Elementary Lesson Plan Template - ABRIDGED

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Teacher Education Program

Elementary Lesson Plan Template – ABRIDGED

Name: Salvador Beas-Martinez Date of implementation: 3/2/2020
Key Content Standards and CA ELD Standards (Integrated ELD): List the relevant parts of each content and ELD
standard. (TPE 3)
Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they
name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.

With guidance and support from adults, respond to questions and suggestions from peers and add details
to strengthen writing as needed.

ELD Standards
K.PI.C.9 - Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics
K.PI.C.11 - Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing
K.PI.C.12 - Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey
K.PII.A.1 – Understanding Text Features
Lesson Objective: What do you want students to know and be able to do? (TPE 3)
SWBAT identify text features of an explanatory text
SWBAT explain the next step in their “How To” book
Prerequisite Skills: What do students need to know and be able to do in order to engage in the lesson? (TPE 3,5)
- Letter names & sounds
- Sights words
- Concept of time
- Vocabulary: First, Next, Then, Last, materials, punctuation, steps
ASSESSMENT (TPE 1,2,3,4,5)
Pre-Assessment Strategies: How might you gain insight into students’ readiness for the lesson?
- Analyzing student work from Writer’s Workshop since the start of the unit, including their rough draft
and their brainstorming sheet
Backward Planning: What evidence will the students produce to show they have met the learning objective?
- Student work will have all the necessary components of a How To book
- Student will have chosen a topic and their writing will pertain to that topic
Modifications: What modification of the above assessment will you use for language learners and/or students with
special needs?
- With prompting and support, student will explain the first step in their book
- Anchor charts will be used throughout the model
- Motions will be used to signify components of the text
Checking for Understanding: How will you monitor student learning to make modifications during the lesson?
- Choral read of the text features
- Listen in to turn & talks
- Thumbs up/down while asking clarifying questions
- Circulate during independent work to look for common misconceptions that can be addressed to the
whole group
EQUITY – Engaging All Learners (TPE 1,2,3,4)
Connections to Students’ Prior Knowledge:
- As a class, we read How To book mentor texts
- Sight words used in stories are words that were previously taught explicitly
- Since beginning of unit, Ss have been seeing the same structure
Connections to Students’ Lives & Cultural Backgrounds:
- Brainstorming map they will use to create a story are all things they know how to do
- Book they will be editing is about something they know how to do
- Model of how-to books have been on experiences relevant to student lives (how to line up for lunch, how
to build a sandcastle, how to brush my teeth, etc.)
- Model of making a lunchable is relevant to students as many have ate one before
Differentiation – Describe your differentiated instructional strategies for…
Varying Academic Abilities:
- Student pages will be differentiated (one page will have 3 lines for text and have the transitional word
already printed on, other page will have 5 lines for text and no transitional word printed)
- Students will have supports in their writing folder (alphabet chart, sight word chart, digraph sound chart)
Language Levels:
- T will use hand signals and non-verbal motions to signify features of the book
Academic Language (Integrated ELD): What CA ELD Standards, content-specific vocabulary, skill-specific
vocabulary, text structures, and stylistic or grammatical features will be explicitly taught? (TPE 3)
- Structures of an explanatory text (how to) such as ordinal words and steps in directions
- Vocabulary words: brainstorming, drafting, editing
- ELD Focus:
K.PI.C.9 - Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics
K.PI.C.11 - Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing
K.PI.C.12 - Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey
K.PII.A.1 – Understanding Text Features
Name: Date of implementation:

Instructional Learning Strategies to Support Student Learning (TPE 1,2,3,4,5):

What will the teacher do to 1) engage/motivate students by connecting the lesson to experiential backgrounds,
interests and prior learning, 2) identify learning outcomes 3) present material, guide practice, and build
independent learning, 4) monitor student learning during instruction, and 5) build metacognitive understanding?

List what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing.
Time Teacher Student Resources /
8:30 Good morning class. Today we are Good morning Mr. Beas
Intro & Mini going to continue to work on our How-
Lesson To books. But first let me tell you a
little story about me. When Mr. Beas
was in Kindergarten my mom would
get me a Lunchables on special
occasions like my birthday or the last
day of school. I was always so excited
to get one because I liked to make the
little cracker sandwich all by myself.
Today, we’re going to make our own
Lunchable sandwich together, and
then write about it so we can teach our
friends and family how to make one
too. Okay I’m going to bring it out,
drumroll please.

- Lunchables
Okay, here is my Lunchable! Now, I
want you to think…what is the first “First you need to open the - chart paper
thing I need to do? package… - markers
Think…think…think…Okay when I say First you need to take out the
go, turn to a partner and say, “First, crackers and cheese…
you need to…” First you eat the cookie…”

3, 2, 1, turn and talk is done! Okay “First you open up the

class, I want to hear from some package!”
friends. What is the first thing I need to

Yes! Before I can make anything, I

have to open up the package. On my
first page I will write, “First you peel off
the plastic to open it.” Thank you for

What about next? Can I eat the cookie No you can’t eat the cookie!
now? Do I put the cheese first? When No you don’t put the cheese
I say go, turn to your partner and tell first!
them what we should do next. You can
say, “Next, you need to…”

3, 2, 1, turn and talk is done! Okay “Next, you need to put the
who can help me figure out what to do
next? *use equity sticks* cracker down, and then put
the cheese and ham.”

That sounds like a good idea. Next, I’ll

put the cheese and ham. Now I think
I’m ready to eat! Or is there something
left for me to do?

Students think about what is

I want you to think about that question, something that they can do
and hold it in your brain. next with the lunchables

So on this first part, you will tell me

First, we take off the plastic top. Next,
you put the cracker, ham and cheese “Last, you should eat it!
into a sandwich. Last…that’s where Last, you eat the cookie!”
you will tell me what we should do last.
Turn and talk to a partner.

When I say go, you’ll go back to your - Worksheet

desk and write down what we’ve done
so far. First, Next, but I want you to tell
me what we do Last all by yourself!

Go! *Independent work time*


Class, Class! When I say go, pick up *partner share*

your story, walk to the rug and take a - worksheet
seat. We are going to share our
stories with a partner!

*Share out on the rug*

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