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Brain & Development 40 (2018) 799–806

Original article

Influenza-associated neurological complications

during 2014–2017 in Taiwan
Li-Wen Chen a, Chao-Ku Teng a, Yi-Shan Tsai b, Jieh-Neng Wang a, Yi-Fang Tu a,
Ching-Fen Shen a, Ching-Chuan Liu a,⇑
Department of Pediatrics, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan

Received 17 April 2018; received in revised form 23 May 2018; accepted 30 May 2018


Introduction: Seasonal influenza-associated neurological complications had high mortality and morbidity rates in recent studies.
We reported influenza-associated encephalitis/encephalopathy in children during 2014–2017 in Taiwan, focusing on neurological
presentations, neuroimaging correlations, and critical care managements.
Materials/Subjects: During January 1st 2014 to June 30th 2017, pediatric patients reported to the Taiwan Centers for Disease
Control surveillance system for severe complicated influenza infections in the hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Children with
influenza-associated encephalitis/encephalopathy were inspected for clinical presentations, laboratory data, neuroimaging studies,
treatment modalities, and neurological outcomes.
Results: Ten children with median age 5.9 years were enrolled for analysis. Influenza-associated encephalitis/encephalopathy
appeared in the spring and summer, with a delayed peak comparing with the occurrence of pneumonia and septic shock. The neu-
rological symptoms developed rapidly within median 1 day after the first fever episode. All patients had consciousness disturbance.
Seven patients (70%) had seizures at initial presentation, and six of them had status epilepticus. Anti-viral treatments were applied in
all patients, with median door-to-drug time 0.9 h for oseltamivir and 6.0 h for peramivir. Multi-modality treatments also included
steroid pulse therapy, immunoglobulin treatment, and target temperature management, with 85.2% of the major treatments admin-
istered within 12 h after admission. Nine of the ten patients recovered without neurological sequelae. Only one patient had epilepsy
requiring long-term anticonvulsants and concomitant cognitive decline.
Conclusions: In highly prevalent area, influenza-associated encephalitis/encephalopathy should be considered irrespective of sea-
sons. Our study suggested the effects of timely surveillance and multi-modality treatments in influenza-associated encephalitis/
Ó 2018 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Influenza; Encephalitis; Encephalopathy; Status epilepticus; Multi-modality treatments

1. Introduction
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Pediatrics, National
Influenza infection is well known for the neurological
Cheng Kung University Hospital, College of Medicine, National
complications with high morbidity and mortality rates
Cheng Kung University, 138 Sheng-Li Road, Tainan City 70403,
Taiwan. [1]. The manifestations are heterogeneous, from simple
E-mail address: (C.-C. Liu). febrile seizure to the severe acute necrotizing
0387-7604/Ó 2018 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
800 L.-W. Chen et al. / Brain & Development 40 (2018) 799–806

encephalopathy (ANE) [1–3]. In contrast to the high 2.3. Definition of neurological complications
morbidity and mortality rates, previous studies show
that most patients of influenza-associated encephalitis/ Encephalitis/encephalopathy was defined as alter-
encephalopathy do not receive adequate vaccination, ation of consciousness due to inflammation [3]. Status
and some of them do not have anti-viral treatments [1]. epilepticus was defined according to the consensus of
The epidemiology of influenza-associated encephali- International League Against Epilepsy in 2015, with
tis/encephalopathy in East Asia is different from that tonic-clonic seizure for more than 5 min, or focal seizure
in western countries. The fulminant ANE with distinc- with consciousness impairment for more than 10 min
tive thalamic necrosis was first reported in 1979 in [11].
Japan [4,5]. ANE is most prevalent in Taiwan, Japan,
and South Korea, emphasizing the importance of treat- 2.4. Neuroimaging studies
ment protocol for influenza-associated neurological
complications in high-risk populations and countries Neuroimaging studies included computed tomogra-
[4,6,7]. phy (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with
In children, encephalitis/encephalopathy associated T1 and T2-weighted images, fluid-attenuated inversion
with pandemic H1N1 infection in 2009 and neurolog- recovery (FLAIR), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI)
ical complications in the post-H1N1 era during 2013– and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC, b = 1000). Neu-
2015 are described in the literatures [2,8]. However, roimaging studies were acquired by 1.5 T or 3 T MR
only a few studies addressed the emerging influenza- machines. Gadolinium contrast medium was injected
associated encephalitis/encephalopathy in recent years for better demonstration of inflammation, and post-
[9]. In the observational study, we reported clinical contrast T1-weighted 3D images would be obtained.
and neuroimaging characteristics of influenza-
associated encephalitis/encephalopathy in children 2.5. Statistical analysis
during 2014–2017 in Taiwan, emphasizing treatments
during critical care and correlative neurological The clinical data was analyzed with descriptive statis-
outcomes. tics. Numerical variables were presented in median and
interquartile range (IQR). Fisher’s exact test was per-
2. Materials/Subjects formed for categorical variables. The statistical tests were
performed with GraphPad Prism 5 and R version 3.4.2
2.1. Patients software. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05.

