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Information Systems

Quantitative Business Process Analysis


Norly Tatiana Barrera Albarracín

Luis Eduardo Otalora Cubides

1.For the next process, assume that the resources in Table on the left are needed in each
activity. Also assume that there are two units of R1, three units of R2, two units of R3, and
two units of R4.
a. Calculate the theoretical process capacity and identify the bottleneck.

Tabla 1. Resource Capacity Data Exercise 1

Actividad Processing Resources Number
Time(min) requirements jobs

A 3 R1 1

B 8 R2 1.2

C 2 R2 1.2

D 5 R2 1

E 2 R3 1

F 3 R3 1

G 5 R4 1

H 9 R4 0.9

I 8 R1 1
Tabla 2. Pool Capacity Calculation, ejercicio 1
Resource Unit Load (min) Unit Available Pool Capacity
capacity resources (Jobs/unit)
(Jobs/min) (units)

R1 3+8=11 1/11 2 2/11=0.18

R2 (8*1.2)+(2*1.2)+5=17 1/17 3 3/17=0.17

R3 2+3=5 1/5 2 ⅖=0.4

R4 5+(9*0.9)=13.1 1/13.1 2 2/13.1=0.15

Rta: A partir de la tabla se observa que el mínimo valor de Pool Capacity es para el recurso
R4 con 0.15 jobs/unit, siendo este nuestro cuello de botella.

b. If the actual throughput has been observed to be 6 jobs/hour, what is the capacity
Asumiendo que el throughput es igual a 6 jobs/hour la capacidad de utilización para cada
uno de los recursos:

Capacidad de Utilización= throughput rate/capacidad de trabajo

Capacidad de Utilización R1= 10.8 = 55.5%

Capacidad de Utilización R2= 10.2 = 58.8%

Capacidad de Utilización R3= 24 = 25%

Capacidad de Utilización R4​= 96 = 66.6%

2. Assume that four resource types are needed to perform the activities in this process. The
resource type needed by each activity is shown in the table below.
a. Considering that there are two units of resource 1, two units of resource 2, three units of
resource 3, and three units of resource 4, calculate the capacity of the process.

Tabla 3. Resource Capacity Data Exercise 2

Actividad Processing Resources Number
Time(min) requirements jobs

A 13 R1 1

B 2 R2 0.805

C 15 R3 0.3

D 13 R2 0.805

E 20 R1 0.3

F 10 R4 0.805

G 28 R1 0.3

H 25 R4 1.05

I 11 R3 1.05

J 15 R2 1.05

K 12 R3 1.05

L 5 R4 1.05

M 5 R3 1.05

N 11 R4 1
Tabla 4. Pool Capacity Calculation Ejercicio 2
Resource Unit Load (min) Unit Available Pool
capacity resources Capacity
(Jobs/min) (units) (Jobs/unit)

R1 13+(20*0.3)+(28*0.3)=27.4 1/27.4 2 0.072

R2 (2*0.805)+(13*0.805)+(15*1.05)=27.8 1/27.8 2 0.071


R3 (15*0.3)+(11*1.05)+(12*1.05)+(5+1.0 1/33.9 3 0.088


R4 (10*0.805)+(25*1.05)+(5*1.05)+11=5 1/50.5 3 0.059


El cuello de botella se encuentra en el recurso 4, al tener la menor capacidad del pool,

0.059 Jobs/unit

b. If the actual throughput of the process is 2.5 jobs/h, what is the capacity utilization?

Capacidad de Utilización= throughput rate/capacidad de trabajo

Capacidad de Utilización R1= 4.32 = 57.87%

Capacidad de Utilización R2= 4.26 = 58.6%

Capacidad de Utilización R3= 5.28 = 47.34%

Capacidad de Utilización R4​= 3.54 = 70.62%

3. Three teams (T1, T2, and T3) work in the process depicted in next figure, where the
numbers in each activity indicate processing times in minutes. Calculate the capacity
utilization of the process assuming that the throughput is 1 job/h.
Tabla 5. Resource Capacity Data Exercise 3
Actividad Processing Resources Number
Time(min) requirements jobs

A 12 T1 1

B 15 T3 0.7

C 13 T2 0.3

D 14 T1 0.3

E 10 T2 0.3

F 11 T3 0.3

G 22 T2 0.3

H 18 T1 0.33

I 20 T3 1

Tabla 6. Pool Capacity Calculation, Ejercicio 3

Resource Unit Load (min) Unit Available Pool
capacity resources Capacity
(Jobs/min) (units) (Jobs/unit)

T1 12+(14*0.3)+(18*0.33)=22.14 1/22.14 1 0.045

T2 (13*0.3)+(10*0.3)+(22*0.3)=13.5 1/13.5 1 0.074

T3 (15*0.7)+(11*0.3)+20=33.8 1/33.8 1 0.029

Capacidad de Utilización= throughput rate/capacidad de trabajo

Capacidad de Utilización T1= 2.7 = 37.03%

Capacidad de Utilización T2= 4.44 = 22.52%

Capacidad de Utilización T3= 1.74 = 57.47%

A process-design team is analyzing the capacity of a process. The team has developed the
flowchart in the next figure. The numbers between parentheses indicate the processing
times in minutes, and the labels above or below each activity indicate the resource type (i.e.,
R1 = resource 1). The process has one unit of resource R1, two units of resource R2, and
three units of resource R3. Assume that a reworked job has the same chance to pass
inspection as a regular job.

a. Calculate the theoretical process capacity and identify the bottleneck.

Tabla 7. Resource Capacity Data Exercise 4
Actividad Processing Resources Number
Time(min) requirements jobs

A 10 R1 1

B 20 R2 0.1

C 24 R2 0.9

D 25 R3 0.1

E 12 R3 1.15

F 23 R2 1.15
G 35 R3 1.15

H 15 R1 1

Tabla 6. Pool Capacity Calculation, Ejercicio 4

Resource Unit Load (min) Unit Available Pool
capacity resources Capacity
(Jobs/min) (units) (Jobs/unit)

R1 10+15=25 1/25 1 0.040

R2 (20*0.1)+(24*0.9)+(1.15*23)=50.05 1/50.05 2 0.039

R3 (25*0.1)+(12*1.15)+(35*1.15)=56.55 1/56.55 3 0.053

Rta. El cuello de botella se encuentra en el recurso R2 al tener la más baja capacidad de


b. If the actual throughput rate of the process is 1 job/h, what is the capacity

Capacidad de Utilización= throughput rate/capacidad de trabajo

Capacidad de Utilización R1= 2.4 = 41.66%

Capacidad de Utilización R2= 2.4 = 41.66%

Capacidad de Utilización R3= 3.18 = 31.44%

Rta. La capacidad del proceso es de 41.66%

5. Choose one flowchart of this homework and diagram it in BPMN (except for the flowchart
in point 1)
El BPMN del punto 4 sería:

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