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At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

describe Bohr’s atomic model.

explain the existence of energy levels in an atom.
calculate the energy of an electron using:
E n  R H ( 2 ), R H  2.18 x 10 -18 J
calculate the energy change of an electron during transition.
1 1
ΔE  R H ( 2 - 2 ), where R H  2.18 x 10-18 J
ni nf
calculate the photon emitted by an electron that produces a
particular wavelength during transition.



Bohr’s atomic postulate :

1 Electron moves in a circular orbit of certain radii

with specific energy around the nucleus.
2 In the specific energy level, the energy of electron is
fixed in value or is quantised.

The electron does not release or absorb any energy

when it is in the ground state or at any particular
energy level/orbit.

This means that an electron moving in an orbit can

have a certain amount of energy. n=2
(quantised = fixed/specific/definite) n=1

 1  nucleus
E n   RH  2  (proton)
n 
energy of electron at n=1 ≠
energy of electron at n=2
The energy of an electron in its level is given by:

 1 
E n   RH  2 
n 
RH (Rydberg constant)= 2.1810-18J.
n (orbit/ energy level) = 1, 2, 3,…, (integer)

 Energy is zero (E = 0) if electron is located infinitely
(n = )far from nucleus.
 Energy associated with forces of attraction are taken to
be negative (thus, negative sign)
At ordinary condition, the electron is at the ground
3 state (lowest energy state).

If energy is supplied, electron absorbed the energy

and is promoted from lower energy level to a higher
energy level (electron is excited)

n=3 (higher energy level)
n=2 (higher energy level)

Electron at excited state is unstable.

Electron will fall back to lower energy level and

released a specific amount of energy in the form of
light or photon.

The light emitted has a specific wavelength. Thus,

the line spectrum is formed.
energy released

n=3 (higher energy level)

n=2 (higher energy level)

Summary of Bohr’s Atomic

1. An electron moves in circular orbits of certain radii around the


2. The electron at certain distance from the nucleus can only possess a
specific amount of energy (energy of an electron is quantised).

3. The electron from lower energy level can move to upper energy level
by absorbing energy while electron from upper energy level fall
back to lower energy level by releasing energy.
The energy absorb / released during transition can be
calculated by:

 1 
ΔE  R H  
 
 ni 2 n f 2
 

RH = Rydberg constant (2.18 x 10-18 J)
n= principal quantum number (1, 2, 3, …, )
ni = position(n) of electron initially
nf = position(n) of electron finally
The amount of energy released by the electron during
transition is called a photon of energy.

A photon of energy is released in the form of light with

appropriate frequency and wavelength.

Therefore, the energy change (released/absorbed) can

be related as:
ΔE  hυ

h (Planck’s constant) =6.63  10-34 Js
= frequency;
c (speed of light) = 3.00108 ms-1

Photon = a packet of light energy equals to h

The energy of an electron in its level is given by:
 1 
E n   RH  2 
n 

The energy absorb / released during transition can be

calculated by:

 1 
ΔE  R H  
 
 ni 2 nf 2
 

ΔE  hυ
A photon of energy is emitted in the form of radiation with
appropriate frequency and wavelength.

Where: υ Where:
  = frequency, s-1
λ = wavelength, m
ΔE  hυ c = speed of light (3.00x108 ms-1)
h = Plank’s constant (6.63 x 10-34 Js)
Thus: hc
ΔE 

Calculation 1
Energy of electron at particular orbit
 1 
E n   RH  2  RH (Rydberg constant)= 2.1810-18J.
n  n (orbit/ energy level) = 1, 2, 3,…, (integer)

Example 1
Calculate the energy of electron that occupies n=2
 1 
En   RH  2 
n 
18 1 
E2   2.18 x 10 J 
 
 x 10-19 J
Example 2
The energy of an electron at its orbit (n) is -1.36x10-19J.
Determine the value of n.

