Reliability Analysis of A Composite Laminate Using Estimation Theory

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J. Cent. South Univ.

(2019) 26: 665−672


Reliability analysis of a composite laminate using estimation theory


Department of Marine Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

© Central South University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Abstract: Composite laminates are made up of composite single-plies sequence. The plies generally have the same
fiber and resin and their difference in fiber orientation results in a difference in various laminates' strength. Tsai-Hill
failure criterion as a limiting state function to analyze structural reliability of a composite laminate and estimation
theory in order to estimate statistical parameters of effective stress were utilized to construct probability box. Finally,
we used the Monte Carlo simulation and FERUM software to calculate the upper and lower bounds of probability of

Key words: composite laminate; structural reliability; probability box; estimation theory; stress analysis

Cite this article as: Esmail SADEGHIAN, Sina TOOSI. Reliability analysis of a composite laminate using estimation
theory [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(3): 665–672. DOI:

ply level failure criterion considering loading as

1 Introduction random variable. By development of studies on
composites, WETHERHOLD et al [5] comprised
Composite laminate is widely used in different methods of reliability calculation for a
structural elements in construction of the vessel and specific case using Tsai-Han and Tsai-Wu failure
other mechanical systems. Composite vessels are criteria while considering loading and strength as
usually exposed to various loadings in different random variables. SOARES [6] established a
environment. Therefore, in order to prevent from general framework for calculating reliability of
unknown failures, it is necessary to investigate and laminate surface. He provided an overall viewpoint
analyze the reliability of structures before their about methods used for laminate using failure
implementation. criteria of Tsai-Han and Tsai-Wu while taking into
In recent decades, many studies have been account loading and strength as random variables,
conducted on investigating the probable failure as well as applying reliability equations system in
methods and its reliability in composite structures. limit state. The validity of Soares’s study results
First, YANG et al [1, 2] used this method to were also confirmed by DI SCIUVA et al [7]. In
estimate the strength of composite laminate. They their study, a laminate was evaluated under
utilized Tsai-Hann failure criterion as well as distributed pressure in the middle section. The
random variables, including loading and strength of failure criterion of the study was buckling failure
composite, to study ply level. Due to the and loading; strength, rigidity and geometry were
complexity of failure concept, they used step by used as random variables. Their results had an
step estimating procedure of uniaxial stress acceptable level of accuracy.
reliability. Shortly after that, CEDERBAUM et al The reliability based optimal design of
[3] employed B-method developed by HASOFER geometrically non-linear composite structures using
et al [4] to laminate plates. They investigated Hasin hierarchical genetic algorithms proposed by
Received date: 2017-05-27; Accepted date: 2018-11-10
Corresponding author: Sina TOOSI; Tel: +98-9120175930; E-mail:; ORCID: 0000-0002-3544-1450
666 J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 665–672