During January 1st 2014 to June 30th 2017, patients 3. Results

less than 18 years old who were reported to the Taiwan
Centers for Disease Control (CDC, Taiwan) surveillance 3.1. Epidemiology
system for severe complicated influenza infection in the
hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Severe compli- During the study period, thirty patients younger than
cated influenza infection is defined as myocarditis or 18 years old were reported to the surveillance system for
pericarditis, pulmonary complications, neurological complicated influenza infection in the hospital. Among
complications, and superimposed invasive bacterial the thirty patients, fifteen were reported for pneumonia
infections [10]. Patients reported for neurological com- (including four combined with sepsis), and five for septic
plications were included. The demographic data, clinical shock. Ten children were reported for neurological com-
manifestations, laboratory studies, neuroimaging stud- plications and fulfilling the definition of encephalitis/
ies, treatment modalities, and neurological outcomes encephalopathy. The distribution of disease-onset
were analyzed. The hospital’s institutional review board month was shown in Fig. 1. In contrast to pneumonia
approved the study. and sepsis occurring during the winter to spring,
encephalitis/encephalopathy tended to occur in later
2.2. Virology survey months with a peak in the spring to summer, which is
not the typical flu season in Taiwan.
The nasopharyngeal aspirates/throat swabs and cere-
brospinal fluid (CSF) samples were sent for viral isola- 3.2. Demographic data
tion and immunofluorescence staining assay. Real-time
transcription polymerase chain reactions (RT-PCR) Five boys and five girls had influenza-associated
for influenza detection were also performed with the air- encephalitis/encephalopathy at median age 5.9 years
way and CSF specimens. Rapid influenza diagnostic (range 0.4–17 years, IQR 2.3 years). Although four
tests (RIDT) for antigen detection were tested with air- patients had past medical history, these diseases were
way samples. not complicated (simple febrile convulsion in 1; asthma
L.-W. Chen et al. / Brain & Development 40 (2018) 799–806 801

