Partington, A History of Chemistry. Volume 4 reactions of the elements and their com-
Leon Velluz, Vie de Berthelot pounds. In fact, some current texts for
the general chemistry course do not even
Nobel Lectures in Chemistry. Volume 3, 1942-1962 attempt this. Professor Mahan has done
Wolfgang Kirmse, Carbene Chemistry quite well, although the reviewer did not
find the last six chapters as exciting as the
David A. Shirley, Organic Chemistry first eleven. They treat Chemical Peri-
J. F. DanibUi, K. G. A. Pankhurst, and A, C. Riddiford, editors, Recent Progress odicity (12), the families of the elements
in Surface Science. Volumes 1 and 2 (13-15), Organic Chemistry (16), and
The Nucleus (17). The discussion of the
Malcolm Dixon and Edwin C. Webb, Enzymes
elements and their compounds is nicely
Martin D. Kamen, A Tracer Experiment: Tracing Biochemical Reactions with built around a consideration of molecular
Radioisotopes structure and of energetics. The ma-
Kenneth F. O'Driscoll, The Nature and Chemistry of High Polymers
terial on structure is timely, and in addi-
tion to the usual examples, such molecules
Robert S. Knox and Albert Gold, Symmetry in the Solid State as PCL, SF4, SF6, NaF2, and the isoelec-
tronic (valence shell) BrF4_ and XeF4 are
Clifton E. Meloan, Elementary Infrared Spectroscopy
considered. Much of the material on the
J, Grundy, Stereochemistry: The Static Principles energetics of species present in solution
Andre J. de Belhune and Nancy A. Swendeman Lord, Standard Aqueous Electrode seems to have been drawn from Latimer’s
“Oxidation Potentials” and is often not
Potentials and Temperature Coefficients at 25° the best available currently. The se-
Clifford A. Hampel, Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry quence of stability Constanta for halide
E. H. E. Pietsch and the Gmelin Institute, editors, Gmeiins Handbuch der Anor- complex ing of lead(II) on p. 498 appears
a bit strange, because it includes a typo-
ganischen Chemie. 8. Auflage, System Nummer 16, Phosphor, Teil B
graphical error made in the 2nd edition
(but not in the first) of “Oxidation Po-
tentials.” The chapter on organic chem-
istry treats selectively some of the most
Volume 42, Number 6, June 1965 / 345
interesting aspects of modern organic is thin. This is easy to understand since Nobel Lectures in Chemistry. Volume
chemistry. For example, the addition of more has happened in the field of chem- 3, 1942-1962
halogen acids to olefins is examined, istry in the twentieth century than In all
Markovnikov’s rule is given, and then the Published for the Nobel Foundation
previous centuries combined. Thus the
mechanism of the reaction is considered to author has had to make arbitrary selec- by the Elsevier Publishing Co. Ameri-
rationalize this rale. The book ends with tions of what to include. His chemists can Elsevier Publishing Co., New
a short chapter on the nucleus which will are mostly men who were born in the York, 1964. xiii + 710 pp. Figs and
probably be more exciting to the Berkeley nineteenth century and had generally tables. 17 X 24.5 cm. $85. for set of
students than to most. made their major contributions by the three volumes.
This text should certainly be considered first World War. Thus, one misses such Nobel lectures have been published
by all instructors of well prepared students Nobel Prize winners as Karrer, Richard each year in the language in which they
of above average ability. It does a Kuhn, A. Todd, Sanger, du Vigneaud, were presented. This new series pub-
superb job of presenting the important Libby, Heyrovsky, and Ziegler. Many lishes the lectures in the English language,
principles of chemistry and is as successful other prominent chemists of the con-
arranged in chronological order, according
in applying these to the systematization of temporary period receive no more than a to prize categories. The Nobel Founda-
the chemistry of the elements as any book line or two (e.g., Pauling, Seaborg, Calvin, tion and the publishers intend these vol-
available. About the usual number of R. Robinson, F. G. Hopkins, E. O. Law- umes for readers who wish to follow the
errors for a first edition are to be found. rence, Pregl), and others are not even
Sometime during the final stages of pro- mentioned. development of a certain field as reflected
in the Nobel lectures.
duction, the title of this book was changed However, such shortcomings can readily This volume covers 20 awards shared
from “General Chemistry” to the more be forgiven. The kind of treatment given
impressive and less descriptive “University earlier chemists would require still another by 27 outstanding scientists. In each
case the lecture is preceded by the presen-
Chemistry.” One of the reviewer’s col- volume for the twentieth century alone. tation speech and followed by a brief
leagues (a UCLA man) suggested that a Furthermore, in the modern period we
more timely title would have been "Multi- have available such bibliographic tools as biography of the recipient.
versity Chemistry.” Chemical Abstracts, Poggendorff’s Bio- J. V. D.
