The Four Ps of Marketing, Four Cs of Marketing and Siva.: Product

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The four Ps of marketing, four Cs of marketing and


Product Product is the first of the first Ps of marketing. Product can be

different : tangible or intangible. Product must fulfill a need or
want of customers. Producers should make it clear what their
product is and why it is the best option.

Price Making some pricing decisions is very important.  Price determinations

will impact profit margins, supply, demand and marketing strategy.
Price should be more than costs to make some profit. Price can also
impact promotion and place

Promotion After having a product and a price it comes to promotion.  Promotion

includes elements like: advertising, public relations, social media
marketing, email marketing, search engine marketing, video marketing
and more. Each touch point must be supported by a well positioned
brand to truly maximize return on investment.

Place In place we generally consider location from where customers can buy
the product. Where do buyers look for product or service? If in store, in
what kind of store? In a special boutique or in a supermarket or online
or direct,via a catalog.

Customer Customer Solution is replacement for Product. Modern marketing

tactics encourage marketers to focus on selling only that which
Solution customers are willing to buy, the information of which is acquired
through detailed market research. This is exactly opposite of the
previously used traditional marketing tactics of selling just about any
product to the general audience regardless of whether the audience
desires said product or not. For years, businesses took a company first
approach to marketing, but over the years, things have changed. With
the customer being the king of the market now, companies have wised
up and decided its a better idea to first ask the customer what they
need to provide better experiences that lead to more customer loyalty.

Customer Cost Customer Cost is replacement for Price. By definition, price is the
amount of money that a consumer is willing to pay to acquire a good or
service. Cost, on the other hand, is the sum of the value of all inputs
to the production of said good or service such as land, labor, capital.
Other factors, like the cost of time to acquire the product, the cost of
conscience of consuming the product, the cost to change to a new
product, the total cost of ownership, and the opportunity cost of not
selecting an alternative, are also included in the cost of an offering.

Convenience Conveniecne is replacement for Place. Thanks to the technological

advancements, customers have no reason to physically seek out a
location to meet their needs — they don’t even have to when there are
endless options available online. The digital era requires a marketer to
be aware of the current trends regarding the changing retail landscape
and how to keep up with the customers to be able to cater to them in
the means most convenient.

Communicatio Communication is replacement for Promotion. Communication is

considered to be a manipulative means of selling to an
audience,without taking into account any feedback received   in return.
He emphasized having a two-way means of communication between the
customer and the company. This approach encourages dialogues and
feedback. It takes into account customers’ opinions on what they
would prefer and what would satisfy them. This type of communication
improves brand loyalty and sales for an organization and provides in-
depth knowledge about their consumer base.

Solution Product becomes Solution. What is being sold is driven by what the
consumer needs. The community defines the product instead of the
corporation. It is marketing’s duty to understand what the consumer
wants and explain this to the corporations so that they, in turn, can
produce the products that satisfy the needs of the consumer. You
aren’t simply providing a product, you are offering a solution that
meets your customer’s needs. This is what services do on a daily basis.

Information Promotion becomes Information. Instead of placing ads, simply give the
consumers the information they need to determine whether or not the
product or services offered is both valuable and accessible to them.
Many services have always operated on this basis. Customers go for a
“fact finding” appointment where they learn about the service offered
(by a doctor or lawyer, for example) and its price. Based on this
information, they decide whether or not to become patients or clients.

Value Price becomes Value. Instead of using economic theories to set price,
S.I.V.A. advocates setting the price of a good or service based on the
value a product offers to the consumers. The price of services is often
determined in this manner as services are intangible products that
can’t be priced based on the input of raw materials.
Access Place becomes Access. The whole idea behind this is giving consumers
access to products and services when and where they want it instead of
dictating where a consumer has to go to get it. These days even
beauticians are willing to come to your home to do your hair. Other
service providers provide information and services on the Internet as
opposed to making you come to their office.

Product-Customer Solution-Solution
Price-Customer Cost-Value

4Ps 4Cs Siva

Product- Hamburgers and Customer solution- Solution- McDonald’s

sandwiches, Most customers like the relies on Astute Solutions
Chicken and fish, product, but still offer to provide improved data
Salads, different products. capture, quicker issue
Snacks and sides, resolution and real-time
Beverages, reporting while integrating
Desserts and shakes, the company’s extensive
Breakfast/All-day restaurant database into a
breakfast, centralized location.
Place- McCafé Customer cost- In all Information- Consumers
Restaurants, countries, the price is always have information
Kiosks, individual and acceptable about the composition of
McDonald’s mobile apps, for everyone, but there the product, as well as
Postmates website and are still discounts. information about their
app, and others. price. Then they decide
whether it is acceptable
for them.
Promotion- Advertising Convenience- Product Value- McDonald’s offers
(most significant) replacement often meals and other product
Sales promotions, happens, but the company bundles for prices that are
Public relations, also has basic products. discounted, compared to
Direct marketing. Also, the taste of its purchasing each item
product differs from other separately.
fast foods.
Price- Bundle pricing Communication- The Access- The company has
strategy, company is popular in all many locations, in
Psychological pricing countries, so everyone shopping malls, prestigious
strategy. knows about it. But for venues, stations and many
everyday communication regions. The company also
there are TV commercials, has a delivery service
app ads, banners and which increases
more. accessibility.

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