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Teacher Resource 1: Home from School

Healthy Living
Understanding Human Development
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Home from School

Cough. Cough. Jennifer was sick. It all started when she woke up yesterday with a sore throat. (Have
students cough as if they have a sore throat.)

She tried to get up for school, but she felt very weak. (Have students hold their head and turn it in

She called her grandma, and told her that she was very cold and just couldn’t get warm. (Students give
themselves a hug and shake in their seats.)

Grandma took Jennifer’s temperature. Sure enough, she had a fever! (Students place the back of their
palm on their head as if checking their temperature) It wasn’t very high so Grandma told Jennifer to get
back into bed and she brought her some tissues and a glass of water.

Soon Jennifer was sneezing and coughing. (Students sneeze into their sleeve.)

She felt terrible!

Jennifer’s mom was working so she stayed home with Grandma who took care of her. Grandma gave her a
waste basket and asked her to put her used tissues there. She gave her plenty of water to drink and even
made her some hot soup for lunch! Grandma washed her hands carefully each time she came near Jennifer
(Students pretend to wash their hands) and she set out a separate towel for her in the bathroom.

Jennifer slept most of that day. She still wasn’t feeling well the next day. But on the third day she felt much
better, so she went back to school!

Jennifer didn’t want to get another cold so she was very careful about washing her hands several times a
day (Students pretend to wash their hands) and she made sure that she ate nutritious foods and had plenty
of rest. She also went outside and played in the fresh air whenever she could (Students stand up and run on
the spot).

After about a week Jennifer was as good as new! (Students high five each other.)

Ophea I 2015 I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource

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