Why Are People Addicted To Extreme Sports?

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Why are people addicted to extreme sports?

The trend nowadays is towards addicting people to extreme sports. Some people
decide to do extreme sports because they want to show off. They want to be
admired and appreciated by friends and colleagues. They want the whole world to
see how fit, brave and wonderful they are. However, extreme sports can be deadly,
dangerous and risky and still there are more and more people who find them
At present, there are many extreme sports which make an appeal to people. I am
convinced that some people have not the faintest idea of sports such as wingsuit
flying, ice cross downhill and volcano surfing. Some extreme sports are
breathtakingly, such as ice climbing, it seems to me that it is a great way to get
outside in the winter and experience the beauty of nature being on top of a
mountain. But ice climbing is dangerous, though, which is why all experts will
stress the importance of being prepared. Some sports dangerous, for example
creeking or steep creeking, which involves the descent of waterfalls and slides or
any steep low-volume river. By all means, the most dangerous are the risks of
getting smashing against jagged rocks or getting trapped underwater after being
sucked down below it.
Despite the fact that extreme sports are exciting, some of them are dangerous for
people life and can result not only injuries and fractures, but also death.
Most athletes want to do better in their lives. What pushes them to do this?
Athletes do extreme sports because they need to test their courage, their abilities
and their endurance. They look for more and more risky activities to prove to
themselves that they are brave and strong. It gives them not only satisfaction but
also the conviction that if they are able to surf in the sky they will be able to
overcome all obstacles that can appear in their way.
They hate it when there’s something that frightens them. They feel they must try to
conquer it, even if it means risking their lives. The fact that they risk their lives and
do something extraordinary makes them see the world from a completely different
The obvious conclusion to be drawn is that extreme sports are dangerous for
people, who do it in order to seem stronger. In my view, extreme sports are
adrenaline. This is not adrenaline as such, but the whole setting: facing a dangerous
situation where you feel you are in complete control and you experience a surge of
endorphines. And also it is a part of my life.
1) When is the prime time for crime?
The middle of the night is prime time for crime, especially when the weather is
2) Where has the spectacular fall in crime been?
In some cities, but New York’s crime rates have showed a spectacular fall.
However, it is a dangerous places in America, comparing to most European cities,
the rate is still improving.
3) What are the reasons for this improvement?
The major reason is statistical: the number of young men in the 15-25 age group
has fallen. One of the reasons are stricter policing; also numerous programs set up
by cities and volunteer groups, to provide young people with alternatives to crime.
4) What is the idea behind the programs?
The idea is to give people something constructive or enjoyable to do, and channel
their efforts away from crime.
5) When was the concept of Midnight Basketball first launched?
The concept of Midnight Basketball was first launched in 1986 in Maryland.
6) What was one of the main reasons for situation worsening?
One of the main reasons for the rapidly worsening situation was boredom, despite
the fact that young people had nothing to do or at least they had hothing they could
have afforded.
7) How many young men take part today?
A lot of young men take part today.

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