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Solutions to Practical problems related to Retaining Structures

1. A retaining wall with a smooth vertical back is 10 m high and retains a two-layer sand
backfill with the following parameters as shown below in the diagram.

Determine the active earth pressure distribution at the top, boundary and at the
bottom of the layer. Assume that the water table is situated below the base of the
[Ans. 30 kN/m2, 25.47 kN/m2, 53.77 kN/m2]


Here, vertical pressure is given by Vp =  z

Horizontal pressure or Active Earth Pressure is given by Hpa = Ka  z,
1−sin ′ 1−sin 30 1
where Ka = = ==
1+sin ′ 1+sin 30 3
Given: c = 0 at both the layers

Now, at the top of the layer, z = 0, so, Vp = 0 and Hpa = 0

At a depth of 5m, Vp = 18 * 5 = 90 kN/m2

So, at the mid-layer, Hpa = * 90 = 30 kN/m2
1−sin 34
At the interface of two boundaries, Ka changes. So, Ka’ = = 0.283
1+sin 34

This follows, just below the mid-layer, Hpa = 0.283 * 90 = 25.44 kN/m2

Also, at the bottom of the soil, Vp = 18 * 5 + 20 * 5 = 190 kN/m2

Hence, Hpa at the bottom = Ka’ * 190 = 0.283 * 190 = 53.77 kN/m2

2. Figure below shows a 3-layered backfill behind a 15 m high retaining wall with a
smooth vertical back. Determine the earth pressure distribution at the top, boundary
and bottom of each layer and draw the active earth pressure distribution.

[Ans. 27 kN/m2, 15.4 kN/m2, 52.3 kN/m2, 120 kN/m2, 200 kN/m2]

Here, vertical pressure is given by Vp =  z

Horizontal pressure or Active Earth Pressure is given by Hpa = Ka  z,
1−sin 
where Ka =
1+sin 

At the top, Hpa = 0

At the top layer, at a depth of 5m, c = 0 kPa and  = 35;  = 20 kN/m3

So, Vp = 20 * 5 = 100 kN/m2
1−sin 35
And Ka = = 0.270; Hpa = 0.270 * 100 = 27 kN/m2
1+sin 35

At the first interface, at a depth of 5m, c = 20 kPa and  = 25;  = 18 kN/m3

1−sin 25
So, Vp = 20 * 5 = 100 kN/m2 ; Ka’ = = 0.406
1+sin 25

Hence, Hpa = 0.406 * 100 - cohesion effect (Cohesion effect is negative for Hpa)
= 40.6 – 2* c * √Ka’
= 40.6 – 2 * 20 * √0.406
= 15.1 kN/m2

At a depth of 10 m, c = 20 kPa and  = 25;  = 18 kN/m3

So, Vp = 20 * 5 + 18 * 5 = 190 kN/m2

This gives, Hpa = 0.406 * 190 - 2 * 20 * √0.406 = 51.62 kN/m2

At the second interface, at a depth of 10 m, c = 35 kPa and  = 0;  = 16 kN/m3

1−sin 0
So, Ka’’ = 1+sin 0 = 1

Hence, Hpa = 1 * 190 - cohesion effect

= 190 - 2 * 35 * √1
= 120 kN/m2

At the bottom of soil, at a depth of 15 m, c = 35 kPa and  = 0;  = 16 kN/m3

So, Vp = 20 * 5 + 18 * 5 + 16 * 5 = 270 kN/m2
Ka’’ = 1; Hpa = 1 * 270 - cohesion effect
= 270 - 2 * 35 * √1
= 200 kN/m2
3. A retaining wall 6 m high, with a smooth vertical back is pushed against a soil mass
having c = 40 kPa and  = 15;  = 19 kN/m3. What is the total Rankine passive
pressure, if the horizontal soil surface carries a uniform load of 50 kN/m2?
[Ans. 1714.2 kN]

Here, vertical pressure is given by Vp =  z

Horizontal pressure or Passive Earth Pressure is given by Hpp = Kp  z,
1+sin  1+sin 15
where Kp = = = 1.698
1−sin  1−sin 15
Also, Cohesion effect is positive for Hpp
Given: c = 40 kPa and  = 15;  = 19 kN/m3; Height of retaining wall (H) = 6 m

A UDL of q =50 kN/m2 (surcharge) suppresses the soil, and its effect is seen in
the lateral Rankine passive earth pressure.

So, net passive earth pressure at a depth of z m is calculated as,

Net Hpp = Kp * Vertical force at the bottom + Cohesion effect + UDL effect
= Kp  z + 2* c * √Kp + Kp q ……………………. (1)

This means, total Rankine passive earth pressure or total force is given by
integrating equation (1) from 0 to H wrt dz.

So, Fp = ∫𝟎 (Kp  z + 2 ∗ c ∗ √Kp + q z)𝑑𝑧
= 0.5 * Kp  H2 + 2 * c * √Kp * H + Kp q * H
= 0.5 * 1.698 * 19 * 62 + 2 * 40 * √1.498 * 6 + 1.698 * 50 * 6
= 1715.60 kN

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