ANTONIO [8]. NGAH et al [9] provided an probability function of effective stress. Moreover,
application of different methods of reliability Monte Carlo simulation and FERUM software were
estimation in a composite panel exposed to random applied to calculate the reliability index.
loading and finally extracted covariance and
probability density function. CARBILLET et al 2 Reliability of composite structures
[10] chose second-moment-FORM (first-order
reliability method) method to determine safety A need for applying uncertainty-based
factors in the design of composite laminate with approaches in engineering topics has been known
strongly non-linear behavior. NOH [11] utilized for a long time. Applying random parameters is
stochastic finite element method to analyze the very important in the structural design issues,
laminated composite plate. He assumed five especially in composite structures. In formulation of
parameters of material that are random and used the structural reliability approach of composite
means of correlation functions to model the laminates, strength parameters are modeled
correlations these random parameters. WANG et al corresponding to each of the plies and at lower
[12] carried out a series of compression and shear levels of mechanical properties of fibers, resins,
tests on a laminated composite and then orientation of fibers, and geometry of each ply as
random variables with a degree of dependence.
investigated the reliability by Monte Carlo and
From strength perspective, the failure of a
improved first-order second-moment methods.
composite laminate is divided into two categories
LOPEZ et al [13] employed a full characterization
[16]. One is last ply failure resulted by crack in the
method to assess the reliability of laminated
resin field, and the other one is the first ply failure
composite plates and showed that this method has
resulted by separation of the layers, crack in the
some advantages in comparison with the First-order
resin and fiber failure.
reliability method (FORM), which has been widely In the present study, the first ply failure
use. PATEL et al [14] analyzed a composite plate approach has been used to analyze structural
under low-velocity impact and Gaussian response reliability of a composite laminate.
surface method used as a probability of failure
function. Uncertainty parameters are properties of 3 Limit state function and random
composite material, loading condition, and variables
assessment of critical stress. Using sensitivity
analysis, they concluded that shear strength and The final strength of a composite laminate
elastic modulus exert the most influence on the depends on the strength of each of the single layers
composite plate reliability. HAERI et al [15] and their arrangement. Over the last 30 years,
applied an advanced Kriging model to approximate several failure criteria have been introduced and
the mechanical model of the structure. They developed to describe the failure mechanism of
employed Tsai-Wu criterion as a limit state function composite laminates. Tsai-Hill failure criterion for
in reliability analysis. composite elements under stress in the main
Several methods to calculate reliability in direction is as follows [17].
composite structures have been provided according 2 2 2
  1    1 2    2  12 
to previous conducted studies; however,    2      1
   (1)
nonexistence of certain framework for utilization of  X 1   X 2   Y   S 
these methods, their failure criteria, statistical In Eq. (1), each of variables, X1, X2 and Y is
analysis of mechanical parameters, and even their determined based on first ply failure stress tensor:
results is obvious. Hence, reliability analysis on
  u 2T if  2  0
composite requires further investigations due to the Y  (2)
inherent variability in the behavior of materials.  2C if  2  0
In the present study, we analyzed first ply   u if  2  0
failure probability of composite laminate by X1   1T (3)
utilizing the estimation theory to describe imprecise  1C if  2  0
J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 665–672 667

  u if  2  0
X 2   1T (4)
 1C if  2  0

Therefore, the limit state function is

formulated based on the introduced failure criterion.
2 2 2
           
G ( X 1 ,  2 , )  1   1    1 22    2    12 
 X 1   X 2   Y   S 
Finally, the failure occurrence condition is
defined as G ( X1 ,  2 , )  0 regarding the concept
of limit state function. The failure condition is
unsafe regions for occurrence, which have been
Figure 2 Flowchart of stress analysis in composite
defined based on the general distinction between laminate
resistance and strength of structure. The geometric
explanation of limit state function has been A four-UD-ply with configuration of [0/90]s
provided in Figure 1. under tensile loading is considered. The laminate
failure has been analyzed with the assumption of
plane stresses. By considering this assumption, the
stiffness matrix alters from six-in-six form to
orthotropic plane matrix which is three-in-three
Table 1 shows the geometric and mechanical
properties of composite laminate under study.

Table 1 Properties of composite sheet and imposed loads

Characteristic Value
Material type Graphite/epoxy
Thickness of each ply/mm 1
Layer sequence [0/90]s
EL/GPa 139.4
Figure 1 Separation of safe and unsafe (failure) regions
by limit state function [18] ET/GPa 7.65
VLT 0.29
4 Stress analysis of a composite laminate GLT/GPa 4.35

A simple example of composite laminate under The composite plate with above properties was
axial tensile loading has been analyzed in order to modeled in MARC finite element software (see
investigate the structural reliability of composite Figure 3). Failure analysis results on the main
elements. The strength statistical characteristics of direction are shown in Figure 4.
failed ply failure have been determined based on As it can be seen from above diagram and
selecting the first ply failure as the failure criterion according to Tsai-Hill failure theory, the ply with
to reliability analysis and Tsai-Hill limit state 90-degree fiber orientation would fail sooner than
function using effective stress method. Before the other plies.
determining effective stress statistical
characteristics, progressive failure analysis of 5 Effective stress and modifying limit
composite laminate is needed in order to determine state function
the first failed ply. Its procedure has been shown in
the following flowchart. After analyzing failure stress of considered
668 J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 665–672

 e  3 J 2A (7)