local clinics. Eight (80%) of them had influenza A infec-

tion while only two had influenza B infection. The labo-
ratory examinations in these patients did not show
typical leukopenia or thrombocytopenia during influ-
enza infection (median white blood cell count 10.4  1
03/lL; median platelet count 244.5  103/lL). Rather,
the white blood cell counts fell within normal range with
neutrophil predominance (median neutrophil percentage
62%). Thrombocytopenia was rare; only one patient had
platelet count less than 150  103/lL. Nine patients
underwent lumbar puncture procedures, however, the
Fig. 1. Distribution of complicated influenza infections by month. CSF studies were mostly unremarkable. Pleocytosis
Encephalitis/encephalopathy was shown in black and other complica- could be found only in two patients (22.2%) (white cell
tions (pneumonia and septic shock) in gray. Encephalitis/encephalopa- count 6 and 14/mm3 respectively; all lymphocytes).
thy clustered from April to August, which was not typical flu season in CSF biochemistry data was normal in glucose and total
Taiwan, while pneumonia and septic shock congregated from January
to June.
protein levels. Elevated lactate in CSF could be found in
one patient; however, the patient also had high blood
in 1; Kawasaki disease in 1; and epilepsy underwent lactate. Viral isolation and RT-PCR with CSF samples
complete anticonvulsants treatment in 1). At the time could not detect influenza virus in all of the nine
of encephalitis/encephalopathy, these patients were not patients.
taking any medication for the underlying diseases. The
past influenza vaccination history was known in nine
3.5. Neuroimaging findings
patients. Three in the four patients in 2017 had received
influenza vaccine in the 2016–2017 season, while only
Among the ten patients, six had brain MRI studies
one in the five patients during 2014–2016 had adequate
and three had CT images. Brain CT identified diffuse
vaccination (75% vs. 20%; p = 0.2).
cerebral swelling in the three patients (Patients 5, 9,
and 10). Brain MRI studies demonstrated cerebral swel-
3.3. Neurological symptoms
ling particularly involving cortical gyrus in four patients
presented with status epilepticus (Patients 1, 3, 4, and 6).
The neurological manifestations were summarized in
The other two patients (Patients 2 and 7) showed multi-
Table 1. All patients had consciousness disturbance with
focal lesions, involving deep gray matter, brainstem, and
median Glasgow coma scale (GCS) 11 (IQR 1.75) at ini-
cerebral/cerebellar white matters. Despite the similarity
tial presentation. Neurological symptoms occurred
in area of involvement, patient 2 was classified as
rapidly within median 1 day (IQR 1.5 days) after the
ANE (Fig. 2) while patient 7 was classified as acute dis-
first fever episode during the illness. Although the initial
seminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM; Fig. 3).
course of encephalitis/encephalopathy showed acute
deterioration, consciousness recovered soon after med-
ian 1 day (IQR 0.75 days). However, the associated neu- 3.6. Treatments
rological symptoms could be persistent and of great
variability. High cortical function impairments and The treatments included antiviral medications,
movement disorders were common. Brainstem dysfunc- immunomodulation therapies, and target temperature
tion was the most severe symptom, presented with stra- managements, with 85.2% of the critical treatments
bismus, bulbar signs, and bradycardia in two patients. administered within 12 h after admission (Fig. 4). All
Seven patients (70%) had seizures at initial presentation, of the ten patients received oseltamivir, which started
and six of them had status epilepticus. Most seizures at local clinics in three. The other seven patients received
stopped after acute treatment with benzodiazepine and oseltamivir at median 0.9 h after admission. Seven
phenytoin. Nevertheless, the seizures could be refrac- patients (70%) had peramivir at median 6.0 h, usually
tory. In two patients, it required four anticonvulsants when there were laboratory evidences of influenza infec-
including general anesthesia, and took 5 days to com- tion. Methylprednisolone pulse therapy was applied in
pletely control seizures. six patients (60%) at median 2.5 h. In addition to steroid
treatment, four patients (40%) also received
3.4. Laboratory examinations immunoglobulin infusion at median 5.8 h due to severe
neurological symptoms, such as brainstem involvements
The viral types were mostly identified by viral isola- in patients 2 and 7, generalized status epilepticus for two
tion or RT-PCR, except for three patients that RIDT hours in patient 4, and status epilepticus plus obvious
was performed followed by oseltamivir treatment in movement disorder in patient 6. Target temperature
Table 1
Clinical characteristics of children with influenza-associated encephalitis/encephalopathy during 2014–2017.

L.-W. Chen et al. / Brain & Development 40 (2018) 799–806

Patient Age Past history Disease Vaccine Viral GCS Seizure Associated symptoms in acute stage Neuroimaging Neurological
(years) year type findings Sequela
1 6.7 – 2017 + B 11 +, SEa Mood liability, visual hallucination Gyral swelling Epilepsy, cognitive
2 6.0 – 2017 + A (swH1) 12 + Ankle clonus, hypertonia, bradycardia, ANE Incoordination,
hypotension dysmetriac
3 9.8 – 2017 + A (H3) 11 +, SE Abnormal Babinski sign, somnolence, Gyral swelling –
4 4.2 Febrile 2017 – A (H3) 3 +, SE Respiratory failure, coagulopathy, Gyral swelling –
convulsion rhabdomyolysis
5 7.0 Asthma 2016 + B 6 +, SE Metabolic and respiratory acidosis Cerebral swelling –
6 4.6 Kawasaki 2015 – A (H3) 11 +, SE Rigidity, tremor, increased extensor Gyral swelling –
disease tone, myotonia
7 0.4 – 2015 – A (H1) 13 +, SEb Strabismus, bulbar sign, hemiparesis, ADEM Delayed motor
dystonia milestonesc
8 17 Epilepsy 2014 – A 13 – Athetosis, clumsy movement, – –
personality change
9 4.6 – 2014 – A (swH1) 13 – Unsteady gait, hypotension Cerebral swelling –
10 5.7 – 2014 unknown A (H3) 11 – Mutism, projectile vomiting Cerebral swelling –
ADEM: acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; ANE: acute necrotizing encephalopathy; GCS: Glasgow coma scale; SE: status epilepticus; a. Controlled with midazolam continuous infusion,
phenytoin, oxcarbazepine, and clobazam; b. Controlled with midazolam continuous infusion, phenytoin, phenobarbital, and levetiracetam; c. Complete recovery during follow up.
L.-W. Chen et al. / Brain & Development 40 (2018) 799–806 803

