Dispersion Analysis in Broadband Helix Traveling-Wave Tube: Daniel T - Lopes and Claudio C - Motta

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Dispersion Analysis in Broadband Helix Traveling-wave Tube

Daniel T. Lopes1 and Claudio C. Motta2

PATRIA Foundation
Ipero, SP, Brazil, 18560-000
University of Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, 055800-000

Abstract: This paper focus on an issue that vacuum also proportional to the cubic root of the interaction
electronics engineers face while designing wide band impedance. Therefore, this works deals with the problem
slow-wave structures for traveling wave tubes: The of finding an estimated value for the amount of dispersion
obtaining of reasonably flat gain curve over the that would balance the extra amount of interaction
bandwidth. It is usual to try a tradeoff between impedance in the lower frequencies, producing a flatter
synchronism and interaction impedance profile in order gain response.
to achieve a better gain response. We show here results
from an in house one-dimensional large signal code, Analysis
which indicates that when a large variation in the Figure 1 illustrates the problem. The slow wave structure
electrical length of the circuit takes place (e.g. very wide presents positive dispersion characteristic, i.e., phase
band circuits) dispersion control has little effect on the velocity increasing with frequency. It is adjusted so that
gain profile. good synchronism is achieved in the upper band where
impedance is low. In the lower band, where the
Keywords: traveling-wave tube, slow-wave structure, impedance is high, the synchronism is poor.
helix, broad-band, multi-octave circuit. There is yet another factor that contributes to this
problem. In the Pierce gain formula [2],
Introduction = + [ ] (1)
Multi-octave helix traveling-wave tubes (TWT) are
vacuum electronic device capable of amplifying the gain factor C is multiplied by the tube distance in
microwave over more than one octave. They find wavelengths N. This factor multiplies directly the gain
application mainly in electronic countermeasure systems. factor C, while the dependence to the interaction
They can also replace two or more TWTs of smaller impedance goes with a cubic root factor (C3 = K0I0/4V0).
bandwidth in order to simplify a system in terms of A large signal one-dimensional code [3] was used to
complexity, number of parts, reliability and efficiency. obtain the gain for a set of 4 vane configuration for a
Even though a helix provides the broader band of all single section of traveling-wave tube circuit. Each vane
known slow-wave structures, dispersion control configuration implements a different level of synchronism
techniques must be applied to ensure multi-octave at the lower band while maintaining a roughly the same
synchronism between the electron beam and the wave level of synchronism at upper band edge. The cold model
traveling down the tube. parameters, i.e., phase velocity and interaction impedance
A widespread technique for dispersion control consists in are shown in Figure 2. The beam DC normalized velocity
constructing vanes around the helix between support rods is about 0.190.
[1]. For a given helix slow-wave structure, the phase
velocity is greater at lower frequencies. Bringing the outer
metallic barrel closer to the helix makes dispersion
reduced. However, that benefit comes at expense of a
sensible reduction in the interaction impedance.
Metallic vanes are known to mimic in some degree an
axially conducting outer barrel that was brought closer to
the helix. This technique provides a greater control over
dispersion with less degradation in the interaction
With the help of 3D eigensolvers it is possible to design
fairly complex vanes structures and dispersion can be
The TWT gain is proportional to both the interaction
impedance and the synchronism level between e-beam
and the forward wave. However, the gain depends Figure 1. A positive dispersion slow-wave structure with
differently on those. While gain is highly dependent on its high frequency phase velocity synchronous to the slow
the synchronism with the slow-space charge wave, it is space-charge wave.
Figure 2. Phase velocity and interaction impedance for 4 Figure 3. Gain as a function of frequency for the four vane
configurations of vane structures, each one providing a configurations producing the different dispersion profiles
different level of dispersion. observed in Figure 2.

The circuit cold model parameters were loaded into the

large signal code and simulations were run for several
In this paper we presented another view based on large
frequencies from 2 to 12 GHz. The results are shown in
signal simulation of the dispersion characteristics of a
Figure 3.
multi-octave slow wave circuit for traveling-wave tubes.
It was found that multi-octave circuits will naturally
present large variation in gain inside the band, since the
Even though the maximum phase velocity variation along
large variation in number of wavelengths to suffer bunch
the band is around 2%, for vane configuration #4, the gain
process overcomes the effect of phase velocity and
variation is more than 20 dB from 2 to 8 GHz.
interaction impedance tailoring. The use of gain
Additionally, the lower band edge, where the vanes
equalizers in the TWT input is the best way to mitigate
configurations present the most different phase velocity,
this problem as it has been seen in many wide band TWT.
is where the gain varies the least. Appreciable variation in
gain is observed in the upper band, where the gain is
greater. Despite of the variation in dispersion profile, all Acknowledgements
vane configurations presented the same pattern of gain vs The authors thank CNPq for its financial support
frequency. In the lower band, where fewer wavelength throughout this project under process 384823/2014-9 and
travel through the circuit, the bunching process occurs FINEP under contract 01.13.0335.00.
less times than in the upper band where multiple times
more wavelengths travel through the circuit experiencing, References
in turn, more bunching. At the upper band, the greatly 1. A. S. Gilmour, Klystrons, Traveling Wave Tubes,
increased number of wavelengths suffering the bunching Magnetrons, Crossed-Field Ampliers, and
process, even at lower impedance, is much more effective Gyrotrons. Artech House, 2011.
than in the lower band, in which much fewer wavelengths 2. J. R. Pierce, Traveling Wave Tubes. New York:
experience bunching at higher impedance. Van Nostrand, 1950.
3. D. T. Lopes, C. C. Motta, “1D large signal time
domain code for TWT,” IEEE PPC 2011, Chicago,

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