σ1 and σ2 stresses in the Tsai-Hill limit state

function are replaced by calculated effective stress.
However, it should be noted that the definition of
random behavior for the variables is needed to
analyze the probability of failure in considered ply.
This is because the component effective stress is
uncertain due to the existence of various
uncertainties inherent in the problem and, therefore,
Figure 3 Finite element model of laminate under tensile
statistical parameters such as mean and standard
deviation should be used to show it. For this
purpose, a method named Stochastic FEM has been
used in recent decades, which was ignored in the
present studies due to its complexities. In this work,
we used estimation theory to determine the bound
of mean and standard deviation of effective stress.
Adjusting proper probability distribution function
for effective stress of 90° ply, the overall form of
the limit state function was modified as follows:
2 2 2
       
G ( X 1 , X 2 , )  1   e    e    e  (8)
Figure 4 Failure index in two composite layers with  X1   X 2   Y 
fiber orientation of 90° and 0°
6 Estimation theory
laminate and determining failure stress tensor of
90° ply, it was observed that the component of Since stochastic finite element method
  (SFEM) was not conducted in the present study, the
shear stress is equal to zero, so the term of  12 
 S  estimation theory was used to assign a proper
in the limit sate function can be eliminated. Another probability distribution function to the effective
assumption of the present study was utilizing stress random variable. The aim of estimation
effective stress criterion in order to reduce the theory is to estimate the parameters of statistical
number of random variables. To determine the population by having a limited number of samples.
equivalent stress at the first failed ply, the potential The estimation is carried out using components
function theory J 2A is used [19]. named estimator. Estimators are divided into two
2 categories of point and distance. The point
 3N     N1212  R12 2 
1 2
J 2A  ij ij  Rij estimator has a large number of errors which
i 1
depends on the volume of the sample. Generally, if
 N11 11  R11  N 22 22  R22   (6) sample size of random sample is less than 30 and
the distribution of the population is normal and the
where Nij is the non-dimensional parameter used in population variance is considered equal to the
the laminate; Rij is the mean residual stress of sample variance, then confidence level of
material used in the sample resin. The (1–α)100%, the population mean would be in below
micro-mechanical relations were used to calculate range:
these parameters. The symbol σij represents arrays
of plane stress tensors that have been created due to X Z  X Z  (9)
n 1
n 1
the external loads in the sample. Therefore,
according to this theory, the effective stress J 2A is According to Eq. (9), if α=5%, then μ can be
defined as follows. considered the population of effective stresses of
J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 665–672 669
90° ply with confidence level of 95% at below statistical population, the effective stresses which
range: lead to failure are defined at confidence level of
S S 95% and based on Tsai -Hill criterion as follows:
X Z 0.975    X  Z 0.975 (10)
n n 9.32 MPa<σ<28.69 MPa
In a same way, the estimation of σ variance of 2 22.97 MPa<μ<49.31 MPa
a population with confidence level of (1–α)100% Determined bound based on classic estimate
for σ2 from a normal population, when a random theory shows variation of statistical parameters;
sample would be selected with the size of n<30, is therefore, imprecise probability distribution
as follows. function for effective stress occurrence in this
(n  1) S 2 (n  1) S 2 bound can be defined based on Figure 5 which is
2  (11)
2   2 p-box.
2 2

where S is the variance of selected sample;  2

and  2  are chi-squared distribution with v=n–1


degree of freedom. In this section, statistical

population sample is required to estimate the
confidence level of mean and standard deviation.
For this purpose, the force-based diagram of
coefficient changes of Tsai-Hill failure was used. In
this way, the corresponding stress tensor of each
force and consequently the considered effective
stress tensor were calculated. Data gathering was
Figure 5 Effective stress p-box
continued to reach effective stress of the failure
which has been estimated based on Tsai-Hill. In
According to the occurred stress tensor in 90°
Table 2, the gathered samples based on diagram of
ply and Eqs. (2), (3) and (4), the values of statistical
Figure 4 have been represented.
parameters of each one of the random variables
have been provided in Table 3.
Table 2 Statistical sample of effective stresses imposed
to 90° ply based on Tsai-Hill criterion
Table 3 Values of statistical parameters and distribution
Number of Force/ Stress tensor of Equivalent
samples (MNꞏm–1) 90° ply effective stress type of them
1 0.207 {17.80 –3.45 0} 16.9 Standard
Random quantity Mean Distribution
2 0.255 {22.02 –4.25 0} 20.92 Effective (22.97, (9.32,
3 0.313 {27.03 –5.27 0} 25.09 stress, σe 49.31) 28.69)
Final longitudinal
4 0.382 {32.92 –6.31 0} 31.36 1060 2.1 Normal
strength, X1/MPa
5 0.465 {40.16 –7.76 0} 38.17 Final longitudinal
610 5.7 Normal
strength, X2/MPa
6 0.564 {48.14 –9.41 0} 46.3 Final transverse
120 6.3 Normal
7 0.645 {55.71 –10.77 0} 52.95 strength, Y/MPa

