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Running Head: THE CHOISE

The Choise

As well as everybody in a company has a different position, every person has a

different point of view, ability and intelligence. That’s why everyone in the company can

come up with a different idea and solution in the event of finding the best for the corporation.

The article “The Choice”, provides a description of a research study conducted to examine

that how people solve a problem based on their positions and personalities.

Question 1

Martin Garza picked the company 4 because he is the purchasing agent of the

company who is expecting to be promoted as a vice president. Garza thinks that saving the

company money whenever possible is the way of managing the purchasing function rather

than considering other variables such as quality and support service. If the corporate has a

problem with the company, Garza will not take care of it because it not his business. His

business is just to save money for the corporate. Therefore, obviously, Garza's decision was

by his motivation to be promoted (Clow & Baack, 2016).

Suzette Simon, who has a strong personality, is the manager of the copy center. She

thinks that taking the offer of lowest bidder is not a smart idea because those companies are

usually retained previously. Also, she thinks that lowest bidder cannot provide a good service

because their support will be limited with the money they will receive, which is low compared

to the other companies. Her strong personality and guarantee-and-future-oriented personality

helped her pick the highest bid because she wants to have as low problem as possible in the

long run (Clow & Baack, 2016).

Paul Johnson is the manager of the IT department. He takes care of the computers and

printers. He picked company 3 because of his position and responsivities. If the printers have

a problem and other workers cannot use print, they will directly go to Paul because he is the
one who have to maintain them. If his knowledge is not enough to handle it, he will call the

company first. That's why 24 hours support and available repair person are beneficial for him.

These things are what’s going on in the background, but it will be seen by the executives like

he is doing his job good. Thus, this will help Paul demonstrate his power (Clow & Baack,


Rose Knotts is the administrative assistant to the president. She has the lowest ranking

in the buying center. She prefers to take the lowest risky decision, which is the current vendor.

Because she is reluctant to utter her opinion, she just accepted the current vendor offer no

matter what. That was the easiest way for her (Clow & Baack, 2016).

Question 2

 Company 1 has an acceptable quality of the product, but customer support is slow.

 Company 2 is famous for its quality service, so its quality is great, but it offered the

highest bit among the others.

 Company 3 has 24/7 customer support, including overnight, but it is known by no one.

 Company 4 offered the lowest price among the others, but the quality is poor.

Question 3

Jason is a self-observer who tunes in, rarely takes a stand, and tries to get the gathering

to settle on a consistent choice. He is, also, the highest-ranking member of the buying center.

He should take the most beneficial step in the sense of company's benefit.

In my opinion, If I were the person who will make the last decision, I would go with

Company 3 because 24 hours support is such an important key that we shouldn't skip. Also,

its price is just $1,000 higher than the lowest one. The other features of the product are not

mentioned in the case. That's why I consider them moderate.


Question 4

Regardless of the result, Jason should thank every member of buying center for their

participation and contribution in decision making. Also, Jason should explain his opinion why

he did not pick their choices and why he picked Company 3. This will lead trust and integrity

inside the organization.


Clow, K.E., Baack, D. Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications –7th

edition. Publisher: Pearson (2016); ISBN-10: 0-13-386633-5; ISBN-13: 978-0-13-


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