Fig. 2. Brain MRI of acute necrotizing encephalopathy (ANE). MRI

in Patient 2 at the third day of illness showed symmetric cytotoxic
edema involving (A–C). Cerebellar white matter (arrowheads), (D–F)
Tegmentum (arrows) and cerebellar gray matter (arrowheads), and
(G–I). Thalami (open arrows). Besides T2-weighted images (A, D, G),
cytotoxic edema was illustrated as hyperintensity on diffusion weighted Fig. 3. Brain MRI of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM).
images (B, E, H) and decreased apparent diffusion coefficient values T2-weighted MRI in Patient 7 at the fifth day of illness showed
(C, F, I). involvements of (A). Ventral pons (arrow) and tegmentum (arrow-
head), (C) Left substantia nigra and red nucleus (arrowhead), and (E).
Thalami (open arrows) and subcortical white matter (open arrow-
management was applied in three patients (30%) at med- head). (B, D, F) There was no restricted diffusion, supporting for the
ian 0.48 h as an adjunctive therapy for status epilepticus. reversibility of vasogenic edematous lesions. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
3.7. Prognosis

Most patients (90%) required critical care with med-

ian 4 days of hospitalization in intensive care unites
(IQR 1 day). After discharged from the hospital, the
patients were followed for median 3 months (IQR 9.5
months). Two patients had motor function impairment
such as unsteady gait and delayed motor development,
which improved during follow up. Only one patient
developed epilepsy and required long term anticonvul-
sants treatment (Patient 1). In addition to epilepsy,
regression of behavior and decline in cognitive function Fig. 4. Time-sequence of major treatments for influenza-associated
were found in the same patient. encephalitis/encephalopathy. The time intervals between admission
and treatment were plotted with median and interquartile range (IQR)
(hours). Oseltamivir: median 0.9, IQR 2.9; Peramivir: median 6.0, IQR
4. Discussion 5.5; Steroid pulse therapy: median 2.5, IQR 4.5; Immunoglobulin
(IVIg): median 5.8, IQR 34.3; Target temperature management
Among the heterogeneous etiology of childhood (TTM): median 0.48, IQR 1.9. Of the 27 decisions of major treatments,
encephalitis/encephalopathy, influenza-associated neu- 23 (85.2%) were within 12 h after admission. The three patients who
started oseltamivir before admission to hospital were not analyzed.
rological complications are diagnosed through the virol-
ogy survey and clinical-radiological correlations. As the
second leading cause of identifiable pediatric encephali- not be overemphasized [12]. Although the pandemic
tis in East Asia, the standard managements for outbreak in 2009 brought about several discussions on
influenza-associated neurological complications should neurological complications, encephalitis/encephalopa-
804 L.-W. Chen et al. / Brain & Development 40 (2018) 799–806