8 0.7 {60.48 –11.69 0} 57.47

So far, the range of changes in mean and
Selected sample mean 36.14
standard deviation of failure effective stress of
Selected sample standard deviation 14.1
glass/epoxy composite plate with [0/90]s layering
under uniaxial loading, as well as the values of
According to the sample size (n=8) and other random variables of Tsai-Hill limit sate
provided definitions about the concept of distance function, has been calculated. Therefore, the effect
estimation, mean and standard deviation of the of selecting mean and standard deviation of
670 J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 665–672
effective stress on failure probability in glass/epoxy In order to investigate the accuracy of
composite laminate has been investigated using calculations, Monte Carlo simulation has been
FERUM software code. Results were compared to derived to calculate the failure probability of
that of Monte Carlo simulation. composite laminate under axial loading. For this
purpose, first, values of stochastic variables based
7 Results and discussion on assigned distribution type are generated; second,
values of limit state function are calculated.
Since stochastic finite element method Figure 7 represents the upper and lower bounds of
(SFEM) was not conducted in analyzing the limit state CDF.
effective stress of first failure ply and, consequently,
random field of effective stress was not available to
approximate its statistical parameters, it tried to
investigate the differences of failure probability
values and confidence coefficient through selecting
estimated mean values and standard deviation in the
distance with confidence level of 95%. The
parameters Pf and β have been calculated using
FERUM software code and its failure probability
analysis methods such as subset simulation and
FORM. Results are represented in Table 4.

Table 4 Failure probability and reliability index based

on changes in mean and standard deviation of effective Figure 7 Upper and lower bound of limit state CDF
Statistical Failure probability of As shown, lower bound of Tsai-Hill limit state
parameter of glass/epoxy laminate with function using one million iteration doesn't reach to
effective stress [0/90]s configuration
failure condition (G ()  0) . It means that failure
(22.97, 28.69) 5.7×10–4 3.25
probability is very low. For upper bound failure of
(36.13, 28.69) 1.8×10–3 2.90
Monte Carlo simulation, failure probability and
(49.3, 28.69) 7.5×10–3 2.40 reliability index are 7.14×10–3 and 2.45, respectively,
which are in good agreement with the results in
The results can also be represented as Figure 6. Table 4. In order to demonstrate the generated
According to Figure 6 and as it was expected, values of state function for upper and lower bound
the failure probability is increased with effective according to upper and lower of effective stress
stress’s mean values increasing in constant standard occurrence, Figure 8 is presented.
deviation and as a result, the reliability index has a Figure 8 shows that some of limit state
downward trend. function values for upper bound are less than zero.
In this situation failure occurs according to Tsai-Hill
failure criterion.
There is notable gap between limit state
function values for lower bound and failure
condition, meaning that failure probability is very
low, shown in Figure 9.

8 Conclusions

Estimation theory is one of the useful and

appropriate means in determining bounds of
Figure 6 Changes in reliability index based on changes statistical parameters variation of a random variable.
of mean effective stress In this paper, inherent uncertainties in determining
J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 665–672 671

Figure 8 Variation of limit state function values in proportion to effective stress of upper bound

Figure 9 Variation of limit state function values in proportion to effective stress of lower bound

exact values of mean and standard deviation of conclusions of this paper is achieving reasonable
effective stress are simulated using estimation results with the minimum number of data from a
theory and calculation of the minimum number of random variable, requiring the least time and cost.
data as a sample. Simulation is carried out using It should be noted that in the case of existence of
Monte Carlo and FERUM software, resulting in several numbers as random variables with
determination of variation bound of failure imprecise probability distribution function, full
probability and reliability index. One of the notable interval analysis is required, an expensive and
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直接导致各种层合物强度的不同。本文利用 Tsai-Hill 失效准则作为分析复合材料层合结构可靠性的极
限状态函数和估算理论来估计有效应力的统计参数,构建概率盒。最后,使用蒙特卡罗模拟和 FERUM


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