 1 
En   RH  2 
n 
18  1 
- 1.36x10 - 19J   2.18 x 10 J 2 
 
n 

1. Calculate the energy of electron that
occupies n=6. <-6.056x10-20 J>

2. The energy of an electron at its orbit (n) is

-2.42x10-19J. Determine the value of n.
Calculation 2
Energy released/absorbed by electron during transition
 1  RH = Rydberg constant (2.18 x 10-18 J)
ΔE  R H   n= principal quantum number (1, 2, 3, …, )
 
 ni 2 n f 2 ni = position(n) of electron initially
 
nf = position(n) of electron finally

Example 1
Calculate the energy released when an electron falls from n=3
to n=2.
 1 1 
Answer: ΔE  R H  2  2 
 ni nf 
18  1 1 
 2.18 x10 J  2  2 
 
 x 10-19 J
Example 2
Calculate the energy required to promote an electron from the first
energy level to the third energy level of a hydrogen atom.

 1 1 
ΔE  R H  2  2 
 ni nf 
1. Calculate the energy absorbed when an
electron excited from n=1 to n=4.
< 2.044x10-18J>
Calculation 3
Energy released/absorbed by electron during transition
h (Planck’s constant) =6.63  10-34 Js
ΔE  hυ = frequency;
c (speed of light) = 3.00108 ms-1

Example 1
Calculate the energy absorbed by an electron that produces a wavelength
of 9.38 x 10-8 m.
ΔE  hυ  h

(6.63 x 10-34 J s) (3.00 x 108 m s -1 )

9.38 x 10-8 m)
 J
Example 2
An electron released 4.58x10-19 J of energy when falls from n=5 to n=2.
Calculate the frequency and wavelength produced.

ΔE  hυ
4.58 x 10-19 J  (6.63 x 10-34 Js)
  6.91 x 1014 s 1

c 3.00 x108 m s 1
   m
 6.91 x 1014 s 1
1. Calculate the energy released by an
electron that produces a wavelength of 9.49
x 10-8 m. <2.096x10-18J>

2. An electron absorbed 2.09x10-18 J of energy

when excited from n=1 to n=5. Calculate the
frequency and wavelength produced.
<3.152X10-15 s-1 , 9.52 x 10-8m>
Calculation 4

(a) The energy (in J) of an electron has when it occupies a
level equivalent to the quantum number of n = 3 and n = 4.

(b) The energy (in kJ/mol) of photon emitted when one mole of
electron drops from the 4th energy level to the 3rd energy

(c) The frequency (in s-1) and wavelength (in nm) of this
(a) Energy of an electron at n = 3 :

Energy of an electron at n = 4 :
b) For one electron:

For 1 mol of electrons:

1 mol electrons = 6.02 x 1023 electron
c) ∆E = – 1.06 x 10–19 J
Calculate the energy of an electron in the hydrogen atom
when n = 2, and when n = 6.

Calculate the energy released when an electron moves

from n = 6 to n = 2.

Is this line in the visible region of electromagnetic

(Note: visible light: 400 ~ 700 nm)
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

describe the formation of line spectrum of hydrogen atom.

perform calculations involving the Rydberg equation for

Lyman, Balmer, Paschen, Brackett and Pfund series:
1 1 1
 RH( 2 - 2)
 n1 n2
where R H  1.097 x 107 m -1 and n1  n2
calculate the ionisation energy of hydrogen atom from
Lyman series.
State the weakness of Bohr’s atomic model.

State the dual nature of electron using de Broglie’s

postulate and Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
(calculation is not required)
Formation of line spectrum of hydrogen atom
1 Spectrum is a series of lines or a set of colours.

2 They are two types of spectrum: line spectrum, and

continuous spectrum.
Line spectrum Continuous spectrum

A spectrum that contains a series of A spectrum that contains continuous

discrete lines. Each line corresponds band of light radiation of all
to a specific wavelength. wavelengths.
Each line separated by blank area Continuous. No blank area in between.

Source: emission spectrum of atom Source: white light, sunlight

(from gas discharge tube of
hydrogen, etc.)
When the electron of a hydrogen
atom at its ground state absorbs
sufficient amount of energy, it will
move to a higher energy level

At higher energy level, electron is

unstable. It will fall back to a lower
energy level.

During the transition (falls form

higher to lower energy level),
energy will be released in a form of
light(photon) at certain wavelength
and frequency.