thy due to seasonal flu was still devastating during 2013– ally involving gray matter. The nadir of clinical symp-
2015 [1,3]. Our study reported the clinical-radiological toms occurred soon within 2–7 days in ADEM,
characteristics of influenza-associated encephalitis/ however, the progression of ANE showed an even more
encephalopathy during 2014–2017, with emphasis on dramatic course, that the patients could become coma-
the clinical managements. The multimodality therapies, tose within hours [5,16]. Children with ADEM generally
most of which given within 12 h after admission, could had good response to steroid treatment; however, the
be integrated into the treatment protocol of childhood prognosis of ANE was devastating [5,16]. Since syn-
encephalitis, especially in countries with high prevalence drome classification directs to treatments and outcomes,
rates of influenza-associated encephalitis/ reviewing the neuroimaging studies and correlation with
encephalopathy. clinical symptoms were important for precise differenti-
In our study, the seasonal distribution of encephali- ation among the heterogeneous neurological complica-
tis/encephalopathy is different from that of pneumonia tions of influenza infection [1].
and septic shock during 2014–2017. Influenza- As speed of treatment is related to prognosis, the
associated encephalitis/encephalopathy occurred in the favorable neurological outcomes albeit severe acute
spring and summer, with a delayed peak when com- symptoms in the study may be the result of prompt diag-
pared with pneumonia and septic shock, which occurred nosis and treatment [17]. The manifestations and neuro-
mostly in the winter and spring. Climatic factors were logical outcomes of influenza-associated encephalitis/
related to influenza transmission, but the differences encephalopathy vary across countries [7,15,18]. The
between neurological and pulmonary complications racial factor may alert the clinicians in highly prevalent
were less discussed before [13]. Unusual influenza activ- areas, leading to early diagnosis and integrative manage-
ity during inter-seasonal months could be a pitfall for ments. Currently, there was no recommendation for
the empirical managements of pediatric encephalitis/ standard of care in influenza-associated encephalitis/
encephalopathy related to influenza infection, especially encephalopathy, but anti-viral medications against influ-
in sentinel cases [14]. Our finding of seasonal distribu- enza could be beneficial [1,9]. In our study, all patients
tion warranted the integration of virology tests and received oseltamivir either before hospitalization or at
anti-influenza medications into the encephalitis/ median 0.9 h after admission, even in summer months.
encephalopathy management protocols, even in summer When the laboratory tests suggested influenza infection,
months that was not the typical flu season in Taiwan. peramivir was administered in 70% of patients at med-
According to previous studies on neurological symp- ian 6 h. In our series, antiviral medications were given
toms following influenza infection in children, seizure in a higher rate and rapidity when compared with other
was the most common neurological complication [15]. large-scale studies [1,9]. Although roles of steroid pulse
It was similar in our report, that seizure occurred in therapy and immunoglobulin were still controversial,
70% of influenza-associated encephalitis/encephalopa- they were frequently applied in influenza-associated
thy, in which status epilepticus accounted for 85.7%. encephalitis/encephalopathy because immune-mediated
All patients in the study had consciousness disturbance, mechanism may be a major pathogenesis [19]. Some
as well as a variety of neurological symptoms such as studies proposed the neuroprotective effects of
movement disorders and neuropsychiatric symptoms. hypothermia therapy, with roles on controlling status
Children in the study represented a more severe neuro- epilepticus and increased intracranial pressure [20]. We
logical condition because only those reported to the Tai- also used target temperature management for better sei-
wan CDC surveillance system for complicated influenza zure control in patients with status epilepticus [21]. In
infection were enrolled for analysis. Nine in the ten our study, 85.2% of critical managements including
patients were admitted to intensive care unites for med- anti-viral therapies, immune modulation treatments,
ian 4 days. Although critical care was required at acute and target temperature managements were administered
stage, most of the seizures could be controlled and the within 12 h after admission, demonstrating the time-
movement deficits eliminated. Among the seven patients sequence of critical care in influenza-associated
with acute seizures, only one (14.3%) developed epilepsy encephalitis/encephalopathy.
during follow-up visits. Moderate to severe neurological deficits were
Clinical-neuroimaging correlations identified one reported in 21–45% of surviving patients, and mortality
ANE and one ADEM in the study, suggesting the vari- was also frequently reported in influenza-associated neu-
ability of syndrome classification in influenza-associated rological complications [1,9]. In our series, most patients
encephalitis/encephalopathy. The differentiation of had good neurological outcomes with no cases of mor-
ANE from ADEM was discussed in previous literatures tality. Nine of the ten patients had full recovery. Only
[5]. Lesions of ANE were characterized by cytotoxic one patient had epilepsy and cognitive decline. Our
edema mainly over thalamus, brainstem, and sometimes experiences showed that most patients could have good
with white matter involvements. In ADEM, vasogenic neurological outcomes when diagnosed and treated
edema mainly occurred over white matter, and occasion- early. Through the rapid influenza detection and anti-
L.-W. Chen et al. / Brain & Development 40 (2018) 799–806 805

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