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Date: 2020-05-01


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I think the high number cases, deaths and economic damage due to this pandemic could have been avoided or reduced its effect if
government had done early testing. And this is due to the fact that Federal government did not relaxed its rules and regulatories early
concerning laboratories that can do testing. So for weeks, states and local laboratories could not test enough people for the virus. Because
without testing, there is no way to know the severity of the outbreak. Above all, the root of the cause of poor response of U.S. government
to the pandemic is the system of government of United States which is known as Federalism. Federalism is the constitution’s way of of
distributing decision making authority. The constitution grants the national government the power to conduct certain activities and reserves
the rest of governmental decisions to the states. This kind of system can help in the aspects of developing good schools, universities and
tax policy. While this is good it is not the best way to respond to a pandemic. The nation has the largest number of COVID-19 cases in the
world and the numbers are increasing day by day. Many governors in their own capacity have been fighting this new virus in their own
states, including California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, Ohio’s governor, Mike DeWine, New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, and
Maryland’s governor, Larry Hogan. They have tried to contain the virus by acquiring protective gear for medical workers, purchasing
ventilators for patients and implementing strict social distancing policies to slow the spread of the virus. But the virus is not attacking one
state at a time. In as much as some state governors, mayors are pulling out their stunts to fight the virus, but some are not taking actions or
their speed of actions is very low. If some states or cities are too slow to control the virus, that will affect all the others because the virus will
gain steam and eventually spread even to the places that have imposed controls. Some crises can’t be dealt with on a state by state basis.
As this COVID 19 cases continue to increase across the world, it is clear that viruses don’t care about borders. The only way to fight the
virus is to implement a coordinated national response and it is only together that we would be able to start the healing process. Truly, we
should not blame Trump administration for our delayed response to the pandemic despite the flaws in his leadership but our present
constitutional system, limiting the power of federal over states. This means that congress and the president lack the constitutional power to
tell states what to do. Federal government can address national issues like defense, foreign policy and monetary policy while the state
retain the power to address the welfare of their citizens which includes setting health and education policy.
5% Plagiarised

Apr 20, 2020 - The Constitution grants the national government the power to conduct certain activities and reserves the rest of
governmental decisions to the ...

5% Plagiarised

if some states or cities are too slow to control the virus, that will affect all the others — because the virus will gain steam and
eventually spread even to the places that have imposed controls. weak pandemic control is the ultimate example of what economists
call a negative externality, a...

9% Plagiarised

Apr 6, 2020 - But the founders were right: some crises can't be dealt with on a state-by-state basis. As cases of COVID-19 explode
throughout the world, ...

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