Service Learning Assignment

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College of Southern Nevada Education Department. Service Learning Component (10 Hours) EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 Imagine the difference in the Las Vegas community, when you become a part of it! Teachers make our community better... outside the classroom too! ‘Wether seeking employment with a local education agency, applying for an education scholarship, or writing proposal for {rant funcing itis important thst an applicant show a genuine Ccommiamenito their commurity ‘The Service Learning componsnt of yaur CSN introductory ‘lass gves you tie opportunity to bulk upon your existing communty sarvce commitment. or set the foundation for ‘mary future years of commundy irwavement and sarvice to ‘others. As @ matter of fact, statistics show that most ‘teachers began thinking about education as a career after volunteering in sore capacity wit lcal schools, religious groups, or community organizations, ‘Your 110 hour Service Learning is a separate graded ‘component from your 10 hour CSN Field Observation requirements for EDU 201, 202, or 203. How it works... nthe nex page, you wil read about ‘=poroved ways to satisfy te Service Leaming component of your irereductory elass. These suggestions can be ued alone, fr in combinaton, to arrive atthe minimum 10 hour Service ‘Learning requirement. The successful completion of the ‘entire 10 haur Service Learning component iso graded ‘assignment equa to 10% ofthe total points within your Ir ‘course, therefore equalin value to one ene letter grade. Use the Service Learning Pre-approval frm (page 9) va plan for, and get approval for your project. Use tne Service ‘Learning Log (p2ge 4 to document your hours of serves, ‘along wth ary supporting material required by your instructor. Your instructor wil provide you with more information about how they wll went these documents subrnttad, and ther specific cue dates during the semester. 2 Service Learning Component (10 Hours) EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 Approved Service Choices + Community Service ‘Component in which the stusent works in a volunteer capacity at any organization that will allow volunteers, and that serves the betterment of school age children in the community. This agency is one in which the student solicits and can obtain a verted leter of participation or certificate from the organization's leadership that documents their participation and hours of credit once completed. + Private School inon ccs0) The student must arrange contact and obtain written permission from the school's administration prior to Visitation, and must have an atficer of the school provide signed verification Upon schoo! letterhead of the type of service performed, and duration of the community service to the school + Organized Field Trip Your CSN instructor may be able to organize an education based field {rip in which all members ofthe ‘lass meet at another location, instead of attending class at the regular scheduled time to earn service credit. Students must fil out (CSN's Field Trip Waiver and provide It to the instructor before traveling to.a sponsored off-campus event. Credit hours and verifeation for this experience will be determined by your instructor ‘CSN Serves" Volunteer you have no idea where to start, ‘consider visting the CSN Serves website and looking through ‘material there hitp:/ conserves) We already have a number of agencies that you can volunteer at, and earn transcript credit along with meeting the requirements for this Intaductory 201, 202, or 208 course. + Other Service The student can design and present a unique service oriented ‘educational experience to their instructor. The proposal must be in ‘writing and agreed upon by the CSN student and CSN instructor Prior to accumulation of hours. + YOU MAY NOT list the school you chose for your Field Observation request, or any other CCSD school as the agency for this Service Leaming Proposal. Why? First ofall the 10 hours for Field Observation is. independent of the 10 hours serving the community at another agency: ‘Secondly, you have no idea what ‘school you will eventually be placed at this time. Lastly, your eventual cooperating teacher may not give you permission to stay an extra 10 hours ‘beyond the requirements of the Field Observation. The 10 hours of Community Service is not related to the 10 hours of CCSD Field Observation, so DO NOT start cold calling any CCSD school to ask permission to volunteer there. Service Learning Pre-approval (10 Hours) Complete this form and submit to your CSN instructor before proceeding with your contact hours ‘Your Full Name: Rebecca Taney_ _ CSN Professor: Connie Christensen Agency Name & Contact Person Spread the Word Nevada & va (Nachaez, Agency Adkeoss 1065 American Pacific Drive, Suite 160 Henderson, NV 88074 Agency Phone: 702-564-7809 Contact Person's email: debbie@spreadthewordnevada.or ted agoncy is aware of your sence learning requirement plan DIRECTIONS: Complete the folowing 3 sections so that your instructor and sel NEED/PURPOSE: - Why is this service needed? How will t help the community? This service is needed to help provide books to at risk children who would otherwise have little to no. access to reading materials. In order to get the books to the children, this service is required to help prepare the books before distrubution. This service will help the community by helping to ensure the avaibilty of books to all children throughout Nevada. ACTION: - What specifically wll you be doing over the 10 hours? | will be helping with book preparation. My