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Arisa Chang 

Branch 14

BRANCH TEMPLATE:  How to do your poetry HW:  Branch (Poetry Homework Assignment)-


Your “Branch” is due, posted in blackboard at the beginning of class when the bell
rings (plan accordingly to make the deadline).  
1)   Read ALL of the poems in the packet.
2)   Write a poem “inspired” by a specific poem
Your Branch poem: 

*Inspired by the poem: Three Ways to Love by Hiwa Manning

Your poem:

Throughout life we are faced with many situations and hardships that can bring us
down or cause us to be sad. I was taught to not rely on a signle person or thing as a
source of hpappiness. My mom used to always tell me to look for happiness within
myself. I am the type of person that likes feeling needed and making other people
happy. Acting on that has allowed me to lean many things in life about love. 

First it taught me that love should be unconditional, if you’re going to love; love
hard. If you don’t love hard, you’re cutting yourself short of the experience and true
meaning behind that relationship with whoever or whatever it may be. Even if you
can potentially get hurt in the end, that shouldn’t be a reason to hold yourself back.
Something that I like to keep in mind is that you can’t limit the love you feel so you
shouldn’t limit the love you give either. 
I also learned that love can be found everywhere and anywhere you just have to look
for it. Personally, I’m very sensitive and can be hurt easily, but not for a long time. I
think this is because I don’t really think negatively. I like to focus on the things
around me that make me happy. I like to distract myself with positive things because
I don’t want to bring others down. No matter what, love never runs out. I think by
giving love even when you feel like you aren’t receiving any or can’t find any in your
life at the moment just gives you more opportunities to recognize that love
surrounds you everywhere even through actions big or small. 

Lastly, I learned that love is perfectly imperfect. Many things can go wrong, but in
true love those are the exact things that make it so perfect. For example, when it
comes to your family, you can love them but face problems here are there. Working
through the problems and coming back stronger is the exact thing that makes it so
amazing. There are countless things that you can love. Love is never easy, no matter
what it is. 

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