R. Stuart Tobias graphisch-Literarisches Handworterbuch zur
Geschichte der exacten Wissmschaften,
University of Minnesota and, for the nineteenth century, the Royal
Minneapolis Society’s Catalogue of Scientific Papers. Carbene Chemistry
hence exhaustive bibliographies such as
Partington included for chemists living Wolfgang Kirmse, Chemical Institute
A History of Chemistry. Volume 4 before 1880 are not as essential. of the University of Marburg, Germany.
Scholars in the history of chemistry With contributions by H. M. Frey,
J. It. Partington, University of London. will be eternally indebted to Professor Peter P. Gaspar, and George S. Ham-
Macmillan and Co., Ltd., London, mond. Organic Chemistry Monographs,
Partington for this massive compilation.
1964. xxxi + 1007 pp. Figures. 17 His volumes will serve as a valuable start- Volume 1, edited by Alfred T. Blom-
X 25.5 cm. $42. quist, Cornell University, Ithaca, New
ing point for the initiation of new research
in the history of chemistry. York. Academic Press, Inc., New
This volume is the fourth and last in
Professor Partington's monumental work York, 1964. viii + 302 pp. Figs,
Aaron J. Ihde and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $9.50.
although the first, dealing with chemistry University of Wisconsin
from antiquity to a.d. 1500 has not yet M adison In Volume I of its new series of mono-
appeared. It is said to be in press. Vol- graphs entitled “Organic Chemistry,”
ume 3, dealing principally with the Academic Press is offering a book which
eighteenth century was reviewed in this will prove valuable to both the chemists
Journal, 41, 231 (1964). Part one (565 Vie de Berthelof
directly involved in the carbene develop-
pages) of Volume 4, which brings the Leon Velluz, Academie des Sciences. ment and those seeking to make ac-
subject to approximately 1860, follows Librairie Plon, Paris, 1964. 251 pp. quaintance with the nature and extent of
the same type of biographical organization the field. Dr, W. Kirmse (Marburg) is
that was used in the previous volumes. Photographs. 14 X 19.5 cm. Paper-
bound. $3, well-qualified for the task as a student of
A somewhat more topical organization Professors L. Homer (Mainz) and W. E.
is found in parts two through five which Marcellin Berthelot (1827-1907), em- Doering (Yale); he has, in addition an
deal, respectively, with physical chem- inent, French chemist and educator, was outstanding ability to collate and organize
istry, organic, inorganic, and radiochem- noted especially for his work in organic a large body of knowledge, no mean feat
istry. Even within the chapters of these synthesis, reaction mechanisms, thermo- in the turbulence attending the growth
last parts, however, the treatment is still chemistry, physiological chemistry, and spurt of the past decade. This volume
strongly biographical. As indicated in history of certain areas of the origin of fulfills the objectives of completeness and
the review of Volume 3, this approach chemistry. He was minister of education clarity, and is up-to-date insofar as mod-
leads to considerable fragmentation of and later of foreign affairs. He died just ern printing schedules permit (1963).
topics and a certain amount of repetitive- a few hours after his wife and following a For many the highlights of the book
ness. state funeral they were buried in the will be found in Chapters 11 and 12.
The author continues his practice of Pantheon. Chapter 11, Excess Energy in Carbene
giving biographical information about The present account of his life and ac- Reactions, is written by Dr. H. M. Frey
major chemists and includes bibliographic complishments is written for the cultured (Southampton), a scientist who has con-
lists of their publications while treating French reader. It relies heavily on let- tributed much to this field, and who
their scientific contributions. The volume ters, newspaper accounts, etc., and gives presents here a concise authoritative
is therefore a treasury of information little detailed information concerning the treatment of great import to the under-
which can be garnered only piecemeal else- chemical matters. However, the copious standing of exothermic gas phase reac-
where. However, the quantity of detail notes include biographical details of the tions. Both addition and insertion reac-
falls off markedly in the later parts of the chemical personalities. There is much tions of CH2 are highly exothermic
book. This is natural since the number of discussion of French political matters. processes which produce excited molecules
prominent chemists working at the be- The Bibliography includes very few non- in the primary processes, and secondary
ginning of the twentieth century, and the French items. The family photographs products in competition with collisional
magnitude of their contributions, becomes are interesting. In short, there is little deactivation. The failure to understand
overwhelming. here that would interest the average this competition explains the twenty year
Volume 4 has been announced as dealing American chemist. lapse (1935-55) between the beginning of
with the chemistry of the nineteenth and the studies of CH3 and the present-day
twentieth centuries. In actuality, the Ralph E. Oesper
understanding of its properties.
coverage of the nineteenth century is University of Cincinnati
quite satisfactory but that of the twentieth Cincinnati, Ohio (Continued on page A4S6)

346 / Journal of Chemical Education

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