Since energy is quantised (fix in

value), line spectrum is produced.
3 The electromagnetic spectrum:
4 There is several emission series of lines obtained during
the transition of electrons in hydrogen spectrum
5 The series in the hydrogen line spectrum are found in the
visible region, infrared region and ultraviolet region.

6 These spectral lines are the result of the transition of

excited electron to the lower energy level.
series Spectrum region
Lyman Ultraviolet

Balmer Visible
Paschen Infrared
Brackett Infrared
Pfund Infrared
Balmer series is the only one visible to the human eye. It
contains four coloured line against a black background.

Line Colour in Wavelength

number Balmer series (nm)

1st line red 656

2nd line Blue-green 486
3rd line indigo 434
4th line violet 410
The possible energy levels in the hydrogen atom and the transitions
7 of electrons that produce the lines in the hydrogen spectrum:
7 Lines produced caused by the transition of electrons from
higher energy level to lower energy level.
n= Series Lyman
Line Transition of e-
e- n=6
e- n=5 1st n=2 to n=1
e- n=4 2nd n=3 to n=1

e- n=3
3rd n=4 to n=1

4th n=5 to n=1

e- n=2
5th n=6 to n=1

Continuum ΔE  h
limit c

n= Series Balmer
e- n=6 Line Transition of e-
e- n=5 1st n=3 to n=2
e- n=4 2nd n=4 to n=2
e- n=3 3rd n=5 to n=2

4th n=6 to n=2


n=1 Continuum
ΔE  h

Series Paschen
e- n=7
e- n=6 Line Transition of e-
e- n=5 1st n=4 to n=3
e- n=4 2nd n=5 to n=3

n=3 3rd n=6 to n=3

4th n=7 to n=3


ΔE  h

Series Brackett
e- n=7
e- n=6 Line Transition of e-
e- n=5 1st n=5 to n=4
n=4 2nd n=6 to n=4

n=3 3rd n=7 to n=4


ΔE  h

e- n=7
e- n=6 Series Pfund
n=5 Line Transition of e-
n=4 1st n=6 to n=5

n=3 2nd n=7 to n=5


n=1 limit
ΔE  h

Each line in the hydrogen spectrum has a specific
8 wavelength.

9 The wavelength can be calculated by using the

Rydberg equation:

1  1 1 
 RH  2  2 
  n1 n2 

Where  = wavelength
RH = Rydberg constant = 1.097 x 107 m-1
n1 and n2 = 1, 2, 3, …,  (principal quantum numbers)
Since  should have a positive value thus n1 < n2
Conclusion of Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom

Lyman n=1
Balmer Visible n=2
Paschen Infrared n=3
Brackett Infrared n=4
Pfund Infrared n=5
Calculate the wavelength of the indigo line in the
Balmer series.

Indigo line  3rd line in Balmer series  n=5 to n=2
1  1 1 
 RH  2  2  ; n1  n2
 n 
 1 n2 
x 109
 1 1 m nm
 1.097 x 10 m  2  2 
7 -1

2 5 
 2.304 x 106 m -1
1. Calculate the wavelength of the continuum limit in the
Paschen series. < 8.204x 10-7 m >

2. For the Lyman series, calculate the wavelength when

electron falls from n=4 to n=1. < 9.72x10-8 m >
Changing the Energy

Ultraviolet Visible Infrared

• The further they fall, more energy is

released and the higher the frequency.
• The orbitals also have different energies
inside energy levels.
ΔE  ΔE  hv

The following diagram depicts the line spectrum of
hydrogen atom. Line A is the first line of the Lyman

spectrum 

Specify the increasing order of the radiant energy,

frequency and wavelength of the emitted photon.
Which of the line that corresponds to
i) the shortest wavelength? Line E
ii) the lowest frequency? Line A 50
spectrum Paschen series

Which of the line in the Paschen series corresponds to the

longest wavelength of photon?
Describe the transition that gives rise to the line.

Line A.
The electron moves from n=4 to n=3.
Balmer series

Describe the transitions of electrons that lead to the

lines W, and Y, respectively.


For W: transition of electron is from n=4 to n=2

For Y: electron shifts from n=7 to n=2
Compare the difference:
1 1
E = RH RH = 2.18 x 10–18 J
n2i n2f

1 1 1
= RH RH = 1.097 x 107 m-1
 n12 n22

n1 can be ni or nf as long as n1 < n2

 to get positive value for 
Both equations can be used to calculate
wavelength () and frequency () of any line
of H atom emission series
Remember! RH values and units are different
in both equations !