task will be to help wipe and clean of books, remove stickers, and help make sure that all books are up to standard before being sorted for distrubution. If possible, hope to help with the sorting process too. OUTCOMES: - What positive impact will this service have on the community? What do I personally hope to gain from the experience? What evidence do I need to collect from the agency/contact person to verity my participation? This service will positively impact the community by ensuring that many children have access to reading materials and the chance to enjoy reading as a whole. | hope to meet others that love to spread the love of reading while helping to prepare books for others to love. In order to verify my participation in this program, I need to provide page 4 (service log) of the Service Learning Project packet and we must obtain a letter or memo from our superviser to email to you at We should then sumbit those along with a 1 page summary of our service to the Canvas dropbox. " SIGNATURES: [have reviewed this service proposal and approve fo proceed. The senice wil begin on 02-22-18 (approximate dato) ; = ‘Student: Hn 2 = 2 ava BE ‘Agency/Contact Person's Approval: 7 CSN Instructor Approval: Service Learning Log (10 Hours) EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 Participation Log: Complete (Combine) Service Learning components to equal 10 hours or more. Be sur + Community Service: ‘Companentin which thestudert work in @ volunteer capacty at any ogarizaton tat wil allow volutes, and tratearestre beterment of soso aoe clan ‘rte commun. Thi agency eon in ui ne ‘ent soles and can aban veri ter of ‘aveinaten or caiieate om he crgazation’s leadership that documents ther aviation and hows of cei once comalete « Private School Service: “The stucent must arange contst ara btn wet ‘permision ton the soot cinisraton prior to ‘eaten nc mut have an oie of he eenoo Dovide sired vevicaion upon schoa leterneae ot ‘ety of sence paremos ang aaton 6 omeanty soe aso. + Organized Field Tip: ‘You CSN instructor may be ale to ornare an educator based ei ip which al members of he clas meet a another locaton, instead of attending Gass atthe ela schools tie o ear snion ret, Stents mus Out CNS File Trp Wer and provde the instructor befor taveing to a sponcres of. campus vert. Crt hours as verfeaton for tn exporance wl Be eterines oy your nt. + Other Service “The student can dein and present a une sence inte educations experience to ther irsirctr “The proposal mst be n wring snd greed oan by ‘te CSN sucert nd CSN matter porto securuston of sours YOU MAY NOT isthe school you chose for your Field Obsenaton requestor anyother CCSD school as ‘he agency for ts Serie Learning Proposal. Why? Fst fal. the 10 hows fr Fed Oasanatin independent of ‘he 10hours soning the comunity at noter agency. ‘Secon, you nave noes what choo! you wl every ‘be placed at thistime Last, your event cooperating teacher may not ge you parmisiono stay an ox 10 ours neyo the equrerens he Fic Onsenaton ‘he 10 news of Community Services not retd othe 10 ours of CCS Felt Onarvaton, £0.00 NOT start cad ‘Spear ead ong ob the fp ey April 4, 2016 To Whom It May Concern, This is to inform you that Rebecca Taney has completed 6 ¥% hours of Community Service for Spread the Word Nevada. Rebecca has helped prepare books that will be distributed to low income, at risk children that live in the Clark County School District. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this Debbie Sandteshy Debbie Sandusky Volunteer Coordinator Spread the Word Nevada 702-715-5688 Taney, Rebecca Education 202 Section: 1001 Sunday April 3, 2016 Service Learning Assignment Summary I serviced at the Las Vegas branch of the non-profit organization Spread the Word Nevada. It is located in a warehouse on 1065 American Pacific Drive in Henderson. After signing in, 1 would grab a rubber tub filled with books and bring it over to one of the tables set up around the warehouse. My job was to look through each book checking it damage to the pages. Various types of damage included ripped pages, scribbled on pages, pages ruined from water damage, or missing pages. If damage exist in the book, it went into the recycle bin, while non-damaged books went on to the cleaning phase. In the cleaning phase, I would remove all stickers from the front, tape any slightly worn or damaged edges, black out any personal or offensive messages on the inside covers, and wipe down the front & back of the book. This was the end of my portion of book preparation. However, before the books ship, they are sorted by grade levels in order to provide the appropriate materials to the appropriate schools. The books. 20 on to help benefit hundreds of students all over Nevada. Every month, Spread the Word Nevada brings books to all their partner schools and distributes out a book to every child. Furthermore, whenever a new school becomes a partner, Spread the Word Nevada bestows a canvas book bag upon every student with five books inside — three new and two used. I highly enjoyed my service with Spread the Word Nevada. | leamed what type of books remain popular and what new books focus on. Every time I went, I looked forward to seeing what types of books 1 would pull out of the bin, It is fulfilling to know that you are helping spread books to children ‘who otherwise might not have access to them. To know that every book I clean is one that some child will be able to pick up and enjoy repeatedly. It is a privilege to be able to help bring new readers into the world, no matter how minor my contribution might be.

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