Use the Rydberg equation to calculate the

wavelength (in nm) of the forth line in the
Balmer series of Hydrogen spectrum .

410.2 nm

Balmer series, electron: higher level to n = 2

1st line: n: 3 to 2 ; So, 4th line: n: 6(n2) to 2(n1)

By using Rydberg equation:

1 ( 1 1 )
= RH n1 < n2
 n12 n22

= 1.097 x 107 m-1 1 1

22 62
= 2.438 x 106 m-1

Therefore,  = m = nm

An electron in the n = 5 level of an H atom

emits a photon of wavelength 1281 nm.
To what energy level does the electron

SIL, 3 ed, p.284*

RAY, 7 ed, p.252
BRA: 3 ed., p.278
PET: 8 ed., p.313 ANS:n = 3

Electron transition: ni = 5 nf = ?

By using Rydberg equation:

1 1 1
= RH n1 < n2
 n12 n22

1 1 1
= 1.097 x 107 m-1
1281 x 10–9 m n12 52

n12 = 8.996

n1 = 3

Calculate what is;

i ) Wavelength For Lyman series; n1 = 1
& n2 = ∞
ii ) Frequency
iii ) Wave number
of the last line of
hydrogen spectrum
in Lyman series
Wave number = 1/wavelength
The minimum energy required to remove
one mole of electrons from one mole of
the gaseous atoms or ions.

M (g) → M+ (g) + e- ΔH1= +ve kJ


Calculate the ionization energy of H atom

in kJmol-1.

Electron transition: ni = 1 (ground state)

nf = ∞ (complete removal)

1 1
 E = RH
n2 n2
i f

= 2.18 x 10-18 J x 1 1
12 ∞2
= 2.18 x 10-18 J
(for removal of one electron form one H atom)
Ans: –– 14
EXAMPLE14 – 14
6.02 x 1023 electrons 6.02 x 1023 H atoms

For removal of 1 mol electrons from 1 mol H atom:

2.18 x 10-18 J 6.02 x 1023 electrons H

E = x
1 electron 1 mol

= 1.3124 x 106 J/mol

= 1312.4 kJ/mol
Bohr’s theory has a number of weaknesses. Bohr’s atomic

• Unable to explain the line spectrum of atoms or ions

containing more than one electron (such as helium).

• Electron is restricted to move in a certain distance around

the nucleus of an atom.

• Unable to explain the extra lines formed in the hydrogen


• Unable to explain the dual nature of electrons.

(A) de Broglie’s postulate
• in 1924, Louis de Broglie, a French physicist, suggested
that light and matter appear to have dual natures, that is,
both light and matter are wave-like as well as particle-

• de Broglie suggested an equation that allows the

calculation of the wavelength of an electron or a particle
with mass (m), moving at velocity ():

where, h = Planck’s constant (J s)

λ m = particle mass (kg)
m  = velocity (m/s)
 = wavelength of a matter wave
(B) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
• Bohr’s theory:

 the electron was thought of as orbiting the nucleus.

 This would mean that at any moment, we would
know both the precise position and precise
speed of the electron.
 This is not allowed in quantum mechanics.
• In 1927, Werner Heisenberg states in his principle that:

“It is impossible to know simultaneously both the

momentum, p (defined as mass times velocity) and the
position of a particle with certain”.

This principle is known as Heisenberg’s uncertainty


• Mathematically, his principle stated as:

h x= uncertainty in measuring the position
x p  p=uncertainty in measuring the momentum
4 = mv
h = Planck’s constant
PSPM 2013/2014
Bohr used the information from a line spectrum of a
hydrogen atom to explain the electronic structure of a one
electron system. A blue line in the spectrum of hydrogen
atom was observed as a result of a transition of electron
from the fourth to the second shells of an atom.
What is meant by a line spectrum? Calculate the
wavelength and energy for this blue line. State two of
Bohr’s postulates. [8 marks]

<4.864x10-7 m, 4.09x 10-19 J>

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